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Domestic space in classical antiquity

by: Nevett, L.C.

Category: SOLD BOOKS
Code: 15577
ISBN-13: 9780521789455 / 978-0-521-78945-5
ISBN-10: 0521789451 / 0-521-78945-1
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Publication Date: 2010
Publication Place: Cambridge
Binding: Paper
Pages: 178
Book Condition: New
Comments: Key themes in ancient history / vxii, 178 p. 23 cm.

Housing is shaped by culturally-specific expectations about the kinds of architecture and furnishings that are appropriate; about how and where different activities should be carried out; and by and with whom. It is those expectations, and the wider social and cultural systems of which they are a part, that are explored in this volume. At the same time, the book as a whole argues two larger points: first, that while houses, households and families have in recent years become increasingly important as objects of inquiry in Greek and Roman contexts, their potential as sources of information about broader social-historical issues has yet to be fully realised; and second, that greater weight and independence should be given to material culture as a source for studying ancient history. The book will be invaluable for upper-level undergraduates, graduate students and scholars.

Explores the wider social and cultural systems of which domestic architecture and decoration in antiquity were a part
Presents a series of case studies carefully chosen to demonstrate key aspects of housing at different points in time
Includes numerous illustrations to assist with the comprehension of individual structures

Table of Contents
1. Domestic space and social organisation
2. House form and social complexity: the transformation of early Iron Age Greece
3. A space for 'hurling the furniture'?: the andron and the development of Greek domestic symposia
4. Housing and cultural identity: Delos, between Greece and Rome
5. Seeing the domus behind the dominus in Roman Pompeii: artefact distributions as evidence for the whole household
6. Housing as symbol: elite self-presentation in North Africa under Roman rule
Epilogue. Domestic space and social organisation in classical antiquity
Period names and dates referred to in this book.

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Domestic space in classical antiquity

by: Nevett, L.C.

  • ISBN-13: 9780521789455 / 978-0-521-78945-5
  • ISBN-03: 0521789451 / 0-521-78945-1
  • Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2010