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Explaining an Eclipse : Aristotle's Posterior Analytics 2.1-10

by: Goldin, O.

Price: 58,00 EURO

1 copy in stock
Category: Philosophy
Code: 168
ISBN-13: 9780472105960 / 978-0-472-10596-0
ISBN-10: 0472105965 / 0-472-10596-5
Publisher: The University of Michigan Press
Publication Date: 1996
Publication Place: Ann Arbor
Binding: Cloth
Pages: 170
Book Condition: New

Explaining an eclipse : Aristotle's posterior analytics 2.1-10
Authors:Owen Goldin

Summary:The Posterior Analytics is Aristotle's main account of the nature and structure of scientific explanation. Much of its second book is concerned with scientific explanations of the essences of things. In Explaining an Eclipse, Owen Goldin presents a close analysis and commentary that form the first book-length study devoted to this text in recent times. He shows how Posterior Analytics 2.1-10 sheds light on Aristotle's philosophy of science, logic, and metaphysics

1. A Problem in Aristotle's Theory of Scientific Demonstration
2. Aristotle on the Objects of Explanation
3. Epistemic Substances and Assumptions of Existence
4. The Aporiai
5. Inquiry and Explanation: Posterior Analytics 2.8
6. On demonstrating kath' hauta symbebēkota propositions

ix, 170 pages ; 24 cm

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Explaining an Eclipse : Aristotle's Posterior Analytics 2.1-10

by: Goldin, O.

  • ISBN-13: 9780472105960 / 978-0-472-10596-0
  • ISBN-03: 0472105965 / 0-472-10596-5
  • The University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, 1996

Price: 58,00 EURO

1 copy in stock