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The Essential Herodotus : Translation, Introduction, and Annotations by William A. Johnson

by: Johnson, W.A.

Price: 14,00 EURO

1 copy in stock
Category: Greek History
Code: 22152
ISBN-13: 9780199897957 / 978-0-19-989795-7
ISBN-10: 0199897956 / 0-19-989795-6
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Publication Date: 2017
Publication Place: Oxford
Binding: Paper
Pages: 264
Book Condition: New

New translations of essential selections from the writings of Herodotus, the world's first historian. William A. Johnson offers annotations to guide the reader through Herodotus's works, which include descriptions of life in the 5th and 6th century BC, including political histories of Egypt and the Greco-Persian War

About the translator
Central persons in Herodotus
The Great Kings of Persia (the Achaemenids)
The researches of Herodotus of Halicarnassus
Book 1
Proem: The Opening Sentence
The Snatchings of Women
Croesus and Tales of Lydia
Gyges and the Wife of Candaules
Early Kings of Lydia: Ardys, Sadyattes, Alyattes & the War against Miletus
Periander at Corinth: Arion and the dolphin
Croesus and Solon
Atys and Adrastus
Croesus tests the oracles
Croesus seeks an ally
Background: Athens
Background: Sparta
Croesus attacks Cyrus
Cyrus counterattacks: The siege of Sardis
Croesus on the pyre
Cyrus and Croesus
The Marvels and Customs of Lydia
Tales of Cyrus and the Rise of the Persians
Cyrus the Great
Background: Deioces, and the rise of the Medes
The Birth and Upbringing of Cyrus
The Punishment of Harpagus
How Cyrus became King
Cyrus's Last Campaign
The Land of the Massagetae
Cyrus attacks the Massagetae
The Marvels and Customs of the Massagetae
Book 2
Cambyses and Tales of Egypt
Psammetichus and the Antiquity of Egypt - Physical Geography of Egypt
The Nile River
The Marvels and Customs of Egypt
Egyptian Customs and Manners
The Sacred Animals of Egypt
The People of Egypt
The Kings of Egypt
King Proteus and the story of Helen of Troy
Rhampsinitus and the Thief
Cheops, Chephren, and the Building of the Pyramids
Book 3
Cambyses invades Egypt
The causes for the invasion
Preparations for the invasion
The attack on Egypt
Cambyses and the Apis bull
The Madness of Cambyses
Crisis and Constitutional Debate
A False Smerdis declares himself King and Cambyses dies
The Magi Revolt
Death of Cambyses
The False Smerdis is Found Out
The Seven overthrow the Magi
The Constitutional Debate
Book 4
Darius invades Scythia
Why Darius attacked Scythia
Origins of the Scythians
The Marvels and Customs of Scythia
Burial and Purification
"Custom is King": the Stories of Anacharsis and Scyles
Darius prepares to invade
Darius crosses the Ister
Physical geography of Scythia and its Neighbors
Excursus: Sauromatae and the Amazons
The Neighboring States take Counsel
The Scythians lead and the Persians follow
Darius challenges the Scythians to fight
Darius retreats and the Scythians give chase
The Ionians at the Bridge and Darius's Arrival
Books 5 and 6
The Ionian Revolt
Aristagoras visits Sparta
Athens and The Burning of Sardis
Histiaeus hoodwinks Darius
The Persians move to re-establish control even as the revolt spreads
Histiaeus joins the revolt
Sea-Battle at Lade and the Fall of Miletus
The Fate of Histiaeus
The final subjugation of Ionia
Book 6 (continued)
The First Invasion of Greece: Mardonius and Marathon
The invasion of Europe: Mardonius's misadventure
Subjugation of the Cyclades
Subjugation of Eretria
The battle of Marathon
Athens asks Sparta for help
Hippias has a dream vision
The Planaeans arrive to help
Miltiades urges the Athenians to stay and fight
The battle is joined
Datis returns to Susa
The Spartans arrive
Book 7
Xerxes invades Greece
Darius decides upon a full-scale invasion
A quarrel over Darius's succession
Xerxes becomes the Persian King
Council of the Persians
Xerxes and the Dream
Xerxes prepares to invade
Bridging the Hellespont
Xerxes marches into Europe
Xerxes counts and reviews the host
Xerxes and Demaratus
Artemisium and Thermopylae
Council at the Isthmus
The advance guard
The enormity of the Persian forces
The storm
Further Persian losses
The Greek forces
Xerxes and Demaratus
The Persians attack
Ephialtes and the path over the mountain
Some Greeks decide to depart
Leonidas and his 300 make a stand
Those who survived
Xerxes and Demaratus
Book 8
The Greeks evacuate Athens
The Greek fleet
The Persians occupy Attica and burn Athens
The Greeks deliberate. Themistocles tries to persuade Eurybiades
Signs from the gods
The Persians deliberate. Artemisia tries to persuade Xerxes
The Greek resolve wavers. Themistocles' message to Xerxes
The battle of Salamis
The battle from the Persian perspective
The battle from the Greek perspective
Xerxes decides to return to Susa
Book 9
Note on the Selections
Note on the Text
Figure Credits
Index to Place Names

xxii, 264 pages : illustrations, maps ; 24 cm

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The Essential Herodotus : Translation, Introduction, and Annotations by William A. Johnson

by: Johnson, W.A.

  • ISBN-13: 9780199897957 / 978-0-19-989795-7
  • ISBN-03: 0199897956 / 0-19-989795-6
  • Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2017

Price: 14,00 EURO

1 copy in stock