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American Journal of Archaeology, Volume 70 - 1966 (Number 1-2-3-4)


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Category: American Journal of Archaeology: The Journal of the Archaeological Institute of America
Code: 26087
Publisher: Archaeological Institute of America
Publication Date: 1966
Binding: Paper


The Boston Oresteia Krater (pp. 1–22)
Emily Vermeule

Possible Disappearance of Mycenaean Coastal Settlements of the Messenian Peninsula (pp. 23–29)
Charles G. Higgins

The Caeretan Figured Group (pp. 31–36)
Mario A. del Chiaro

The Peace Policy of Pericles (pp. 37–41)
A.E. Raubitschek

A Mycenaean Mourning Custom (pp. 43–50)
Sp. E. Iakovidis

The Origin of Tanagras (pp. 51–63)
Dorothy Burr Thompson

Archaeological Notes
The Velletri Sarcophagus Carved for the Family of the Octaviani (p. 65)
Margarete Bieber

Nero?s Harbor Sestertii (pp. 65–66)
Aline Abaecherli Boyce

IG II² 1493: Corrigenda (p. 66)
Reviewed by Fordyce W. Mitchel

Lead Tabellae from Morgantina (pp. 67–68)
Ned Nabers

Greek Kouroi and Egyptian Methods (pp. 68–70)
Brunilde Sismondo Ridgway

A Bibliographical Note (p. 70)
Elizabeth T. Wakeley

Report on Archaeological Prospects in the Batin El Hajar (Sudanese Nubia) (p. 71)

Georg Karo (p. 73)
Sp. Marinatos

Otto Walter (p. 74)
A.E. Raubitschek

Book Reviews
Fouilles d?Amri (p. 75)
By Jean-Marie Casal
Reviewed by William Trousdale

Excavations at Nessana (pp. 75–76)
By H. Dunscombe Colt
Reviewed by Josephine M. Harris

Early Greek Armour and Weapons from the End of the Bronze Age to 600 B.C. (pp. 76–77)
By Anthony Snodgrass
Reviewed by Ann Konrad Knudsen

Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Deutschland, Band 25, Frankfurt am Main, Band 1 (p. 77)
By Kurt Deppert
Reviewed by Herbert Hoffmann

Greek Art (pp. 77–78)
By John Boardman
Reviewed by Robert Scranton

The Dance of the Ancient Greek Theatre; The Dance in Ancient Greece (pp. 78–80)
By Lillian B. Lawler
Reviewed by Margarete Bieber

Scavi di Ostia, V. I Ritratti, Parte I: Ritratti greci e romani fino al 160 circa d.c. (pp. 80–81)
By Raissa Calza
Reviewed by James D. Breckenridge

Ponti Romani. I. Ponte Pietra a Verona; II. Contributo ad un indice sistematico con studio critico bibliografico (pp. 81–82)
By Piero Gazzola
Reviewed by M.H. Ballance

La maison de la procession dionysiaque à El Jem (p. 82)
By L. Foucher
Reviewed by D.J. Smith

Richerche sull?Arte di Età Severiana in Roma (pp. 82–83)
By Luisa Franchi
Reviewed by Cornelius Vermeule

Album of Dated Latin Inscriptions, II: Rome and the Neighborhood, A.D. 100–199 (pp. 83–85)
By Arthur E. Gordon
Reviewed by Alvaro d?Ors

Roman Art and Architecture (p. 85)
By Mortimer Wheeler
Reviewed by Dorothy Kent Hill

Collection Hélène Stathatos. III. Objets Antiques et Byzantins (pp. 85–86)
By Pierre Amandry and Claude Rolley
Reviewed by Roland Hampe

European Art and the Classical Past (pp. 86–87)
By Cornelius Vermeule
Reviewed by Katharine Shepard

The Native Americans: Prehistory and Ethnology of the North American Indians (p. 87)
By Robert F. Spencer and Jesse D. Jennings
Reviewed by Richard B. Woodbury

The Dynamics of Stylistic Change in Arikara Ceramics (pp. 87–88)
By James Deetz
Reviewed by William A. Longacre

Three Milestones of Western Cyprus (pp. 89–99)
T.B. Mitford

The Palace of Nestor Excavations of 1965 (pp. 101–103)
Carl W. Blegen

Cycladic Objects in the Fogg and Farland Collections (pp. 105–111)
Patricia G. Preziosi

