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The Cambridge History of Greek and Roman Political Thought

by: Rowe, Ch. Schofield, M.

Category: SOLD BOOKS
Code: 1196
ISBN-13: 9780521616690 / 978-0-521-61669-0
ISBN-10: 0521616697 / 0-521-61669-7
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Publication Date: 2007
Publication Place: Cambridge
Binding: Paper
Pages: 745
Book Condition: New
Comments: First Published 2000

This book, first published in 2000, is a general and comprehensive treatment of the political thought of ancient Greece and Rome. It begins with Homer and ends in late antiquity with Christian and pagan reflections on divine and human order. In between come studies of Plato, Aristotle and a host of other major and minor thinkers - poets, historians, philosophers - whose individuality is brought out by extensive quotation. The international team of distinguished scholars assembled by the editors includes historians of law, politics, culture and religion, and also philosophers. Some chapters focus mostly on the ancient context of the ideas they are examining, while others explore these ideas as systems of thought which resonate with modern or perennial concerns. This clearly written volume will long remain an accessible and authoritative guide to Greek and Roman thinking about government and community.

The first comprehensive treatment of ancient Greek and Roman political thought to be published in English
Approaches the material from both historical and philosophical vantage points
Team of truly international and distinguished scholars

Table of Contents
Introduction Christopher Rowe
Part I. Archaic and Classical Greece:
1. Greek political thought: the historical context Paul Cartledge
2. Poets, lawgivers, and the beginnings of political reflection in archaic Greece Kurt A. Raaflaub
3. Greek drama and political theory Simon Goldhill
4. Herodotus, Thucydides and the Sophists Richard Winton
5. Democritus C. C. W. Taylor
6. The orators Josiah Ober
7. Xenophon and Isocrates V. J. Gray
8. Socrates and Plato: an introduction Melissa Lane
9. Socrates T. M. Penner
10. Approaching the Republic Malcolm Schofield
11. The Politicus and other dialogues Christopher Rowe
12. The laws André Laks
13. Plato and practical politics Malcolm Schofield
14. Cleitophon and Minos Christopher Rowe
15. Aristotle: an introduction Malcolm Schofield
16. Naturalism Fred D. Miller Jr
17. Justice and the polis Jean Roberts
18. Aristotelian constitutions Christopher Rowe
19. The Peripatos after Aristotle Christopher Rowe
Part II. The Hellenistic and Roman Worlds:
20. Introduction: the Hellenistic and Roman periods Peter Garnsey
21. The Cynics John Moles
22. Epicurean and Stoic political thought Malcolm Schofield
23. Kings and constitutions: Hellenistic theories David E. Hahm
24. Cicero E. M. Atkins
25. Reflections of Roman political thought in Latin historical writing Thomas Wiedemann
26. Seneca and Pliny Miriam Griffin
27. Platonism and Pythagoreanism in the early Empire Bruno Centrone
28. Josephus Tessa Rajak
29. Stoic writers of the imperial era Christopher Gill
30. The jurists David Johnston
31. Christianity Frances Young
Epilogue Malcolm Schofield.

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The Cambridge History of Greek and Roman Political Thought

by: Rowe, Ch. Schofield, M.

  • ISBN-13: 9780521616690 / 978-0-521-61669-0
  • ISBN-03: 0521616697 / 0-521-61669-7
  • Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2007