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Athenian homicide law in the age of the orators

by: MacDowell, D.M.

Price: 45,00 EURO

1 copy in stock
Category: Ancient Greek Law / Ancient Roman Law
Code: 14904
ISBN-13: 9780719057427 / 978-0-7190-5742-7
ISBN-10: 0719057426 / 0-7190-5742-6
Publisher: Manchester University Press
Publication Date: 1999
Publication Place: Manchester
Binding: Cloth
Pages: 161
Book Condition: New

Quotations in Greek with English translations
Originally published: Manchester : Manchester University Press, 1963

The laws of the state were (at least from the late fifth century onwards) inscribed on stone for all to see. But the rules of religion (or at any rate some of them) were not published ; knowledge of them was a prerogative of the exegetai (* expounders '), and in cases of doubt these officials had to be consulted. In recent years the exegetai have been discussed in detail by Jacoby (Atthis 8-51) and by Oliver (The Athenian Expounders of the Sacred and Ancestral Law).

Greece Athens
Homicide (Droit grec)
Homicide (Greek law)
Homicide Greece Athens

x, 161 pages ; 23 cm.

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Athenian homicide law in the age of the orators

by: MacDowell, D.M.

  • ISBN-13: 9780719057427 / 978-0-7190-5742-7
  • ISBN-03: 0719057426 / 0-7190-5742-6
  • Manchester University Press, Manchester, 1999

Price: 45,00 EURO

1 copy in stock