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Ancient Slavery and Modern Ideology

by: Finley, M.I.

Price: 39,00 EURO

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Category: Sklaverei / Slaves
Code: 10898
ISBN-13: 9781558761711 / 978-1-55876-171-1
ISBN-10: 1558761713 / 1-55876-171-3
Publisher: Markus Wiener Publishers
Publication Date: 1998
Binding: Paper
Pages: 321
Book Condition: New

In this thought-provoking study of slavery in ancient Greece and Italy, Sir Moses Finley discusses how slave societies came into being and considers the moral, social, and economic underpinnings that allowed them to prosper. His comparison of ancient slave societies with their relatively modern counterparts in the New World opens a new perspective on the history of slavery. Sir Moses' inquiry sheds light on the complex ways in which ideological interests affect historical interpretation. Slaves have been exploited in most societies throughout human history, but there have been only five genuine slave societies, and of these, two were in antiquity: classical Greece and classical Italy. In this major new book, the distinguished historian Sir Moses Finley examines those two societies, not in isolation, but in comparison with the other, relatively modern slave societies of the New World.

15.51 Antiquity
Esclavage Grèce
Klassieke oudheid
Rome (Empire)
Römisches Reich
Slavery Greece
Slavery Rome
Sociale aspecten

pt. I. Introduction. 'A wolf by the ears' : M.I. Finley's Ancient slavery and modern ideology in historical context ; Notes
pt. II. Ancient slavery and modern ideology. Preface ; Ancient slavery and modern ideology ; the emergence of a slave society ; Slavery and humanity ; The decline of ancient slavery ; Notes ; Bibliography
pt. III. Finley, his critics, and the history of slavery. Problems of slave society : some reflections on the debate ; Notes ; Slavery and the historians ; Notes

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Ancient Slavery and Modern Ideology

by: Finley, M.I.

  • ISBN-13: 9781558761711 / 978-1-55876-171-1
  • ISBN-03: 1558761713 / 1-55876-171-3
  • Markus Wiener Publishers, , 1998

Price: 39,00 EURO

1 copy in stock