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Antiquities : Postwar French Thought, Volume III

by: Loraux, N. Nagy, G. Slatkin, L. Goldhammer, A. Naddaff, R.

Price: 75,00 EURO

1 copy in stock
Category: Reception of Antiquity
Code: 8932
ISBN-13: 9781565843769 / 978-1-56584-376-9
ISBN-10: 1565843762 / 1-56584-376-2
Publisher: The New Press
Publication Date: 2001
Publication Place: New York
Binding: Cloth
Pages: 481
Book Condition: New

Since 1945, the innovative approaches of a group of French scholars have profoundly altered the study of classical antiquity. Drawing on work in anthropology, religion, psychology, philology, and the new history, "Antiquities" offers major critical texts that have transformed the field of classics in the last half century.With seminal essays by Louis Gernet, Jean-Pierre Vernant, Pierre Vidal-Naquet, Nicole Loraux, Marcel Detienne, and their colleagues (many newly translated for this volume), "Antiquities" provides a rich perspective on society, politics, myth, gender, literary genre, and everyday life in the ancient world. An introduction and extensive notes explore the impact of a range of disciplines on these influential classicists' thinking.


Table of Contents / Inhaltsverzeichnis

Series Preface vi
Acknowledgments vii
Permissions viii
Introduction by Nicole Loraux, Gregory Nagy, and Laura Slatkin
Jean-Pierre Vernant, "The Spiritual Universe of the Polis" (I962) 19
Jean Bollack, "Reflections on Philological Practice" (i977) 31
Louis Gernet, "The Origins of Greek Philosophy" (1945) 41
Pierre Levque and Pierre Vidal-Naquet,
"Cleisthenes the Athenian" (I964) 48
Nicole Loraux, "Greek Civil War and the Anthropological
Representation of the World Turned Upside-down" (I995) 54
Nicole Loraux, "Epilogue: Once Again, the Woman, the Virgin,
Female Athenians" (I98I) 71
Pierre Vidal-Naquet, "The Black Huriter Revisited" (I986) 83
Louis Gernet, "Political Symbolism: The Public Hearth" (I951) Ioo
Jean-Pierre Vernant, "Hestia-Hermes: The Religious Expression
of Space and Movement in Ancient Greece" (I963) 12
Jeannie Carlier, "Voyage in Greek Amazonia" (1979) 134
Frangois Hartog, "Frontiers and Otherness" (I980) 143
Catherine Darbo-Peschanski, "The 'I' of the Inquirer:
The Function of Critical Discourse" (I987) I58
Francoise Frontisi-Ducroux, "Living Statues" (1975) 164
Geoffrey Kirk, "The Spicy Side of Structuralism" (1978) 176
Marcel Detienne, "Afterword: Revisiting the Gardens
of Adonis" (I994) I83
Paul Veyne, "Social Diversity of Beliefs and Mental Balkanization" (1983) 195
Marcel Detienne, "Return to the Mouth of Truth" (1996) 205
Michel Lejeune, "Damos in Mycenaean Society" (1965) 225
Louis Robert, "Inscriptions from Lesbos" (I960) 240
Louis Robert, "Eulaios: History and Onomastics" (I962) 249
Nicole Loraux, "What Tiresias Saw" (i982) 257
Helene Monsacr6, "The Erotic Images of War" (I984) 276
Maurice Olender, "Misshapen Priapus" (I986) 283
Yan Thomas, "The Venter: Maternal Body, Paternal Right" (I987) 292
Claude Nicolet, "Structure and Communication" (1976) 302
Jean Irigoin, "The History of the Text of Pindar" (1952) 3I4
Louis Gernet, "Dionysus" (1953) 324
Jean-Pierre Vernant, "The Masked Dionysus of Euripides'
Bacchae" (I986) 334
Stella Georgoudi, "The Twelve Gods of the Greeks:
Variations on a Theme" (1995) 346
Claude Mosse, "Heroes and Gods" (I984) 355
Laurence Kahn, "Against the Rules: A Performative Sacrifice" (I978) 359
Claudine Leduc, "A Theology of the Sign in Greece: The Homeric
Hymn to Hermes (I), Commentary on Lines 1-181" (I995) 362
Francoise Letoublon, "The Mirror and the Loop" (I983) 375
Pierre Judet de La Combe, "Remarks on Aeschylus's Homer" (1995) 384
Philippe Rousseau, "Rewriting Homer: Remarks on the
Narrative of the Chariot Race of Sophocles' Electra" (2000) 395
Charles de Lamberterie, "Milman Parry and Antoine Meillet" (I997) 409
Emile Benveniste, "The Medical Tradition of the
Indo-Europeans" (1945) 422
Charles Malamoud, "The Work of Emile Benveniste: A Linguistic
Analysis of Indo-European Institutions" (1971) 428
Emile Benveniste, "Social Symbolism in Greco-Italic Cults" (1945) 439
Patrice Loraux, "Thought Takes Form" (I993) 448
Jacques Derrida, "Khora" (I987) 464
Bibliography and Abbreviations 468.


18.41 classical languages: general
Civilisation ancienne
Civilização grega
Civilization, Classical
Classical literature
Classical literature History and criticism
Classicists France
Criticism, interpretation, etc
Klassieke oudheid
Literatura clássica
Littérature ancienne Histoire et critique
Römisches Reich
Spécialistes de lettres classiques France

  Already viewed

Antiquities : Postwar French Thought, Volume III

by: Loraux, N. Nagy, G. Slatkin, L. Goldhammer, A. Naddaff, R.

  • ISBN-13: 9781565843769 / 978-1-56584-376-9
  • ISBN-03: 1565843762 / 1-56584-376-2
  • The New Press, New York, 2001

Price: 75,00 EURO

1 copy in stock