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The Sanctuary of Athena at Sounion

by: Barletta, B.A.

Category: SOLD BOOKS
Code: 23537
ISBN-13: 9780876619674 / 978-0-87661-967-4
ISBN-10: 0876619677 / 0-87661-967-7
Publisher: American School of Classical Studies at Athens
Publication Date: 2017
Publication Place: New Jersey
Binding: Paper
Pages: 360
Book Condition: New
Comments: Ancient Art and Architecture in Context 4 / 360 pp, 247 col and b/w figs, 2 tables


by Barbara A. Barletta

Ancient Art and Architecture in Context 4
360 pp, 247 col and b/w figs, 2 tables
9.5" x 11.5"
Cloth, ISBN: 978-0-87661-967-4
Publication Date: Dec 2017

The Temple of Athena at Sounion has long been recognized as one of the most unusual buildings in the architectural history of Greece. Its plan, with columns uniquely on the front and only one side, is unparalleled in the Greek world. Excavations of the temple and other buildings there, however, were complicated by the fact that many architectural pieces from the site had been reused in a Roman temple in the Athenian Agora. Here, Barletta provides a fascinating examination of the early excavations at Sounion, the debate over who was worshipped at the so-called Small Temple within the sanctuary, the varied architectural influences on the Temple of Athena, and the later use of its architectural pieces in the Athenian Agora. Building on unpublished work by William B. Dinsmoor Jr. and Homer A. Thompson, this study represents the first comprehensive view of the temple and its sanctuary.

About the Author: Barbara A. Barletta (1952-2015) was a Professor of Art and Art History at the University of Florida.

"Lavishly illustrated with both color and black-and-white photos as well as numerous line drawings, this volume deserves a spot on the bookshelf of every scholar interested in Athenian and Cycladic architecture, the Ionic order, and Roman architectural reuse. . . . Ultimately, this book stands as a brilliant testament to the meticulous scholarship and memory of its three authors." Jessica Paga, AJA 123.3 (July 2019).

". . . Un tel livre nous enrichit et doit relancer les discussions sur un monument exceptionnel à plus d'un titre, témoin d'une forte originalité des créations du milieu du Ve s. av. J.-C." Roland Étienne, Revue des Études Anciennes 120.2 (2018).

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The Sanctuary of Athena at Sounion

by: Barletta, B.A.

  • ISBN-13: 9780876619674 / 978-0-87661-967-4
  • ISBN-03: 0876619677 / 0-87661-967-7
  • American School of Classical Studies at Athens, New Jersey, 2017