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Roman and European Mythologies

by: Bonnefoy, Y. Doniger, W.

Price: 25,00 EURO

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Category: Mythology / Ancient Religion
Code: 18117
ISBN-13: 9780226064550 / 978-0-226-06455-0
ISBN-10: 0226064557 / 0-226-06455-7
Publisher: The University of Chicago Press
Publication Date: 1991
Publication Place: Chicago
Binding: Paper
Pages: 319
Book Condition: As New
Comments: xxi, 319 p. : ill. ; 28 cm. / Translation of selections from: Dictionnaire des mythologies et des religions des societes traditionnelles et du monde antique. / The interpretation of mythology --Rome --Western civilization in the Christian era.

Roman and European mythologies

Authors:Yves Bonnefoy (Compiler), Wendy Doniger (Translator),
Gerald Honigsblum (Translator)

Summary:Collection of ninety-five articles on Roman and European mythologies, reproduced in full with illustrations, from the two-volume Mythologies

xxi, 319 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm

The interpretation of mythology
Western civilization in the Christian era. Part. 1. Introduction: The interpretation of mythology. Toward a definition of myth
The interpretation of myths: nineteenth- and twentieth-century theories
Myth and writing: the mythographers
Prehistoric religion
"Nomadic thought" and religious action
Part 2. Rome. Italy
Relibion in pre-Roman Italy: the historical framework
Sacrificial cults and rites in pre-Roman Italy
Conceptions of the afterlife among the peoples of pre-Roman Italy
Etruscan religion
Etruscan daemonology
Etruscan and Italic divination
The doctrine and sacred books of the Disciplina Etrusca
The religion of the Sabellians and Umbrians, Italics of central and southern Italy
The beliefs and rites of the Apulians, an indigenous people of southern Italy
Myths and cults of the ancient Veneti, an Indo-European people of Northern Italy
Ver Sacrum: the Italic rite of the "Sacred spring-time"
The Latins and the origins of Roman religion
Greco-Italic traditions and legends, from the Bronze Age to Virgil
Roman religion
Roman gods
Roman sacrifice
The religion of the Roman Republic: a review of recent studies
Roman festivals
Roman divination
Roman religion and Greek philosophy
The decline and survival of Roman religion
Anna Perenna
Apollo in Rome
The Arval Brethren
Augurs and Augury
The religious policies of Augustus
Cicero as theologian
The Lares
The Manes
The Penates
Priapus: the last of the gods
Virgil's religious vision
Part 3. Western civilization in the Christian era. The survival and myths in early Christianity
Christian judgments on the analogies between Christianity and pagan mythology
The euhemerism of the Christian authors
Christianity and mythology in the Greek Church
The Naassenes' use of pagan mythologies
The Gnostics and the mythologies of paganism
The Perates and their gnostic interpretation of paganism
Eros among the Gnostics
Hecate in Greek esotericism
Justin the Gnostic: a syncretistic mythology
The medieval west and "mythic thought"
The survival of the ancient gods in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance
Alchemy and mythology
Cabala and mythology
Pan among the Cabalists and Alchemists of the Renaissance
Fables and symbols from sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Hermeticism
Hercules in alchemy
Orpheus un the Renaissance
King Arthur, the romances of the Round Table, and the legend of the Grail
Tristan and Isolde
Gypsy myths and rituals
Fable and mythology in seventeen- and eighteenth-century literature and theoretical reflection
The mythology of ancient Switzerland
Mythic elements in French folklore
French fairy tales, folktales, and myths
Folk beliefs and legends about fairies in France
Popular customs and rituals in France
Romanticism and mythology: the use of myths in litery works
Romanticism and myth in Blake, Nerval, and Balzac
The mythology of European decadent and symbolist literature
The Androgyne
The Androgyne, the Double, and the Reflection: a few myths of Romanticism
Romantic myths of the rebel and the victim: Satan, Prometheus, Cain, Job, Faust, Ahasuerus, Don Juan, and Empedocles
Spirits and elements in the Romantic Period: sylphs, water sprites, salamanders, gnomes, and elves
Orpheus and the poetic and spiritual quest of Romanticism
The Isis of Romanticism: the myth of the wife-mother: Helen, Sophia, Mary
Julian the Apostate in Romantic literature
Napoleon as myth
Modernity's challenge to myth, in the poetry of Hölderlin, Heine, Baudelaire, Mallarmé, T.S. Eliot, and Rilke
Hölderlin's Dionysus
Myth in twentieth-century English literature
The survival of ancient myths in modern Greek poetic consciousness
Imagination and mythology in contemporary literature (Tolkien, Lovecraft) and science fiction
Myth and political theory: nationalisms and socialisms
Epilogue: The contemporary need for myths: a testimonial

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Roman and European Mythologies

by: Bonnefoy, Y. Doniger, W.

  • ISBN-13: 9780226064550 / 978-0-226-06455-0
  • ISBN-03: 0226064557 / 0-226-06455-7
  • The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1991

Price: 25,00 EURO

1 copy in stock