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Ancient Divination and Experience

by: Driediger-Murphy, L.G. Eidinow, E.

Category: SOLD BOOKS
Code: 25497
ISBN-13: 9780198844549 / 978-0-19-884454-9
ISBN-10: 0198844549 / 0-19-884454-9
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Publication Date: 2019
Publication Place: Oxford
Binding: Cloth
Pages: 296
Book Condition: New

This volume sets out to re-examine what ancient people - primarily those in ancient Greek and Roman communities, but also Mesopotamian and Chinese cultures - thought they were doing through divination, and what this can tell us about the religions and cultures in which divination was practised. The chapters, authored by a range of established experts and upcoming early-career scholars, engage with four shared questions: What kinds of gods do ancient forms of divination presuppose? What beliefs, anxieties, and hopes did divination seek to address? What were the limits of human 'control' of divination? What kinds of human-divine relationships did divination create/sustain? The volume as a whole seeks to move beyond functionalist approaches to divination in order to identify and elucidate previously understudied aspects of ancient divinatory experience and practice. Special attention is paid to the experiences of non-elites, the perception of divine presence, the ways in which divinatory techniques could surprise their users by yielding unexpected or unwanted results, the difficulties of interpretation with which divinatory experts were thought to contend, and the possibility that divination could not just ease, but also exacerbate, anxiety in practitioners and consultants.

Table of Contents
List of Figures
List of Contributors
0: Introduction, Lindsay G. Driediger-Murphy and Esther Eidinow
I. Expertise and Authority
1: Augur Anxieties in the Ancient Near East, Scott B. Noegel
2: Testing the Oracle? On the Experience of (Multiple) Oracular Consultations, Esther Eidinow
3: Euxenippos at Oropos: Dreaming for Athens, Hugh Bowden
4: Whose Dream Is It Anyway? Navigating the Significance of Dreams in the Ancient World, Jason P. Davies
II. Signs and Control
5: A Reconsideration of the Pythia's Use of Lots: Constraints and Chance in Delphic Divination, Lisa Maurizio
6: Making Sense of Chaos: Civil War, Dynasties, and Family Trees, Andrew Stiles
7: Prodigies in the Early Principate?, Federico Santangelo
8: Unsuccessful Sacrifice in Roman State Divination, Lindsay G. Driediger-Murphy
III. Divine Presence?
9: Divination and the 'Real Presence' of the Divine in Ancient Greece, Michael A. Flower
10: The Pythia at Delphi: A Cognitive Reconstruction of Oracular Possession, Quinton Deeley
11: Which Gods if Any: Gods, Cosmologies, and their Implications for Chinese and Greek Divination, Lisa Raphals

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Ancient Divination and Experience

by: Driediger-Murphy, L.G. Eidinow, E.

  • ISBN-13: 9780198844549 / 978-0-19-884454-9
  • ISBN-03: 0198844549 / 0-19-884454-9
  • Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2019