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Classical Greek Theatre : New Views of an Old Subject. (Studies in Theatre History and Culture)

by: Ashby, C.

Price: 48,00 EURO

1 copy in stock
Category: Ancient Greek & Roman Theatres / Theater Architecture / Amphitheatres / Stadiums
Code: 1095
ISBN-13: 9780877456414 / 978-0-87745-641-4
ISBN-10: 0877456410 / 0-87745-641-0
Publisher: The University of Iowa Press
Publication Date: 1999
Publication Place: Iowa
Binding: Cloth
Pages: 266
Book Condition: New

 Classical Greek theatre : new views of an old subject
Author:Clifford Ashby

Many dogmas regarding Greek theatre were established by researchers who lacked experience in the mounting of theatrical productions. In his wide-ranging and provocative study, Clifford Ashby, a theatre historian trained in the practical processes of play production as well as the methods of historical research, takes advantage of his understanding of technical elements to approach his ancient subject from a new perspective. In doing so he challenges many long-held views. Archaeological and written sources relating to Greek classical theatre are diverse, scattered, and disconnected. Ashby

Acknowledgments; Preface; 1. The Limits of Evidence I: The Writings; 2. The Limits of Evidence II: Physical Remains; 3. The Shape of the Orchestra: A History and Critique; 4. Where Was the Altar?; 5. The Scene House: The Dithyramb, Found Space, and the "Royal" Door; 6. Stage Machinery; 7. The Orientation of Greek Theatres; 8. Dawn Performances: Three Days in a Row?; 9. Ramifications of the Three-Actor Rule; 10. Validation by Authority: Margarete Bieber's Comparisons of Hellenistic and Roman Theatres; 11. Validation by Repetition: The Menander Reliefs

Studies in theatre history and culture


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Classical Greek Theatre : New Views of an Old Subject. (Studies in Theatre History and Culture)

by: Ashby, C.

  • ISBN-13: 9780877456414 / 978-0-87745-641-4
  • ISBN-03: 0877456410 / 0-87745-641-0
  • The University of Iowa Press, Iowa, 1999

Price: 48,00 EURO

1 copy in stock