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Prehistoric Thessaly : Being some Account of Recent Excavations and Explorations in North-Eastern Greece from Lake Kopais to the Borders of Macedonia

by: Wace, A.J.B. Thompson, M.S.

Price: 33,39 EURO

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Category: Minoan / Mycenaean / Aegean / Mediterranean Bronze Age
Code: 15585
ISBN-13: 9781108006651 / 978-1-108-00665-1
ISBN-10: 1108006655 / 1-108-00665-5
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Publication Date: 2010
Publication Place: Cambridge
Binding: Paper
Pages: 272
Book Condition: New
Comments: Cambridge Library Collection - Archaeology / Reprint of the Edition of Cambridge 1912

This study of prehistoric artefacts and ruins discovered in north-east Greece by the team of archaeologists led by A. J. B. Wace and M. S. Thompson was first published in 1912, thirty years after that area first revealed prehistoric remains. The one hundred and twenty sites in the Thessaly area have yielded domestic artefacts and ruins ranging from spit supports to tombs. These are depicted through detailed sketches, photographs and descriptions. The evolving architecture uncovered at different strata at the excavation sites, and the changing forms of the artefacts discovered alongside them, are explored in relation to other Greek excavation sites to determine any possible historic significance. Modern technological advances have taken some aspects of archaeology in a very different direction, but the practices of meticulous data collection and comparative analysis between sites and strata demonstrated here provide a valuable lesson in establishing a chronology of cultural and domestic development.

Table of Contents
1. The geography of north-eastern Greece, and the distribution of the prehistoric sites
2. The principal classes of pottery and celts
3. North Thessaly, Rakhmani, Marmariani, Mesiani Maghula, etc.
4. South-eastern Thessaly, Sesklo, Dhimini, Pirghos
5. Central Thessaly, Tsangli, Rini
6. Western Thessaly, Tsani Maghula
7. Southern Thessaly, Zerelia, Phthiotic Thebes, etc.
8. The Spercheus valley, Lianokladhi
9. Boeotia and Phocis
10. The Mycenaean period and the early Iron Age
11. Architecture
12. Connections with the south
13. Connections with the west
14. Connections with the north
15. Chronology
16. The prehistoric history of north-eastern Greece
17. Ethnological conclusions

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Prehistoric Thessaly : Being some Account of Recent Excavations and Explorations in North-Eastern Greece from Lake Kopais to the Borders of Macedonia

by: Wace, A.J.B. Thompson, M.S.

  • ISBN-13: 9781108006651 / 978-1-108-00665-1
  • ISBN-03: 1108006655 / 1-108-00665-5
  • Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2010

Price: 33,39 EURO

1 copy in stock