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Φύσις and Νόμος : Power, Justice and the Agonistical Ideal in High Classicism: Proceedings of the Symposium Philosophiae Antiquae Quartum, Atheniense, July 4th - July 12th, 2004: Part 1: Papers

by: Pierris, A.L.

Price: 59,00 EURO

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Category: Philosophy
Code: 4944
ISBN-13: 9789608818347 / 978-960-88183-4-7
ISBN-10: 9608818346 / 960-88183-4-6
Publisher: Institute for Philosophical Research
Publication Date: 2007
Publication Place: Patras
Binding: Paper
Pages: 425
Book Condition: New
Comments: Conference series / Institute for Philosophical Research, 4 / Part 1 Papers. Vol. 1 (425 p.) Papers.

This collection of papers revolves around the crucial physis-nomos controvesy - the laws of nature versus man-made conventions.

Table of Contents
"Listening to" the Nomoi in Democratic Athens (Robert Wallace); Wealthy Slaves and Dominant Prostitutes: A Study of Juridical, Sexual and Economic Power at Athens (Edward Cohen); Arete and Aretai in Thucydides' Histories (Carl Joachim Classen); From Science to Sophistry: The Path of the Sun, the Shape of the World, and the Place of Athens in the Cosmos (Mark Munn); Agonistic Contexts for Appeals to Nomos and Physis: Are "Rites of Passage" Significant? (Harold Tarrant); The Order of Existence: physis, moira, ananke, thesmos, nomos, nous, psephisma, boule (Apostolos Pierris); Physis Anthropeia (Ian Mueller); Naturrecht: Normative Conceptions of Nature in Preplatonic Ethics? (Gerard Pendrick); Nature's Law and Second Nature: Philosophers at Work on the Physis - Nomos Distinction (Aryeh Kosman); Nomos on Physis (Thomas Buchheim); Kallikles and Socrates on Justice, Power and Moral Motivation in Plato's Gorgias (Joerg Hardy); Why Isn't Antiphon in the Gorgias? (Roslyn Weiss); Nomos and Physis in Antiphon (Michael Gagarin); Three Versions of Nomos - Physis Antithesis: Protagoras, Antiphon, Socrates (Michel Narcy).

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Φύσις and Νόμος : Power, Justice and the Agonistical Ideal in High Classicism: Proceedings of the Symposium Philosophiae Antiquae Quartum, Atheniense, July 4th - July 12th, 2004: Part 1: Papers

by: Pierris, A.L.

  • ISBN-13: 9789608818347 / 978-960-88183-4-7
  • ISBN-03: 9608818346 / 960-88183-4-6
  • Institute for Philosophical Research, Patras, 2007

Price: 59,00 EURO

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