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Makers of ancient strategy : from the Persian wars to the fall of Rome

by: Hanson, V.D.

Price: 27,00 EURO

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Category: Ancient Warfare / Military Studies
Code: 15021
ISBN-13: 9780691137902 / 978-0-691-13790-2
ISBN-10: 0691137900 / 0-691-13790-0
Publisher: Princeton University Press
Publication Date: 2010
Publication Place: New Jersey
Binding: Cloth
Pages: 265
Book Condition: New
Comments: x, 265 p. ; 25 cm. / From Persia with love : propaganda and imperial overreach in the Greco-Persian Wars / Tom Holland -- Pericles, Thucydides, and the defense of empire / Donald Kagan -- Why fortifications endure : a case study of the walls of Athens

 Makers of Ancient Strategy
From the Persian Wars to the Fall of Rome
Edited by: Victor Davis Hanson

About this book
In this prequel to the now-classic Makers of Modern Strategy, Victor Davis Hanson, a leading scholar of ancient military history, gathers prominent thinkers to explore key facets of warfare, strategy, and foreign policy in the Greco-Roman world. From the Persian Wars to the final defense of the Roman Empire, Makers of Ancient Strategy demonstrates that the military thinking and policies of the ancient Greeks and Romans remain surprisingly relevant for understanding conflict in the modern world.

The book reveals that much of the organized violence witnessed today--such as counterterrorism, urban fighting, insurgencies, preemptive war, and ethnic cleansing--has ample precedent in the classical era. The book examines the preemption and unilateralism used to instill democracy during Epaminondas's great invasion of the Peloponnesus in 369 BC, as well as the counterinsurgency and terrorism that characterized Rome's battles with insurgents such as Spartacus, Mithridates, and the Cilician pirates. The collection looks at the urban warfare that became increasingly common as more battles were fought within city walls, and follows the careful tactical strategies of statesmen as diverse as Pericles, Demosthenes, Alexander, Pyrrhus, Caesar, and Augustus. Makers of Ancient Strategy shows how Greco-Roman history sheds light on wars of every age. In addition to the editor, the contributors are David L. Berkey, Adrian Goldsworthy, Peter J. Heather, Tom Holland, Donald Kagan, John W. I. Lee, Susan Mattern, Barry Strauss, and Ian Worthington.




List of Contributors

Introduction: Makers of Ancient Strategy. From the Persian Wars to the Fall of Rome

Victor Davis Hanson
1. From Persia with Love. Propaganda and Imperial Overreach in the Greco-Persian Wars

Tom Holland
2. Pericles, Thucydides, and the Defense of Empire

Donald Kagan
3. Why Fortifications Endure. A Case Study of the Walls of Athens during the Classical Period

David L. Berkey
4. Epaminondas the Theban and the Doctrine of Preemptive War

Victor Davis Hanson
5. Alexander the Great, Nation Building, and the Creation and Maintenance of Empire

Ian Worthington
6. Urban Warfare in the Classical Greek World

John W. I. Lee
7. Counterinsurgency and the Enemies of Rome

Susan Mattern
8. Slave Wars of Greece and Rome

Barry Strauss
9. Julius Caesar and the General as State

Adrian Goldsworthy
10. Holding the Line. Frontier Defense and the Later Roman Empire

Peter J. Heather



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Makers of ancient strategy : from the Persian wars to the fall of Rome

by: Hanson, V.D.

  • ISBN-13: 9780691137902 / 978-0-691-13790-2
  • ISBN-03: 0691137900 / 0-691-13790-0
  • Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 2010

Price: 27,00 EURO

1 copy in stock