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Sophocles : Trachiniae

by: Easterling, P.E.

Category: Cambridge Classical Studies / Texts and Commentaries / Greek and Latin Classics
Code: 17696
ISBN-13: 9780521287760 / 978-0-521-28776-0
ISBN-10: 0521287766 / 0-521-28776-6
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Publication Date: 1982
Publication Place: Cambridge
Binding: Paper
Pages: 254
Book Condition: Very good
Comments: Cambridge Greek and Latin classics / xiii, 254 p. ; 19 cm. / Greek text, commentary in English.

Sophocles' Trachiniae is, in the editor's words, 'a subtle and sophisticated play about primitive emotions'. It is also a play which presents problems to a modern audience. Making full use of recent Sphoclean scholarship, Mrs Easterling attempts in her Introduction a detailed literary analysis of Trachiniae, helping the reader to understand better its intricate structure, the treatment of Deianira and Heracles, and the meaning of the final scenes. The notes in the Commentary of grammar, syntax and style include material which will be helpful to comparative beginners in the language, but the commentary as a whole is intended for anyone with a close interest in Greek tragedy. This is an edition for classical scholars, undergraduates, and students in the upper forms of schools. The Introduction is designed to be of use to readers who do not know Greek, as well as to specialists.

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Sophocles : Trachiniae

by: Easterling, P.E.

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  • ISBN-03: 0521287766 / 0-521-28776-6
  • Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1982


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Price: 57,00 EURO

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