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From Roman to early Christian Thessalonike : studies in religion and archaeology

by: Nasrallah, L.S. Bakirtzis, Ch. Friesen, S.J.

Price: 39,00 EURO

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Category: Byzantium / History / Art / Archaeology
Code: 16158
ISBN-13: 9780674053229 / 978-0-674-05322-9
ISBN-10: 0674053222 / 0-674-05322-2
Publisher: Harvard Theological Studies, Harvard Divinity School
Publication Date: 2010
Publication Place: Cambridge, Massachusetts
Binding: Paper
Pages: 437
Book Condition: New
Comments: xiv, 437 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. / Voluntary associations in Roman Thessalonike : in search of identity and support in a cosmopolitan society / Pantelis M. Nigdelis --Of memories and meals : Greco-Roman associations and the early Jesus-group at Thessalonike

This volume brings together international scholars of religion, archaeologists, and scholars of art and architectural history to investigate social, political, and religious life in Roman and early Christian Thessalonike, an important metropolis in the Hellenistic, Roman, and early Christian periods and beyond. This volume is the first broadly interdisciplinary investigation of Roman and early Christian Thessalonike in English and offers new data and new interpretations by scholars of ancient religion and archaeology. The book covers materials usually treated by a broad range of disciplines: New Testament and early Christian literature, art historical materials, urban planning in antiquity, material culture and daily life, and archaeological artifacts from the Roman to the late antique period.


Introduction [Laura Nasrallah]
The Early Roman Empire
1. Voluntary Associations in Roman Thessalonikē: In Search of Identity and Support in a Cosmopolitan Society [Pantelis M. Nigdelis]
2. Of Memories and Meals: Greco-Roman Associations and the Early Jesus-Group at Thessalonikē [Richard S. Ascough]
3. “Gazing Upon the Invisible”: Archaeology, Historiography, and the Elusive Women of 1 Thessalonians [Melanie Johnson-DeBaufre]
4. Locating Purity: Temples, Sexual Prohibitions, and “Making a Difference” in Thessalonikē [Christine M. Thomas]
5. Egyptian Religion in Thessalonikē: Regulation for the Cult [Helmut Koester]
6. Social Status and Family Origin in the Sarcophagi of Thessalonikē [Thea Stefanidou-Tiveriou]
7. Second Thessalonians, the Ideology of Epistles, and the Construction of Authority: Our Debt to the Forger [Steven J. Friesen]
The Later Roman Empire and the Early Byzantine Period
8. Christianization of Thessalonikē: The Making of Christian “Urban Iconography” [Slobodan Ćurčić]
9. Civic and Ecclesiastical Identity in Christian Thessalonikē [James Skedros]
10. Ceramics in Late Antique Thessalonikē [Demetra Papanikola-Bakirtzi]
11. Glassware in Late Antique Thessalonikē (Third to Seventh Centuries C.E.) [Anastassios C. Antonaras]
12. Reflections on the Architectural History of the Tetrarchic Palace Complex at Thessalonikē [Aristoteles Mentzos]
13. Early Christian Interpretation in Image and Word: Canon, Sacred Text, and the Mosaic of Moni Latomou [Laura Nasrallah]
14. Late Antiquity and Christianity in Thessalonikē: Aspects of a Transformation [Charalambos Bakirtzis]

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From Roman to early Christian Thessalonike : studies in religion and archaeology

by: Nasrallah, L.S. Bakirtzis, Ch. Friesen, S.J.

  • ISBN-13: 9780674053229 / 978-0-674-05322-9
  • ISBN-03: 0674053222 / 0-674-05322-2
  • Harvard Theological Studies, Harvard Divinity School, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2010

Price: 39,00 EURO

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