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Libanius: Ten Mythological and Historical Declamations: Introduction, Translation, and Notes

by: Penella, R.J.

Category: SOLD BOOKS
Code: 25737
ISBN-13: 9781108481373 / 978-1-108-48137-3
ISBN-10: 110848137X / 1-108-48137-X
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Publication Date: 2020
Publication Place: Cambridge
Binding: Cloth
Pages: 239
Book Condition: New

This book offers translations of ten rhetorical declamations of the fourth-century AD sophist Libanius of Antioch and some related texts, almost all appearing for the first time in a modern language. In these works the declaimer impersonates such mythological or historical figures as Poseidon, Paris, Achilles, and Orestes, either in court (as prosecutor or defendant) or by trying to persuade his audience to take a course of action. The texts illustrate the sophist's eloquence and had an educational purpose in the schools, but were also delivered before adult audiences. They also put the Hellenic past on display for audiences of the Greek East in the Roman Empire. The annotated translations are accompanied by analyses of their themes, structure, and argumentation.

The first modern language translation of nine declamations of Libanius and two related Byzantine translations
Analyzes the declamations' themes, argumentative strategies, and structure
The texts included effectively illustrate the ways in which prominent mythological and historical figures were turned into fiction in Late Antiquity

Table of Contents
1. General introduction
2. Introduction to the mythological declamations
3. The mythological declamations
4. Introduction to the historical declamations
5. The historical declamations.

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Libanius: Ten Mythological and Historical Declamations: Introduction, Translation, and Notes

by: Penella, R.J.

  • ISBN-13: 9781108481373 / 978-1-108-48137-3
  • ISBN-03: 110848137X / 1-108-48137-X
  • Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2020