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Stips Votiva : Papers presented to C.M. Stibbe

by: Gnade, M.

Price: 110,34 EURO

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Category: Allard Pierson Series / Allard Pierson Stichting, Archaeologisch-Historische Bydragen
Code: 6001
ISBN-13: 9789071211195 / 978-90-71211-19-5
ISBN-10: 9071211193 / 90-71211-19-3
Publisher: Allard Pierson Museum
Publication Date: 1991
Publication Place: Amsterdam
Binding: Cloth
Pages: 264
Book Condition: New

Stips votiva : papers presented to C.M. Stibbe
Authors:C. M. Stibbe, M. Gnade

Torcula Graecanica : a note on the archaeology of olive and grape pressing / S.C. Bakhuizen
A monstrous pet / J. Boardman
Designing a bath building : the plan of the late-roman baths at Valesio / Joh. Boersma
A band-cup by the Phrynos painter in Amsterdam / H.A.G. Brijder
Ein neuer Paniskos vom typus des 'schwänzchenhaschenden Satyr' / A. und H. Büsing
In margine al popolamento in età protostorica dell'area urbana di Albano e dintorni / G. Chiarucci
Zwei inedita / Chr.W. Clairmont. Le due fasi del tempio arcaico di S. Omobono / G. Colonna
Le rotte di approvvigionamento della ceramica laconica in Sicilia / F. Giudice
An 'Ex voto' di Crotone / A. Giuliano
A Ram-askos from Lipari and other Sicilian plastic vases / B.H.M. Heldring
Intricate image / J.M. Hemelrijk
Smetius' Antiquitates neomagensis and the Roman coins / A.V.M. Hubrecht
A gift from the sea / R.R. Knoop
Lakonisches Relief aus der Werkstatt des Bathykles / Th. Lorenz
An archaic terracotta head in the Villa Giulia / P.S. Lulof
Etruscan rites de passage / L.B. van der Meer. Agano agapō. A Corinthian workshop of warrior aryballoi / C.W. Neeft
Su alcune hydriai laconiche a vernice nera / P. Pelagatti
Hermes and the child Dionysos : what did Pausanias see on the Amyklai throne? / M. Pipili
Un esempio di ingegneria stradale sulle montagne di Norba / L. Quilici
Forme di insediamento nel territorio pontine : colle gentile presso Norba / S. Quilici Gigli
Two Laconian black-glazed droop cups from Halieis / B. Rafn
An exotic piece from Vulci : the Egyptian blue pyxis in Berlin / A. Rathje
Eine orientalisierende pyxis aus Halies / W. Rudolph
Eros mit Keule auf einer Kanne der Keiler Antikensammlung / K. Schauenburg. Redeunt Saturnia Regna / E. Simon
The workshop of the floating handles / E.M. Stern
Reddish bucchero from Satricum / D.C. Steures
Hybrids from the Motta (Francavilla Marittima) / M.W. Stoop
Zu den Anfängen der anthropomorphen Bronzeplastik in Mittelitalien / J.G. Szilágyi
Da Sparta a Villa Adriana : le terme dell'Arapissa, il ginnasio del Platanistas e il Teatro Marittimo / M. Torelli
Four alterations or corrections in black-figure painting / V. Tosto
Auro dentes iuncti. An inquiry into the study of the Etruscan dental prothesis / D.J. Waarsenburg
The design of the Temple of Nemesis in Rhamnous / J.A.K.E. de Waele

English, Italian, and German

Antiquités gréco-romaines
Art antique
Art, Classical
Civilisation ancienne
Civilization, Classical
Classical antiquities
Geschichte Anfänge-500 v. Chr
Klassieke oudheid
Stibbe, C. M
Stibbe, C. M. 1925-2019
classical archaeology

xv, 264 pages : illustrations ; 31 cm


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Stips Votiva : Papers presented to C.M. Stibbe

by: Gnade, M.

  • ISBN-13: 9789071211195 / 978-90-71211-19-5
  • ISBN-03: 9071211193 / 90-71211-19-3
  • Allard Pierson Museum, Amsterdam, 1991

Price: 110,34 EURO

1 copy in stock