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Thucydides : Man's Place in History

by: Stahl, H.-P.

Category: SOLD BOOKS
Code: 20312
ISBN-13: 9780954384524 / 978-0-9543845-2-4
ISBN-10: 0954384520 / 0-9543845-2-0
Publisher: The Classical Press of Wales
Publication Date: 2003
Publication Place: Swansea
Binding: Cloth
Pages: 248
Book Condition: New

Stahl's classic book on Thucydides is one of the most profound and widely respected modern studies of the Athenian historian. Published in German in 1966 as Thukydides: Die Stellung des Menschen im geschichtlichen Prozess, it has, until now, not been available in English. For this new edition, the original has been revised and enlarged by two chapters which reflect the author's subsequent work. Stahl's achievement is, first, to free Thucydides from the nationalist limits which modern interpreters imposed, then to demonstrate the technique whereby Thucydides constructs his work as an interplay, using narrative to comment on the speeches of politicians, to confirm or, more often, to refute his speakers' analysis. The author is Mellon Professor of Classics at the University of Pittsburgh.

1. The question (Book 6.53-61)
2. Retrospective (the state of Thucydidean studies; methodology)
3. Projections and prospects (Book 1)
4. Prelude to war (Book 2.2-6)
5. Plan and reality (Book 2)
6. Endpoints of series of events (Book 3.2-85)
7. Recurring structural elements of event sequences (Books 3.94-114; 4.2 - 5.14)
8. Behaviour in the extreme situation (Book 5.84-113)
9. Speeches vs course of events in Books 6 and 7: attitudes-perceptions-responses
10. Literary detail and historical crisis point: the Sicilian Books
Index rerum
Index nominum
Index verborum graecorum
Index locorum

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Thucydides : Man's Place in History

by: Stahl, H.-P.

  • ISBN-13: 9780954384524 / 978-0-9543845-2-4
  • ISBN-03: 0954384520 / 0-9543845-2-0
  • The Classical Press of Wales, Swansea, 2003