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Cura Aquarum in Greece: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on the History of Water Management and Hydraulic Engineering in the Mediterranean Region. Athens, Greece 28 - 30 March 2015.

by: Wellbrock, K.

Category: SOLD BOOKS
Code: 23581
ISBN-13: 978-3-86948-600-0 / 978-3-86948-602-4
ISBN-10: 3-86948-600-7 / 3-86948-602-3
Publisher: Deutsche Wasserhistorische Gesellschaft e.V.
Publication Date: 2017
Publication Place: Siegburg
Binding: Paper
Book Condition: New
Comments: 2 Vols. Set. / Schriften der Deutschen Wasserhistorischen Gesellschaft (DWhG) e.V. Band 27, Teil 1 (Volume 27, Part 1) & Band 27, Teil 2 (Volume 27, Part 2) / 354 Seiten, insgesamt 250 Abbildungen, 110 davon farbig, broschiert mit Leimbindung

Band 27 – Cura Aquarum in Greece Teil 1 / Part 1

Greece: The cradle of European hydraulic engineering and water management Henning Fahlbusch 1

The Water Supply of Athens through the Centuries Demetris Koutsoyiannis and Nikos Mamassis 31

Wells in Athens: The contribution of the Kerameikos Wells Jutta Stroszeck 43

The Water Supply Network on the Western Hills of Athens Olga Dakoura- Vogiatzoglou 89

The Historical Development of the Spring of Klepsydra on the North Slope of the Acropolis of Athens Effie Giannikapani 133

Waterworks at the northwest end of the Athenian Acropolis from Prehistory to date Tasos Tanoulas 175

Olympia, Heiligtum und Wettkampfstätte mit wasserwirtschaftlichen Problemen Reinhard Senff 193

Greek Swimming Pools - Case Study of Olympia Monika Trümper 215

Mining and Moving Water at Corinth Betsey A. Robinson 251

Interpreting Continuities and Changes of Water Infrastructures: The Case of Ancient Corinth Anna Sfika 267

„To amaze the world“ - A contribution to the shape and meaning of the water clock in antiquity Anette Schomberg 301


Teil 2/Part 2

Minoan Hydraulic Tradition and Technology Transfer to Thebes and Corinth in Greece with Emphasis on Underground Waterworks Eustathios D. Chiotis 341

The Ancient Aqueduct of Naxos V. Lambrinoudakis, A. Sfyroera, Th. Bilis, M. Magnisali, E. Kazolias 377

Ore washeries and water cisterns in the mines of Laurion-Attica George D. Papadimitriou 395

Bringing to light ancient water supply structures: the METRO rescue excavations in Piraeus S. Chrysoulaki, Th. Evangelou, P. Koutis, G. Peppas 417

Ancient Water Supply Systems in Megara Panagiota Avgerinou 443

Project Management of Hydraulic Work in Classical Antiquity - The Case of the Sanctuary of Amphiaraos Anna Androvitsanea 473

Wasserwirtschaft im Niltal: Die Ableitung von Niederschlags- und Gebrauchswasser in Ägypten vom Alten Reich bis in griechisch-römische Zeit Heidi Köpp-Junk 485

Sextus Iulius Frontinus – seine Gestalt in den nichtliterarischen Quellen Werner Eck 509

How Deep Can it Go? - Excavations of the Tel Gezer Water System; Results of the 2014-2016 Seasons Daniel A. Warner 523

A Large Reservoir and Impressive Aqueduct from the Roman Period at Bet She?arim National Park Tsvika Tsuk, Iosi Bordowicz and Achia Kohn-Tavor 535

Qanats, the mother of all aqueducts? Wilke D. Schram 625

Names and sizes of Roman lead pipes for water conduction Yoram Nir-El 645

Wall Thickness of Roman Lead Pipes Yoram Nir-El 656

Aquädukte Griechenlands und deren Bezug zur Philatelie Gerd

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Cura Aquarum in Greece: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on the History of Water Management and Hydraulic Engineering in the Mediterranean Region. Athens, Greece 28 - 30 March 2015.

by: Wellbrock, K.

  • ISBN-13: 978-3-86948-600-0 / 978-3-86948-602-4
  • ISBN-03: 3-86948-600-7 / 3-86948-602-3
  • Deutsche Wasserhistorische Gesellschaft e.V., Siegburg, 2017