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The Latest Sealings from the Palace and Houses at Knossos

by: Popham, M.R. Gill, M.A.V.

Price: 46,07 EURO

1 copy in stock
Category: British School at Athens: BSA Studies / Supplementary Volumes / The Annual of the British School at Athens / ISSN 0068-2454
Code: 8383
ISBN-13: 9780904887242 / 978-0-904887-24-2
ISBN-10: 0904887243 / 0-904887-24-3
Publisher: British School at Athens
Publication Date: 1995
Publication Place: London
Binding: Paper
Pages: 64
Book Condition: New
Comments: British School at Athens Studies 1 / BSA 1 / 48 Plates

The latest sealings from the palace and houses at Knossos
Authors:Mervyn R. Popham, Margaret A. V. Gill
Summary:Sir. Arthur Evans only ever published around a tenth of the sealings he found during excavations of the destruction levels at the Palace of Knossos. Moreover the drawings that he and other scholars did of the sealings are scattered over the four volumes of his Palace of Knossos and in obscure publications. All the sealings of known and unknown context are illustrated here. Margaret Gill's original study of the sealings made in the 1960s has been updated following more recent work on material in the Heraklion Museum. This is the first publication in a new scholarly series from the British School, and will be followed later this year by conference proceedings on Post-Minoan Crete and on Palaeolithic Greece

British School at Athens studies, 1

Cnossos (Ville ancienne)
Cnossos (ville ancienne) Antiquités
Crete (Greece)
Crete (Greece) Antiquities
Crète (Grèce) Antiquités
Excavations (Archaeology)
Excavations (Archaeology) Greece Crete
Fouilles (Archéologie) Grèce Crète
Fouilles archéologiques Grèce Cnossos (ville ancienne)
Greece Crete
Greece Knossos (Extinct city)
Knossos (Extinct city)
Sceaux Grèce Crète
Seals (Numismatics)
Seals (Numismatics) Greece Crete

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The Latest Sealings from the Palace and Houses at Knossos

by: Popham, M.R. Gill, M.A.V.

  • ISBN-13: 9780904887242 / 978-0-904887-24-2
  • ISBN-03: 0904887243 / 0-904887-24-3
  • British School at Athens, London, 1995

Price: 46,07 EURO

1 copy in stock