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Archaeological Research in Roman Egypt : The Proceeding of the Seventeenth Classical Colloquium of the Department of Greek & Roman Antiquities, British Museum

by: Bailey, D.M.

Price: 75,00 EURO

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Category: Journal of Roman Archaeology, Supplement Series
Code: 5525
ISBN-13: 9781887829199 / 978-1-887829-19-9
ISBN-10: 1887829199 / 1-887829-19-9
Publisher: Jornal of Roman Arhaeology
Publication Date: 1996
Publication Place: Ann Arbor
Binding: Cloth
Pages: 263
Book Condition: New
Comments: Journal of Roman Archaeology, Supplement Series Number Nineteen, JRA Suppl. 19

 Archaeological research in Roman Egypt : the proceedings of the Seventeenth Classical Colloquium of the Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities, British Museum, held on 1-4 December, 1993
Authors:British Museum Classical Colloquium, Donald M. Bailey, British Museum Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities


The eastern desert forts and the army in Egypt during the principate / V.A. Maxfield
A note on the distribution of porphyry and other rocks on Roman sites in the eastern desert / D.P.S. Peacock
An inscribed architectural fragment from Middle Egypt concerning the imperial quarries / W.E.H. Cockle
Dumping and the ostraca at Mons Claudianus / J. Bingen
Provisioning the desert: pottery supply to Mons Claudianus / R.S. Tomber
Towards a historical topography of the Fayum / D. Rathbone
Excavating Bakchias / P. Piacentini
Marsa Matruh: the resurfacing of ancient Paraetonium and its ongoing reburial with a preliminary note on the Greek, Hellenistic and Roman pottery by D.M. Bailey / D. White
Darb el-Arbain, the Kharga Oasis and its forts, and other desert routes / R. Morkot
The Roman fortress of Babylon in Old Cairo / P. Sheehan. (cont.) The archaeological setting of the Great Basilica Church at el-Ashmunein / M. Baranski
Rescue excavation at Pelusium / S. Snape & S. White
The Roman coinage of Alexandria, 30 B.C.-A.D. 296: interplay between Roman and local designs / R. Bland
The architectural style of Roman and Byzantine Alexandria and Egypt / J. McKenzie
The works organisation of a major building project in Roman Egypt / G.R.H. Wright
Honorific columns, cranes, and the Tuna epitaph / D.M. Bailey
Mithras at Hermopolis and Memphis / J.R. Harris
"Your name will reach the Hall of the Western Mountains": some aspects of mummy portrait inscriptions / D. Montserrat
Mumienporträts: neue Funde und Erkenntnisse / K. Parlasca
Weight units of Romano-Egyptian gold jewellery / J. Ogden
Les moules égyptiens à monnaies tardives du British Museum / B. Lichocka. Little emperors / D.M. Bailey
Harpokrate-Héron: sur un figurine en terre cuite du Musée de Varsovie / Z. Kiss
Cartoons for weavers from Graeco-Roman Egypt / A. Stauffer
Soft toys from Egypt / R.M. Janssen
The Kellis writing tablets, their manufacture and use / J. Whitehorne
Isis revealed: cult and costumen in Italy / N. Goldman

Chiefly English, with some French and German

332 B.C.-638 A.D
Actes de congrès
Classical antiquities
Conference papers and proceedings
Egypt Antiquities, Roman Congresses
Egypt Civilization 332 B.C.-638 A.D. Congresses
Excavations (Archaeology)
Excavations (Archaeology) Egypt Congresses
Égypte Civilisation 332 av. J.-C.-640 Congrès
Romans Egypt Congresses

Journal of Roman archaeology, no. 19

263 pages : illustrations, maps ; 29 cm.

  Already viewed

Archaeological Research in Roman Egypt : The Proceeding of the Seventeenth Classical Colloquium of the Department of Greek & Roman Antiquities, British Museum

by: Bailey, D.M.

  • ISBN-13: 9781887829199 / 978-1-887829-19-9
  • ISBN-03: 1887829199 / 1-887829-19-9
  • Jornal of Roman Arhaeology, Ann Arbor, 1996

Price: 75,00 EURO

1 copy in stock