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Rethinking the Mediterranean

by: Harris, W.V.

Price: 65,64 EURO

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Category: Ancient Topography / Geography / History
Code: 22885
ISBN-13: 9780199207725 / 978-0-19-920772-5
ISBN-10: 0199207720 / 0-19-920772-0
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Publication Date: 2006
Publication Place: Oxford
Binding: Paper
Pages: 414
Book Condition: New
Comments: First Published 2005

Rethinking the Mediterranean
Edited by W. V. Harris
Draws internationally renowned scholars from a range of disciplines into a vigorous dialogue
Subjects the currently popular topic of Mediterranean studies to a fresh critical gaze

In this collection of essays, an international group of renowned scholars attempt to establish the theoretical basis for studying the ancient and medieval history of the Mediterranean Sea and the lands around it. In so doing they range far afield to other Mediterraneans, real and imaginary, as distant as Brazil and Japan. Their work is an essential tool for understanding the Mediterranean, pre-modern and modern alike. It speaks to ancient and medieval historians, to archaeologists, anthropologists and all historians with environmental interests, and not least to classicists.

Table of Contents
1:The Mediterranean and ancient history, W. V. Harris
The Big Canvas
2:Practical Mediterraneanism, Michael Herzfeld
3:Mediterraneans, David Abulafia
4:Ecology and beyond: the Mediterranean paradigm, Alain Bresson
Angles of Vision
5:The eastern Mediterranean in early antiquity, Marc Van De Mieroop
6:Ritual dynamics in the eastern Mediterranean: case studies in ancient Greece and Asis Minor, Angelos Chaniotis
7:The east-west orientation of Mediterranean studies and the meaning of North and South in antiquity, G. W. Bowersock
8:Travel sickness: medicine and mobility in the Mediterranean from antiquity to the Renaissance, Peregrine Horden
9:The ancient Mediterranean: the view from the customs-house, Nicholas Purcell
The Archaeology of Knowledge
10:Travel and experience in the Mediterranean of Louis XV, Christopher Drew Armstrong
11:The mirage of Greek continuity: on the uses and abuses of analogy in some travel narratives from the 17th to the 18th centuries, Suzanne Said
12:Mediterranean reception in the Americas, Francisco Marshall
13:Alphabet soup in the Mediterranean basin: the emergence of the Mediterranean serial, Susan E. Alcock
Last Words
14:Egypt and the concept of the Mediterranean, Roger S. Bagnall
15:Four years of `Corruption': a response to critics, Peregrine Horden and Nicholas Purcell

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Rethinking the Mediterranean

by: Harris, W.V.

  • ISBN-13: 9780199207725 / 978-0-19-920772-5
  • ISBN-03: 0199207720 / 0-19-920772-0
  • Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2006

Price: 65,64 EURO

1 copy in stock