The Calaurian Amphictiony (pp. 113–121)
Thomas Kelly

Byblite Daggers in Cyprus and Crete (pp. 123–126)
Keith Branigan

Notes on Military Architecture in the Termessos Region (pp. 127–137)
F.E. Winter

Archaeology in Asia Minor (pp. 139–159)
Machteld J. Mellink

Archaeological Notes
Two Bronze Mirror Caryatids in the National Museum of Warsaw (pp. 161–165)
Lenore O. Keene Congdon

A Series of Notes in Three Parts on Greek Pictorial Composition (pp. 165–169)
Alan M.G. Little

Late Mycenaean Pottery at Beth-Shan (pp. 169–171)
Vronwy Hankey

The Tomb of Augustus and the Princes of Troy (pp. 171–173)
R. Ross Holloway

IG I², 220: Prepis or Menekles? (pp. 173–175)
W. Kendrick Pritchett

The New Elysian Fields (pp. 175–178)
Claudio Vita-Finzi

Sir Ian Richmond (p. 179)
G.S. and H.C.

Sixty-Seventh General Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America (pp. 182–198)

Book Reviews
Science in Archaeology (p. 199)
By Don Brothwell and Eric Higgs
Reviewed by Alsoph H. Corwin

Papyrus Reisner II (pp. 199–200)
By William Kelly Simpson
Reviewed by Hans Goedicke

Egyptian Art in the Egyptian Museum of Turin (p. 200)
By Ernesto Scamuzzi
Reviewed by Hans Goedicke

Stephania, a Middle and Late Bronze Age Cemetery in Cyprus (pp. 200–201)
By J.B. Hennessy
Reviewed by Porphyrios Dikaios

Die minoischen und mykenischen Siegel des Nationalmuseums in Athen (pp. 201–202)
By A. Sakellariou
Reviewed by Emily Vermeule

Sculptures from Salamis I (pp. 202–203)
By Vassos Karageorghis
Reviewed by Gisela M.A. Richter

Les portes sculptées à images divines (pp. 203–204)
By Charles Picard
Reviewed by Oscar Broneer

The Portraits of the Greeks (pp. 204–205)
By Gisela M.A. Richter
Reviewed by Karl Schefold

Vasi di Hadra. Tentativo di sistemazione cronologica di una classe ceramica (p. 205)
By Lucia Guerrini
Reviewed by Brian F. Cook

Römische Villen in Pannonien (p. 206)
By Edit B. Thomas
Reviewed by Marcel Amand

Les natures mortes campaniennes. Répertoire descriptif des peintures de nature morte du Musée National de Naples, de Pompéi, Herculanum et Stabies (pp. 206–207)
By Jean-Michel Croisille
Reviewed by L. Richardson, Jr.

Römische Götteraltäre (pp. 207–208)
By Werner Hermann
Reviewed by Cornelius Vermeule

Marques de potiers gallo-romains trouvées à Paris et conservées principalement au Musée Carnavalet (p. 208)
By Marie Durand-Lefebvre
Reviewed by Howard Comfort

Festal and Dated Coins of the Roman Empire: Four Papers by Aline Abaecherli Boyce (pp. 208–209)
Reviewed by James D. Breckenridge

Le Rayonnement des civilisations grecque et romaine sur les cultures périphériques (pp. 209–210)
Reviewed by Cornelius Vermeule

The Archaeology of Cape Denbigh (pp. 210–213)
By J.L. Giddings
Reviewed by William N. Irving

Men of Ancient Iowa as Revealed by Archaeological Discoveries (pp. 213–214)
By Marshall McKusick
Reviewed by Melvin L. Fowler

Southwestern Archaeology, Second Edition (pp. 214–215)
By John C. McGregor
Reviewed by Robert H. Lister

The Boston Oresteia Krater (p. 215)

The Two Reliefs from Epidauros (pp. 217–222)
Brunilde Sismondo Ridgway

Venus in a Relief of the Ara Pacis Augustae (pp. 223–243)
G. Karl Galinsky

Excavations at Karataş-Semayük in Lycia, 1965 (pp. 245–257)
Machteld J. Mellink and J. Lawrence Angel

Excavations at Apollonia, Cyrenaica Preliminary Report (pp. 259–265)
Donald White

The Gordion Campaign of 1965 (pp. 267–278)
Rodney S. Young

Archaeology in Asia Minor: Addenda (pp. 279–282)
Machteld J. Mellink

Archaeological Notes
A Series of Notes in Three Parts on Greek Pictorial Composition (pp. 283–286)
Alan M.G. Little

A Greek City in Afghanistan (p. 286)
Richard N. Frye

Herbert Maryon (p. 287)
Dudley T. Easby, Jr.

