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The Oxford Handbook of Roman Epigraphy

by: Bruun, Chr. Edmondson, J.

Price: 45,00 EURO

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Category: Epigraphy / Greek Linguistics / Early Greek Languages
Code: 23596
ISBN-13: 9780190860301 / 978-0-19-086030-1
ISBN-10: 0190860308 / 0-19-086030-8
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Publication Date: 2018
Publication Place: Oxford
Binding: Paper
Pages: 888
Book Condition: New
Comments: Oxford Handbooks / First Published 2015

Epigraphy, or the study of inscriptions, is critical for anyone seeking to understand the Roman world, whether they regard themselves as literary scholars, historians, archaeologists, anthropologists, religious scholars or work in a field that touches on the Roman world from c. 500 BCE to 500 CE and beyond. The Oxford Handbook of Roman Epigraphy is the fullest collection of scholarship on the study and history of Latin epigraphy produced to date. Rather that just a collection of inscriptions, however, this volume seeks to show why inscriptions matter and demonstrate to classicists and ancient historians how to work with the sources. To that end, the 35 chapters, written by senior and rising scholars in Roman history, classics, and epigraphy, cover everything from typograph to the importance of inscriptions for understanding many aspects of Roman culture, from Roman public life, to slavery, to the roles and lives of women, to the military, and to life in the provinces. Students and scholars alike will find the Handbook a crritical tool for expanding their knowledge of the Roman world.

List of Contributors
Map 1. Italy
Map 2. The Roman Empire under M. Aurelius and Commodus
PART I Roman Epigraphy: Introduction and History of the Discipline
1. The Epigrapher at Work, Christer Bruun & Jonathan Edmondson
2. Epigraphic Research since its Inception: Epigraphic Manuscripts, Marco Buonocore
3. Forgeries and Fakes, Silvia Orlandi, Maria Letizia Caldelli, & Gian Luca Gregori
4. The Major Corpora and Epigraphic Publications, Christer Bruun
5. Epigraphy and Digital Resources, Thomas Elliott
PART II Inscriptions in the Roman World
6. Latin Epigraphy: The Main Types of Inscriptions, Francisco Beltrán Lloris
7. Inscribing Roman Texts: officinae, layout, and carving techniques, Jonathan Edmondson
8. The Epigraphic Habit in the Roman World, Francisco Beltrán Lloris
PART III The Value of Inscriptions for Reconstructing the Roman World
Inscriptions and Roman Public Life
9. The Roman Republic, Olli Salomies
10. The Roman Emperor and the Imperial Family, Frédéric Hurlet
11. Senators and Equites: Prosopography, Christer Bruun
12. Local Elites in Italy and the Western Provinces, Henrik Mouritsen
13. Local Elites in the Greek East, Christof Schuler
14. Government and Administration, Christer Bruun
15. Laws, Lawmaking, and Legal Documents, Greg Rowe
16. The Roman Army, Michael A. Speidel
17. Roman History and Inscriptions: Political and Military Events, David Potter
18. Late Antiquity, Benet Salway
Inscriptions and Religion in the Roman Empire
19. Religion in Rome and Italy, Mika Kajava
20. Religion in the Roman Provinces, James Rives
21. The Rise of Christianity, Danilo Mazzoleni
Inscriptions and Roman Social and Economic Life
22. The City of Rome, Christer Bruun
23. Social Life in Town and Country, Garrett Fagan
24. Urban Infrastructure and Euergetism outside the City of Rome, Marietta Horster
25. Spectacle in Rome, Italy, and the Provinces, Michael Carter & Jonathan Edmondson
26. Roman Family History, Jonathan Edmondson
27. Women in the Roman World, Maria Letizia Caldelli
28. Slaves and Freed Slaves, Christer Bruun
29. Death and Burial, Laura Chioffi
30. Communications and Mobility in the Roman Empire, Anne Kolb
31. Economic Life in the Roman Empire, Jonathan Edmondson
Inscriptions and Roman Cultural Life
32. Local Languages in Italy and the West, James Clackson
33. Linguistic Variation, Language Change, and Latin Inscriptions, Peter Kruschwitz
34. Inscriptions and Literacy, John Bodel
35. Carmina Latina Epigraphica, Manfred Schmidt
I Standard Epigraphic Conventions (Leiden Conventions)
II Common Epigraphic Abbreviations
III Roman Onomastics
IV Roman Kinship Terms
V Roman Voting Tribes
VI Numbers
VII Digital Resources for Roman Epigraphy
Index of sources
General Index

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The Oxford Handbook of Roman Epigraphy

by: Bruun, Chr. Edmondson, J.

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  • ISBN-03: 0190860308 / 0-19-086030-8
  • Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2018

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