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The Eye Expanded: Life and the Arts in Greco-Roman Antiquity

by: Titchener, F.B. Moorton, R.F.

Price: 59,00 EURO

1 copy in stock
Category: Greco-Roman History
Code: 10887
ISBN-13: 9780520210295 / 978-0-520-21029-5
ISBN-10: 0520210298 / 0-520-21029-8
Publisher: University of California Press
Publication Date: 1999
Publication Place: Berkeley
Binding: Cloth
Pages: 294
Book Condition: New

 Plato and Aristotle both believed that the arts were mimetic creations of the human mind that had the power to influence society. In this they were representative of a widespread consensus in ancient culture. Cultural and political impulses informed the fine arts, and these in turn shaped--and were often intended to shape--the living world. The contributors to this volume, all of whom have been encouraged and inspired by the work of Peter Green, document the interaction between life and the arts that has made art more lively and life more artful in sixteen essays with subjects ranging from antiquity to modern times. With topics ranging from Antigone to D. H. Lawrence and Norman Douglas, and from Bactrian coins to Livy's characterization of women, the scope, the zest, and the scholarship of these essays will illuminate new avenues in our understanding of the relationship between classics and culture, and in our appreciation of both the artistic products that have come down to us and the varieties of life from which they spring.

The sixteen contributors to this volume, all of whom have been in different ways encouraged and inspired by the work of Peter Green, have gathered to celebrate that eclectic scholar's own love of the study of classics in all its varieties. Each has undertaken to show for some particular issue passage, or, object that its position between art and life is permeable, that filtered diffusions from life to art and from art to life were continual in the classical world, and that the paths and motives of these interchanges can be described and understood

The "ominous" birth of Peisistratos / Frank J. Frost
Antigone nodding, unbowed / Alan L. Boegehold
Dionysis or Polemos? The double message of Aristophanes' Archanians / Rich F. Moorton, Jr
Athenian democracy and the idea of stability / Alan Samuel
Alexander at the beas: fox in a lion's skin / Philip O. Spann
A note on the "Alexander mosaic" / Ernst Badian
Mimesis in metal: the fate of Greek culture on Bactrian coins / Frank L. Holt
Cleitarchus in Jerusalem: a note on the Book of Judith / Stanley M. Burstin
The Hellenistic images of Joseph / Erich S. Gruen
Egyptians and Greeks / Diana Delia
Autobiography and the Hellenistic Age / Frances B. Titchener
The classical city reconsidered / Donald Engels
Augustan classicism: The Greco-Roman synthesis / Karl Galinsky
The founding mother of Livy's Rome: the sabine women and Lucretia / Elizabeth Vandiver
Modern Pagans in a classical landscape: Norman Douglas and D.H. Lawrence in Italy / Robert Eisner
Macedonia redux / Eugene N. Borza

Civilization, Western Classical influences
Feestbundels (vorm)
Greece Civilization
Grèce Civilisation
History & Archaeology
Klassieke oudheid
Mediterranean Region & Greco-Roman World
Regions & Countries - Europe
Rome (Empire)
Rome Civilisation
Rome Civilization


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  • ISBN-03: 0520210298 / 0-520-21029-8
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