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Religion and Politics in the Greco-Roman World

by: Dabrowa

Price: 40,81 EURO

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Category: Greco-Roman History
Code: 20722
ISBN-13: 9788323338574 / 978-83-233-3857-4
ISBN-10: 8323338574 / 83-233-3857-4
Publisher: Jagiellonian University Press
Publication Date: 2014
Publication Place: Krakow
Binding: Paper
Pages: 175
Book Condition: New
Comments: Electrum Vol. 21 (2014) / ISSN 1897-3426 / Electrum: Studies in Ancient History

Papers published in this volume are dealing with different aspects of relations between politics and religion in the Mediterranean world in period from IV c. B.C. to III c. A.D. In individual papers are discussed and interpreted various examples of interference of politics, philosophy, and religion. Four papers are focused on Greece and the Hellenistic world, seven on republican and imperial Rome. Papers are published in English (6), German (3) and Italian.

A bbreviations.......................................................................................................................... 7
F e d e r ic o m a r ia M u c c io li, Le ambizioni del filosofo. Le tradizioni sulla morte
di Eraclide P ontico.......................................................................................................... 9
T o m a s z G ra b o w s k i, The Cult o f thè Ptolemies in thè Aegean
in thè 3rd Century B C ...................................................................................................... 21
D a v id E n g e ls , „Da richteten sie in Jerusalem ein Gym nasion her, wie es auch
die Heiden hatten.“ Das Gym nasion von Jerusalem und der Aufstand
der Makkabäer: Sport, Religion und Politik.............................................................. 43
K a te ll B e rth e lo t, Judas Maccabeus* Wars against Judaea?s Neighbours
in 1 Maccabees 5: A Reassessm ent o f the E vidence............................................... 73
M a c ie j P ie g d o ń , Some Rem arks on War Rituals in Archaic Italy and Rom e and
the Beginnings o f Rom an Im perialism ....................................................................... 87
D a n u ta M u s ia ł, The Princeps as the Pontifex Maximus. The Case o f Tiberius.. 99
W e rn e r E ck , Ehrenstatuen als M ittel der öffentlichen Kom m unikation in Städten
der Provinz Iudaea/Syria Palaestina............................................................................ 107
A n n a T a ta rk ie w ic z , In Search o f Auctoritas etM aiestas - the Flavian Dynasty
andR eligions..................................................................................................................... 117
P e te r F ra n z M itta g , O hnm acht und Religion. Bem erkungen zu einigen
Götterdarstellungen auf den M edaillons des A ntoninus Pius.................... 133
P r z e m y s ła w W oj C ie c h o w s k i, The Imperial Cult in Rom an Religious
A ssociations...................................................................................................................... 153
S. Froehlich, Handlungsmotive bei Herodot, (Collegium Beatus Rhenanus, Bd. 4),
Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart 2013, 226 S., ISBN 978-3-515-10411-1
(Jakub K uciak)................................................................................................................. 165
P. Funke, M. Haake (eds.), Greek Federal States and Their Sanctuaries: Identity
and Integration, Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart 2013, pp. 244, 6 b/w ili.,
ISBN 978-3-515-10307-7 (Ryszard Tokarczuk)...................................................... 169
F. M uccioli, Gli epiteti ufficiali dei re ellenistici (Historia - Einzelschriften 224),
Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart 2013, pp. 562, ISBN 978-3-515-10126-4
(Edward D ąbrow a).......................................................................................................... 173

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Religion and Politics in the Greco-Roman World

by: Dabrowa

  • ISBN-13: 9788323338574 / 978-83-233-3857-4
  • ISBN-03: 8323338574 / 83-233-3857-4
  • Jagiellonian University Press, Krakow, 2014

Price: 40,81 EURO

1 copy in stock