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Dumbarton Oaks Papers No. 58, 2004

by: Talbot, A.-M.

Price: 150,00 EURO

1 copy in stock
Category: Dumbarton Oaks: Papers / Studies / Medieval Library / Symposia and Colloquia
Code: 1475
ISBN-13: 9780884023074 / 978-0-88402-307-4
ISBN-10: 0884023079 / 0-88402-307-9
Publisher: Dumbarton Oaks
Publication Date: 2004
Publication Place: Washington, D.C.
Binding: Cloth
Pages: 568
Book Condition: New

Dumbarton Oaks Papers 58 (2004)

All of the articles published in Dumbarton Oaks Papers 58 (2004)

Stephanos Efthymiades, “A Day and Ten Months in the Life of a Lonely Bachelor: The Other Byzantium in Miracula S. Artemii 18 and 22,” 1–26.


Timothy Greenwood, “A Corpus of Early Medieval Armenian Inscriptions,” 27–91.


Noel Lenski, “Valens and the Monks: Cudgeling and Conscription as a Means of Social Control,” 93–117.


Ioanna Rapti, “Gloses prophétiques sur l?évangile: À propos de quelques manuscrits arméniens enluminés en Cicilie dans les années 1260,” 119–54.


Anthony Cutler, “Realities, Realia, and Realism: An Introduction to the Symposium,” 155–60.


Chris Wickham, “The Mediterranean around 800: On the Brink of the Second Trade Cycle,” 161–74.


Leslie Brubaker, “The Elephant and the Ark: Cultural and Material Interchange across the Mediterranean in the Eighth and Ninth Centuries,” 175–95.


David Jacoby, “Silk Economics and Cross-Cultural Artistic Interaction: Byzantium, the Muslim World, and the Christian West,” 197–240.


Véronique François, “Réalités des échanges en Méditerranée orientale du XIIe au XVIIIe siècles: L?apport de aa céramique,” 241–49.


Peter Schreiner, “Diplomatische Geschenke zwischen Byzanz und dem Westen ca. 800-1200: Eine Analyse der Texte mit Quellenanhang,” 251–82.


Holger A. Klein, “Eastern Objects and Western Desires: Relics and Reliquaries between Byzantium and the West,” 283–314.


Jaroslav Folda, “The Figural Arts in Crusader Syria and Palestine, 1187-1291: Some New Realities,” 315–31.


Jannic Durand, “Innovations gothiques dans l?orfèvrerie byzantine sous les Paléologues,” 333–54.


C. S. Lightfoot et al., “The Amorium Project: Excavation and Research in 2001,” 355–70.


Peter Grossmann et al., “The Excavation in the Monastery of Apa Shenute (Dayr Anba Shinuda) at Suhag, with an Appendix on Documentary Photography at the Monasteries of Anba Shinuda and Anba Bishoi, Suhag,” 371–82.


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Dumbarton Oaks Papers No. 58, 2004

by: Talbot, A.-M.

  • ISBN-13: 9780884023074 / 978-0-88402-307-4
  • ISBN-03: 0884023079 / 0-88402-307-9
  • Dumbarton Oaks, Washington, D.C., 2004

Price: 150,00 EURO

1 copy in stock