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Armees grecques et romaines dans le nord des Balkans: Conflits et Integration des Communautes Guerrieres

by: Solas, A.R.

Price: 49,90 EURO

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Category: Ancient Warfare / Military Studies
Code: 24546
ISBN-13: 9788393655809 / 978-83-936558-0-9
ISBN-10: 8393655803 / 83-936558-0-3
Publisher: Fondation Traditio Europae
Publication Date: 2013
Publication Place: Gdansk-Torun
Binding: Cloth
Pages: 229
Book Condition: New
Comments: Akanthina 7 / Collection dirigee par N.V. Sekunda / en collaboration avec Marie-Gabrielle Parissaki et elpida Kosmidou

This volume contains papers delivered at two conferences, entitled La Roumanie, Le livre, l?Europe, held in Rumania organized by the Bibliothèque Métropolitaine de Bucarest in 2010 and 2011, and held under the auspices of a Paris-based research project entitled ?Structures guerrières et échanges entre peuples des Balkans?, jointly financed by the Université Paris-Sorbonne IV and the Centre Lenain de Tillemont (UMR 8167 Orient et Méditerranée). Following on from an introduction by the editor, the papers are as follows: Elpida Kosmidou, ?Further thoughts on the coinage and politics of Alexander I? pp. 15-27; Aliénor Rufin Solas, ?L?or et l?argent des aristocraties thraces. Contribution de l?étude des trésors contenant des vases en métal précieux à l?histoire de la région aux IVe et IIIe siècles avant J.-C.? pp. 29-50 (1 figure); Nicholas V. Sekunda, ?The ?Victory? coinage of Patraos of Paionia? pp. 53-67 (6 figures); Adrian Georges Dumitrou, ?Les Séleucides et les Balkans: les Thraces dans les armées séleucides? pp. 69-89; Peter Delev, ?The burning of the temple at Delphi, the Roman governor L. Scipio and the rout of the Scordisci? pp. 91-103; Maria-Gabriella Parissaki, ?Thrace under Roman sway (146 BC – AD 46). Between warfare and diplomacy? pp. 105-114; Albana Meta, ?Guerre et circulation monétaire : le cas des drachmes de Dyrrachion? pp. 117-131 (2 maps); Saimir Shpuza, ?Illyriens et Romains. Du conflit à l?intégration? pp. 133-143; Danijel Dzino, ?The impact of Roman imperialism on the formation of group identities in some indigenous societies from the eastern Adriatic hinterland? pp. 145-169 (2 maps); Katherine Low, ?Tacitus and Thrace. Balkan auxiliaries from an historian?s perspective? pp. 171-182; Ivo Topalilov, ?The veterans and their descendents in the elite of Philippopolis, Thrace? pp. 185-196 (3 tables); Oleg Alexandrov, ?Ethnic and social composition of the Roman army in Moesia inferior : soldiers from Asia Minor and the eastern provinces of the Roman Empire? pp. 199-207; Constantina Katsari, ?Roman army and the monetisation of Dacia? pp. 209-222 followed by a 6-page index.

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Armees grecques et romaines dans le nord des Balkans: Conflits et Integration des Communautes Guerrieres

by: Solas, A.R.

  • ISBN-13: 9788393655809 / 978-83-936558-0-9
  • ISBN-03: 8393655803 / 83-936558-0-3
  • Fondation Traditio Europae, Gdansk-Torun, 2013

Price: 49,90 EURO

1 copy in stock