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Home   |    British School at Athens: BSA Studies / Supplementary Volumes / The Annual of the British School at Athens / ISSN 0068-2454  

Servia I : Anglo-Hellenic Rescue Excavations 1971-73

by: Ridley, C. Wardle, K.A. Mould, C.A.

Price: 199,00 EURO

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Category: British School at Athens: BSA Studies / Supplementary Volumes / The Annual of the British School at Athens / ISSN 0068-2454
Code: 8511
ISBN-13: 9780904887334 / 978-0-904887-33-4
ISBN-10: 0904887332 / 0-904887-33-2
Publisher: The British School at Athens
Publication Date: 2000
Publication Place: London
Binding: Cloth
Pages: 370
Book Condition: New
Comments: Supplementary Volume No. 32 / Contains CD-ROM

Servia : Anglo-Hellenic rescue excavations, 1971-73, directed by Katerina Rhomiopoulou and Cressida Ridley

Authors:Cressida Ridley, K. A. Wardle, Catharine A. Mould, Jill Carington Smith, Katerina Rhomiopoulou, British School at Athens

Summary:A report on excavations at the Neolithic-Early Bronze Age site of Servia in Thessaly. The main part of the report deals with the rescue excavation carried out in 1971-73 prior to the flooding of the dam, and also reflcts on earlier investigations in the early-mid 1900s by J.B. Wace, M.S. Thompson and W.A. Heurtley.

Supplementary volume (British School at Athens), no. 32

I. Anglo-Hellenic rescue excavations 1971-73 directed by Katerina Rhomiopoulou and Cressida Ridley / by Cressida Ridley, K.A. Wardle and Catharine A. Mould


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Servia I : Anglo-Hellenic Rescue Excavations 1971-73

by: Ridley, C. Wardle, K.A. Mould, C.A.

  • ISBN-13: 9780904887334 / 978-0-904887-33-4
  • ISBN-03: 0904887332 / 0-904887-33-2
  • The British School at Athens, London, 2000

Price: 199,00 EURO

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