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Varia Anatolica XXI : PATABS I : Production and trade of amphorae in the Black Sea : actes de la table ronde internationale de Batoumi et Trabzon, 27 - 29 avril 2006

by: Kassab Tezgor, D. Inaishvili, N.

Price: 75,40 EURO

1 copy in stock
Category: Varia Anatolica Series
Code: 16044
ISBN-13: 9782906053984 / 978-2-906053-98-4
ISBN-10: 2906053988 / 2-906053-98-8
Publisher: Institut Francais d'etudes Anatoliennes d'Istanbul
Publication Date: 2010
Publication Place: Istanbul
Binding: Paper
Pages: 188
Book Condition: New
Comments: Varia anatolica, 21 / (188 p.-99 p. de pl.) : carte, couv. ill. en coul. ; 28 cm.

Actes de la Table Ronde internationale de Batomi et Trabzon, 27-29 Avril 2006

188 pp + 99 color and b/w plates, articles in English and French.


Remerciements / Acknowledgements
Carte des principales villes antiques de la mer Noire / Map of the main ancient cities of the Black Sea
Kassab Tezgor, Dominique / Nino Inaishvili, Avant-propos / Foreword

Vickers, Michael / Amphora Studies: is there light at the end of the tunnel?


Ouest de la mer Noire
Balabanov, Petar / The origin of amphorae with englyphic stamps

Sud de la mer Noire
Monachov, Sergey Yu. / New series of amphorae from southern Pontic poleis, 4th-first third of the 3rd centuries B.C

Est de la mer Noire
Vnukov, Sergey Yu. / Problems of "brown clay" (Colchian) Amphora Studies. Typology, Chronology, Production Centres, Distribution
Khalvashi, Merab / Roman amphorae from Gonio-Apsarus
Lomitashvili, David - Ian Colvin / The late Roman - Early Byzantine kilns and production from Nokalakevi-Archaeopolis

Cote egeenne de I'Anatolie: Erythraea
Dupont, Pierre / Les amphores "samiennes" et "protothasiennes" de Zeest:
la piste nord-ionienne ?
Lungu, Vasilica / Les amphores hellenistiques d'Erythrees


Vers le nord de la mer Noire
Mateevici, Natalia - Evgeniya Redina / Quelques conclusions concernant les importations amphoriques dans le site de Koshary (region d'Odessa) en Ukraine
Lejpunskaja, Nina A. / Hellenistic Amphorae from Olbia Pontica
Krapivina, Yalentina V. / Amphorae of the 3rd-4lh centuries A.D. in Olbia Pontica
Magomedov, Boris / Roman amphorae in the context of the Chernyakhov Culture
Zelenko, Sergiy - Yana Morozova / Amphorae Assemblage from the 13th Century Shipwreck in the Black Sea, near Sudak

Vers Vouest de la mer Noire
Lozanov, Ivaylo / On the import amphorae in Thrace (6th-3rd centuries B.C.) : Reflections on Some Recent discoveries in the Middle Hebros Valley
Tzochev, Chavdar / Between the Black Sea and the Aegean: the diffusion of Greek trade amphorae in southern Thrace
Bozkova, Anelia / Le commerce des sites indigenes entre Odessos et le Danube aux IIP et IIe s. av. J.-C. selon les timbres amphoriques
Swan, Vivien G. / Dichin (Bulgaria): the destruction deposits and the dating of Black Sea amphorae in the fifth and sixth Centuries A.D

Vers rest de la mer Noire
Braund, David / Amphorae in the Eastern Black Sea: contexts of geography and exchange
Kvirkvelia, Guram / Colchis - North Black Sea Area - Sinope: The System of Interregional Trade
Papuashvili, Revaz / Amphorae from the Mouth of the Khobi (6th-3ld centuries B.C.)
Kakhidze, Amiran - Merab Khalvashi / Chian Amphorae at Pichvnari
Akhvlediani, Dimitri / The Ratio of imported and Local Amphorae in Colchis in the 5th-2Ild centuries B.C. according to the grave findings
Licheli, Vakhtang / Hellenistic Amphorae in Caucasian Iberia: attributes of trade route
Lordkipanidze, Guram / Sinopian Amphorae and Trapezuntine Coins from Pityus
Inaishvili, Nino - Nineli Vashakidze / Typology and Chronology of Greek, Roman and Early Byzantine Amphorae from Petra-Tsikhisdziri
Opait, Andrei / Aspects of the provisioning of the Pontic settlements with olive oil in the Hellenistic and early Roman periods

Vers L'Anatolie: Gordion
Lawall, Mark L. / Pontic, Aegean and Levantine amphorae at Gordion


Depuis le sud de la mer Noire : Sinope
Kassab Tezgor, Dominique / Le reseau commercial des amphores sinopeennes entre les IIe-IIIe s. et le Vle s. de notre ere

Braund, David / Concluding remarks


  Already viewed

Varia Anatolica XXI : PATABS I : Production and trade of amphorae in the Black Sea : actes de la table ronde internationale de Batoumi et Trabzon, 27 - 29 avril 2006

by: Kassab Tezgor, D. Inaishvili, N.

  • ISBN-13: 9782906053984 / 978-2-906053-98-4
  • ISBN-03: 2906053988 / 2-906053-98-8
  • Institut Francais d'etudes Anatoliennes d'Istanbul, Istanbul, 2010

Price: 75,40 EURO

1 copy in stock