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Roman architecture

by: Brown, F.E.

Price: 19,00 EURO

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Category: Architecture Greek / Architecture Greco-Roman
Code: 13775
ISBN-13: 9780807603314 / 978-0-8076-0331-4
ISBN-10: 0807603317 / 0-8076-0331-7
Publisher: George Braziller
Publication Date: 1990
Publication Place: New York
Binding: Paper
Pages: 125
Book Condition: New
Comments: The Great ages of world architecture / 125 p. 100 illus. 26 cm. / First Published 1961 / Ritual and space 800-600 B.C. -- Old Rome 600-200 B.C. -- Hellenistic Rome 200-50 B.C. -- The early empire 50 B.C.-50 A.D. -- The high empire 50-250 A.D.

 Roman architecture
Author:Frank Edward Brown

A consice analysis of Roman architecture, which has occupied a unique place in the history of architecture over the last fifteen hundred years. It was the parent of all the major architecture of the West and of much of that of the Near and Middle East up to the nineteenth century. The technical and formal achievements of the Roman architects are the models to which, time after time, later ages have turned for inspiration.

Ritual and space 800-600 B.C
Old Rome 600-200 B.C
Hellenistic Rome 200-50 B.C
The early empire 50 B.C.-50 A.D
The high empire 50-250 A.D
The late empire 250-550 A.D

Architecture romaine
Architecture, Roman
Roman architecture
Römisches Reich
Römisches Reich

Great ages of world architecture

125 pages : 100 illustrations ; 26 cm


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Roman architecture

by: Brown, F.E.

  • ISBN-13: 9780807603314 / 978-0-8076-0331-4
  • ISBN-03: 0807603317 / 0-8076-0331-7
  • George Braziller, New York, 1990

Price: 19,00 EURO

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