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Valerius Maximus and the Rhetoric of the New Nobility

by: Bloomer, W.M.

Category: SOLD BOOKS
Code: 7927
ISBN-13: 9780807820476
ISBN-10: 0807820474
Publisher: The University of North Carolina Press
Publication Date: 1992
Publication Place: Chapel Hill
Binding: Cloth
Pages: 287
Book Condition: New

Throughout the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, Valerius Maximus' Memorable Deeds and Sayings was the most widely read prose after the Bible, but the work's vision of ancient history and its author's literary style have since fallen into disrepute. Martin Bloomer revives the classic to examine how, why, and for whom Valerius Maximus composed this collection of rhetorical examples. Designed to influence the most esteemed of public art forms in Tiberian Rome - declamation - Valerius' work expresses the concerns and anxieties of literate first-century Romans. At the same time it creates paradigms for a new culture, according to Bloomer. While offering contemporaries a handbook of Roman speech, Valerius' work affords later scholars unique insights into the hierarchy of values, behavior, and ethics in Tiberian Rome. Bloomer addresses the peculiar qualities of Valerius' composition and systematically examines his use of sources such as Livy and Cicero. He also considers Valerius' handling of the most delicate and dangerous of all material for the imperial historian - the Roman civil wars and the ascendancy of the Caesars. Valerius emerges not as the beginning of the end of Latin letters but as a crucial and fascinating index to the declamatory culture of Tiberian Rome


Part I: Introduction
Part II: Audience and design
The proem and Valerius' audience
The organization of the collection
The process of arrangement
Part III: Sources and reading
Reading, writing, and "originality,"
Margins of reading: the individual sources
Valerian historiography: the case of the civil wars
Valerius' explicit judgments
Valerian overviews
Chapters of civil strife
Part V: The fallen restored and the republic's restorers
The opponents of Julius Caesar
The caesars
Part VI: Valerian rhetoric and ideology
Word order
Phrasing and colometry

vi, 287 pages ; 24 cm

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Valerius Maximus and the Rhetoric of the New Nobility

by: Bloomer, W.M.

  • ISBN-13: 9780807820476
  • ISBN-03: 0807820474
  • The University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, 1992