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Fathers and Sons in Virgil's Aeneid : Tum Genitor Natum

by: Owen Lee, M.

Price: 39,00 EURO

1 copy in stock
Category: Latin Texts / Roman Philology
Code: 28411
ISBN-13: 9780873954020 / 978-0-87395-402-0
ISBN-10: 0873954025 / 0-87395-402-5
Publisher: State University of New York Press
Publication Date: 1979
Publication Place: Albany
Binding: Paper
Pages: 200
Book Condition: Very good

From the Preface: Virgil is a writer the Latinist reads early, lives his life with, and often comes late to love. Through the years I have read him for myself far more than I have read him with or written on him for others. These are in fact the first pages I have ever published on the Aeneid, and the tone throughout them is personal. In the first sentence I speak in the first person. This is unusual and perhaps will be thought unacceptable in a book presented by a university press. But I have not written a work of scholarship. I have used footnotes mainly to support and in some cases to qualify statements which are likely to strike the wissenschaftlich Virgilian as strange if not altogether inappropriate. I have touched on subjects which may appear peripheral to my argument until the final chapters are reached. And I have, throughout, been subjective in my response to a poet we have been taught of late to read for his subjective responses. A recent introduction to the Aeneid makes a distinction between what a commentator may say and what an individual can find and respond to. I want to cross that line. So I have spoken as an individual.

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Fathers and Sons in Virgil's Aeneid : Tum Genitor Natum

by: Owen Lee, M.

  • ISBN-13: 9780873954020 / 978-0-87395-402-0
  • ISBN-03: 0873954025 / 0-87395-402-5
  • State University of New York Press, Albany, 1979

Price: 39,00 EURO

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