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Plato in the Italian Renaissance: Volumes I & II

by: Hankins, J.

Category: SOLD BOOKS
Code: 4975
ISBN-13: 9789004091634 / 978-90-04-09163-4
ISBN-10: 9004091637 / 90-04-09163-7
Publisher: E.J. Brill
Publication Date: 1991
Publication Place: Leiden
Binding: Cloth
Pages: 847
Book Condition: New
Comments: Out of Print / 2 Vols. Set., Columbia Studies in the Classical Tradition, Volume XVII,1

Plato in the Italian Renaissance (2 vols.)
Columbia Studies in the Classical Tradition, Volume: 17
Author: Hankins

Plato in the Italian Renaissance, the first book-length treatment of Renaissance Platonism in over fifty years, is a study of the dramatic revival of interest in the Platonic dialogues in Italy in the fifteenth century. Through a richly contextual study of the translations and commentaries on Plato, James Hankins seeks to show how the interpretation of Plato was molded by the expectations of fifteenth-century readers, by the need to protect Plato against his critics, and the broader hermeneutical assumptions and practices of the period.
The second volume includes 20 appendices which treat of the dates, character, and sources of the translations and commentaries discussed in the first volume. It also contains a catalogue raisonée of texts illustrative of Plato in the Quattrocento, comprising new critical editions of 59 texts, thirty-eight of them hitherto unpublished. The volume ends with a complete catalog of manuscripts and printed editions of Renaissance Latin translations of Plato, an incipitarium, and full indexes.

James Hankins received his A.B. in Classics at Duke University and his Ph.D. in History at Columbia University under Eugene F. Rice, Jr., where he also served for a number of years as assistant to Paul Oskar Kristeller. He has published and co-published The Humanism of Leonardo Bruni, Supplementum Festivum: Studies in Honor of Paul Oskar Kristeller and numerous articles.

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Plato in the Italian Renaissance: Volumes I & II

by: Hankins, J.

  • ISBN-13: 9789004091634 / 978-90-04-09163-4
  • ISBN-03: 9004091637 / 90-04-09163-7
  • E.J. Brill, Leiden, 1991