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Studies in Greek Philosophy Volume II : Socrates, Plato, and Their Tradition

by: Vlastos, G.

Price: 29,00 EURO

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Category: Philosophy
Code: 218
ISBN-13: 9780691019383 / 978-0-691-01938-3
ISBN-10: 069101938X / 0-691-01938-X
Publisher: Princeton University Press
Publication Date: 1995
Publication Place: New Jersey
Binding: Paper
Pages: 349
Book Condition: New

Socrates, Plato and their tradition
Authors:Gregory Vlastos, Daniel W. Graham

Summary:Gregory Vlastos (1907-1991) was one of the twentieth century's most influential scholars of ancient philosophy. Over a span of more than fifty years, he published essays and book reviews that established his place as a leading authority on early Greek philosophy. This title includes essays on the thought of Socrates, Plato, and later thinkers.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vii INTRODUCTION xi NOTE ON TEXTUAL CONVENTIONS xv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xvii PART ONE: SOCRATES 1. The Paradox of Socrates 3 2. Platis's Socrates' Accusers 19 3. Brickhouse and Smith's Socrates on Trial 25 4. Socrates on Political Obedience and Disobedience 30 5. Socrates on Acrasia 43 6. Was Polus Refuted? 60 PART TWO: PLATO A. ETHICS, SOCIAL AND POLITICAL THEORY 7. The Theory of Social Justice in the Polis in Plato's Republic 69 8. The Rights of Persons in Plato's Conception of the Foundations of Justice 104 9. The Virtuous and the Happy: Irwin's Plato's Moral Theory 126 10. Was Plato a Feminist? 133 B. METAPHYSICS AND EPISTEMOLOGY 11. Anamnesis in the Meno 147 12a. The Third Man Argument in the Parmenides 166 12b. Addendum to the Third Man Argument in the Parmenides 191 12c. Addenda to the Third Man Argument: A Reply to Professor Sellars 194 12d. Postscript to the Third Man: A Reply to Mr. Geach 204 13. On a Proposed Redefinition of "Self-Predication" in Plato 215 C. SCIENCE 14. The Role of Observation in Plato's Conception of Astronomy 223 15. Disorderly Motion in Plato's Timaeus 247 16. Creation in the Timaeus: Is It a Fiction? 265 PART THREE: AFTER PLATO 17. A Note on the Unmoved Mover 283 18. Minimal Parts in Epicurean Atomism 285 19. Zeno of Sidon as a Critic of Euclid 315 BIBLIOGRAPHY: THE WORKS OF GREGORY VLASTOS 325 INDEX LOCORUM 331 GENERAL INDEX 343


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Studies in Greek Philosophy Volume II : Socrates, Plato, and Their Tradition

by: Vlastos, G.

  • ISBN-13: 9780691019383 / 978-0-691-01938-3
  • ISBN-03: 069101938X / 0-691-01938-X
  • Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 1995

Price: 29,00 EURO

1 copy in stock