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The Senecan Aesthetic : A Performance History

by: Slaney, H.

Category: SOLD BOOKS
Code: 24779
ISBN-13: 9780198736769 / 978-0-19-873676-9
ISBN-10: 0198736762 / 0-19-873676-2
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Publication Date: 2016
Publication Place: Oxford
Binding: Cloth
Pages: 320
Book Condition: New
Comments: Classical Presences

Provides a broad historical overview of the reception of Seneca's plays, from the Renaissance to the present day
Covers both French and English reception
Offers readers a fresh perspective on Seneca's writings by focusing on performance
Employs a comparative, interdisciplinary methodology

Alongside the works of the better-known classical Greek dramatists, the tragedies of Lucius Annaeus Seneca have exerted a profound influence over the dramaturgical development of European theatre. The Senecan Aesthetic surveys the multifarious ways in which Senecan tragedy has been staged, from the Renaissance up to the present day: plundered for neo-Latin declamation and seeping into the blood-soaked revenge tragedies of Shakespeare's contemporaries, seasoned with French neoclassical rigour, and inflated by Restoration flamboyance. In the mid-eighteenth century, the pincer movement of naturalism and philhellenism began to squeeze Seneca off the stage until August Wilhelm Schlegel's shrill denunciation silenced what he called its 'frigid bombast'. The Senecan aesthetic, repressed but still present, staged its return in the twentieth century in the work of Antonin Artaud, who regarded Seneca as 'the greatest tragedian of history'. This volume restores Seneca to a canonical position among the playwrights of antiquity, recognizing him as one of the most important, most revered, and most reviled, and in doing so reveals how theory, practice, and scholarship have always been interdependent and inseparable.

Table of Contents
List of Figures
Editions and Citations
i. Senecan, Performance, Reception
ii. What's Senecan About Seneca?
1. The Open Book
i. In Defence of Student Theatre
ii. Neo-Latin Performance Practice
iii. Progne
iv. Theatre in Education
2. 'Excess is her Disease'
i. Translating the Tenne Tragedies
ii. English(ed) Seneca
iii. Jacobean Variations
3. Nourished on Blood
i. Enter the Diva
ii. The Art of Tragedy
iii. Réalisme Sénéquien
iv. Translation and Adaptation
v. The Merveilleux
4. The Great Repression
i. Tragedy Regulated
ii. Phaedra/Phèdre
5. Hypertragedy
i. Neronian gambols
ii. Horror Plays of the Exclusion Crisis
6. Seneca Censored
i. The Long Eighteenth Century
ii. A Backdrop to Schlegel
iii. Colossal, Misshapen Marionettes
7. Signalling Through the Flames
i. Shelley's Cenci
ii. Artaud's Cenci
8. Seneca in '68
i. Deeper into Language
ii. The Fetters of the Eyes

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The Senecan Aesthetic : A Performance History

by: Slaney, H.

  • ISBN-13: 9780198736769 / 978-0-19-873676-9
  • ISBN-03: 0198736762 / 0-19-873676-2
  • Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2016