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The seascape in Aegean prehistory

by: Vavouranakis, G.

Category: SOLD BOOKS
Code: 18097
ISBN-13: 9788779345713 / 978-87-7934-571-3
ISBN-10: 8779345719 / 87-7934-571-9
Publisher: Aarhus University Press
Publication Date: 2011
Publication Place: Aarhus
Binding: Cloth
Pages: 288
Book Condition: New
Comments: Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens Volume 14 / 288 pages : illustrations, maps, ; 29 cm.



This book is about the relationship between the people and the sea in the prehistoric Aegean. It explores how people understood the sea as an integral part of their way of life and examines the role the sea played in the prehistoric societies of the archipelago. It may at first seem obvious - even selfevident - that there had been a close relationship between people and the sea, since the Aegean Archipelago is the dominant feature of its wider area. It spreads over at total area of about 214,000 sq km. This large area of water includes over 1000 islands, many of which are populated today. The Aegean Sea and its islands epitomise Greece in the minds of many people today.


Nonetheless, we should remember that the land that borders the Aegean features the important mountain range of Pindos, the plains of Thessaly and Macedonia and, next to Greece, Turkey, with the solid landmass of Asia Minor. These places have always accomodated extensive and flourishing communities that were not related to the sea at all. Furthermore, many people on Mt Ida in Crete had never seen the sea in the recent past, despite being on an island, while until recently many Greeks living close to the coast had not known how to swim. A maritime way of life may be an obvious option, but it is neither the only nor an inevitable one in the Aegean. There is always room for choice in the relation between people and the sea and this relation may acquire various forms and different degrees of intimacy.


9 List of contributors
11 Preface
Giorgos Vavouranakis
13 Introduction
Giorgos Vavouranakis
31 The paradox of early voyaging in the Mediterranean and the slowness of the Neolithic transition
between Cyprus and Italy
Albert]. Ammerman
51 Fishing (in) Aegean seascapes: early Aegean fishermen and their world
Tatiana Theodoropoulou
71 Further thoughts on the International Spirit: maritime politics and consuming bodies in the early
Despina Catapoti
91 Funerary customs and mar time activity in Early Bronze Crete
Giorgos Vavouranakis
119 Towards a conceptualisation of the sea: artefacts, iconography and meaning
Ina Berg
139 Fish and ships: Neopalatial seascapes in context
Matthew Haysom
161 A view from the sea
John G. Younger
185 Politics of the sea in the Late Bronze Age II—III Aegean: iconographic preferences and textual
Vassilis P. Petrakis
235 vporx-ant Aegeans in Cyprus: a study on Aegean imports in Late Bronze Age non-mortuary
contexts in Cyprus
Sophia Antoniadou
251 Overseas migrations at the end of the Late Bronze Age in the Aegean and the eastern Mediterranean:
some reflections
Anastasia Leriou
271 An epilogue: histories from the sea
Kostas Kotsakis
283 Index


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The seascape in Aegean prehistory

by: Vavouranakis, G.

  • ISBN-13: 9788779345713 / 978-87-7934-571-3
  • ISBN-03: 8779345719 / 87-7934-571-9
  • Aarhus University Press, Aarhus, 2011