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Studies in Honour of Vassos Karageorghis / ΑΦΙΕΡΩΜΑ ΣΤΟ ΒΑΣΟ ΚΑΡΑΓΙΩΡΓΗ

by: Ioannides, G.C. / ΙΩΑΝΝΙΔΗΣ, Γ.Κ.

Price: 72,00 EURO

(in stock)
Category: Prehistory
Code: 5403
ISBN-13: 9789963557080 / 978-9963-557-08-0
ISBN-10: 9963557082 / 9963-557-08-2
Publication Date: 1992
Publication Place: ΛΕΥΚΩΣΙΑ
Binding: Cloth
Pages: 374
Book Condition: New

Studies in honour of Vassos Karageorghis

Authors:Georgios K. Ioannides (Editor), John Malpas, Carolyn Elliott-Xenophontos, Stuart Swiny, Ezra S. Marcus, Michel al- Maqdissi, Alison K. South, Jean Leclant, Maurice Sznycer, J. H. Crouwel

[vi], 374 pages, 43 leaves of plates : illustrations, maps, plans


Lygia Ieromonachou, List of Publications by. V. Karageorghis
A. Le Brun, Monter Descendre: Les accés au Village Neolithique Précéramique de Khirokitia (Chypre)
E. Peltenburg, Birth Pendants in Life and Death: Evidence from Kissonerga Grave 563 (Plates I-III)
Elizabeth Goring, Secondary Treatment of Prehistoric Figurines: An Example from Chalcolithic Cyprus
Stella M. Lubsen Admiral, A Chalcolithic Cypriote Anthropomorphic Figurine in the Zintilis Collection in Amsterdam (Plates IV-V)
C. Xenophontos
J. Malpas
Caroline Elliott Xenophontos, The Mineralogy of Picrolites Used for the Manufacture of Decorative Artefacts in Prehistoric Cyprus
C. Doumas, An Early Cycladic Hooked-TangSpearhead from Naxos (Plates VI-VII)
Ellen Herscher
S. Swiny, Picking up the Pieces. Two Plundered Bronze Age Cemeteries (Plates VIII-XV)
M. Jennifer Webb, Funerary Ideology in Bronze Age Cyprus Toward the Recognition and Analysis of Cypriote Ritual Data
J.N. Coldstream, A Moufflon Vase in Universty Collage London (Plate XVI)
Michal Artzy
Ezra Marcus, Stratified Cypriote Pottery in MB IIa Context at Tel Nami (Plate XVII)
Maria Hadjicosti, Selected Finds from New Tombs at Ayia Paraskevş Cemetery Nicosia (Plates XVIII-XIX)
G. Cadogan, The British Museum's Work at Maroni
J. Pouilloux, Migrations Mycéniennes et Royautés Chypriotes
A. Bounni
M. Maqdissi Al, Tell Sianū. Un Nouveau Chantier Syrien (XX-XXII)
K. Demakopoulou, Mycenaen Vases from Cyprus in the National Archaeological Museum of Athens (Plates XXIII-XXVI)
C.J. Courtois, Une Baignoire Monolithe en Calcaire du Bronze Récent à Enkomi (Planche XXVII)
Emilia Mason, Le Dieu Guerrier d' Enkomi: Est-il Debout sur un Lingot(Planche XXVIII)
Eva Rystedt, On Mycenaean Pictorial Bulls (Plates XXIX-XXXI)
U. Zwicker, Nondestructive and Other Investigations on Metal Objects of the Archaeological Museum Nicosa (Plates XXXII-XXXVII)
Despo Pilides, Handmade Burnished Ware in Cyprus: An Attempt at its Interpretation (Plates XXXVIII-XXXIX)
A.I. Todd
Alison South, The Late Bronze Age in the VasilikosValley: Recent Research (Plate XL)
P. Åström, A Terrocotta Figurine from Hala Sultan Tekke
I. Pini, Spätbronzezeitliche Ägäische Siegel von Zypern (Tafel XLI) . . αβ, αα(αXLII-XLIV)
Maria Iacovou, Additions to the Corpus of Eleventh Century B.C. Pictorial Pottery
Giséle Clerc
J. Leclant, A. Propos de Séries de Fioles Égyptisantes Anthropomorphes en Faïence
ααββα, . α (αXLV)
O. Masson
M. Sznycer, Kourion, 1883 / 1884: Inscriptions Phéniciennes et Objects Divers (Planche XLVI)
Patricia Maynor Bikai, Cyprus and Phoenicia: Literary Evidence fort he Early Iron Age
R. Laffineur, Quelques Bijoux Chypriotes de Collections Particulières à Nicosie (Planches XLVI)
Lone Wriedt Sørensen, Terracotta Figures from the Area of Palaepaphos Seen in a Wider Perspective (Plate XLIX)
Annie Caubet, Achna 1882: Réflections sur les Découvertes du Sanctuaire Chypro Archaïque et Classique (Planche L)
G.R.H. Wright, The Cypriot Rural Sanctuary. An Illumiminating Document in Comperative Religion
Carole D' Albiac, Some Aspects of the Sphinx in Cyprus: Status and Character (Plates LI-LIII)
J. Crouwel
Veronica Tatton Brown, A Terrecota Horse and Rider in Brussels (Plate LIV)
O. Callot, Note de Numismatique Chypriote
Marguerite Yon, The Coddlers of the Salt Lake (Plates LV-LVI)
Freida Vandenabeele, Terracotta Peplophorai on Cypriote Jugs (Plates LVII-LIX)
H. Matthäus, Medizinische Instrumente der Römischen Kaiserzeit in Zypern. Untersuchungen zu Einem Neufund aus Kourion
D. Michaelides, The Tyche of Alexandria in Cyprus
W.A. Daszewski, A Roman Lamp from Nea Paphos. Amaltheia and Zeus on Cyprus
A. Hermary, La Sanctuaire de Zeus Labranios à Phasoula (Planches LX-LXVII)
α, αα ααααααα(αLXVIII-LXXIII)
αα-, αα (αLXXIV-LXXXII)
R.S. Merrilleess, Australian Diggersin Cyprus in 1941 (Plates LXXXIII-LXXXVI)

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Studies in Honour of Vassos Karageorghis / ΑΦΙΕΡΩΜΑ ΣΤΟ ΒΑΣΟ ΚΑΡΑΓΙΩΡΓΗ

by: Ioannides, G.C. / ΙΩΑΝΝΙΔΗΣ, Γ.Κ.

  • ISBN-13: 9789963557080 / 978-9963-557-08-0
  • ISBN-03: 9963557082 / 9963-557-08-2

Price: 72,00 EURO

(in stock)