Book Reviews
A Rejoinder (p. 288)
Lillian B. Lawler

Die Entwicklung der Glyptik während der Akkad-zeit (pp. 288–290)
By Rainer Michael Boehmer
Reviewed by Briggs Buchanan

The Psalms Scroll of Qumrân Cave 11 (p. 290)
By J.A. Sanders
Reviewed by Delbert R. Hillers

Thebes of the Pharaohs (pp. 290–291)
By Charles F. Nims
Reviewed by Hans Goedicke

Recherches sur les monuments thébains de la e dynastie dite éthiopienne (p. 291)
By J. Leclant
Reviewed by George R. Hughes

Poliochni, città preistorica nell?isola di lemnos (pp. 291–293)
By Luigi Bernabò-Brea
Reviewed by John L. Caskey

Excavations at Berbati, 1936–1937 (pp. 293–294)
By Gösta Säflund
Reviewed by Sara A. Immerwahr

The Last Mycenaeans and Their Successors: An Archaeological Survey c. 1200–c. 1000 B.C. (p. 294)
By V.R. d?A. Desborough
Reviewed by Saul S. Weinberg

La civilità micenea nei documenti contemporanei (p. 295)
By Luigia Achillea Stella
Reviewed by J. Walter Graham

Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, France, Fascicule 21, Louvre, Fascicule 13 (pp. 295–297)
By François Villard
Reviewed by D.A. Amyx

Mégara Hyblaea 2. La céramique archaïque (pp. 297–299)
By Georges Vallet and François Villard
Reviewed by J.L. Benson

Studien zu Frauenfiguren des vierten Jahrhunderts vor Christus (pp. 299–300)
By Renate Kabus-Jahn
Reviewed by Margarete Bieber

Etruscan and Republican Roman Mouldings (pp. 300–301)
By Lucy T. Shoe
Reviewed by Kyle Meredith Phillips, Jr.

Céramique à vernis noir du Forum Romain et du Palatin (pp. 301–302)
By Jean-Paul Morel
Reviewed by Doris Taylor Bishop

Musikgeschichte in Bildern: Band II, Musik des Altertums, Leiferung V. Etrurien und Rom (p. 302)
By Günter Fleischhauer
Reviewed by D.D. Feaver

Die Ruinen von Side (pp. 302–303)
By Arif Müfid Mansel
Reviewed by R. Martin Harrison

La Terra Sigillata Hispanique en Maurétanie Tingitane. 1. Les Marques de Potiers (pp. 303–304)
By Jean Boube
Reviewed by Howard Comfort

The Anonymous Central Gaulish Potter Known as X-3 and His Connections (pp. 304–305)
By A.P. Detsicas
Reviewed by Howard Comfort

Auditorium and Palatium, A Study on Assembly-Rooms in Roman Palaces during the Ist Century B.C. and the Ist Century A.D. (p. 305)
By Birgitta Tamm
Reviewed by John Arthur Hanson

Le trésor de Guelma. Étude historique et monétaire (pp. 305–306)
By Robert Turcan
Reviewed by Joan M. Fagerlie

Pre-Roman Britain (pp. 306–307)
By Stanley Thomas
Reviewed by J.V.S. Megaw

The Roman Inscriptions of Britain. I, Inscriptions on Stone (p. 307)
By R.G. Collingwood and R.P. Wright
Reviewed by James H. Oliver

Colombia (pp. 307–308)
By G. Reichel-Dolmatoff
Reviewed by Betty J. Meggers

Treasures of Ancient America: The Arts of the Pre-Columbian Civilizations from Mexico to Peru (p. 308)
By S.K. Lothrop
Reviewed by Richard B. Woodbury

Prehistoric Maya Settlements in the Belize Valley (pp. 309–311)
By Gordon R. Willey, William R. Bullard, John B. Glass, and James C. Gifford
Reviewed by William R. Coe

Cycladic Objects in the Fogg and Farland Collections (p. 311)

Aegean Place-Names in an Egyptian Inscription (pp. 313–317)
Michael C. Astour

The Deme of Marathon and the Herakleion (pp. 319–323)
Eugene Vanderpool

An Alexandrian Tomb-Group Re-Examined (pp. 325–330)
Brian F. Cook

Philistine Tombs at Tell Fara and Their Aegean Prototypes (pp. 331–340)
Jane C. Waldbaum

Bellerophon and the Chimaera in Archaic Greek Art (pp. 341–347)
Marilyn Low Schmitt

News Letter from Rome (pp. 349–361)
A.W. van Buren

Archaeological Notes
A Series of Notes in Three Parts on Greek Pictorial Composition (pp. 363–366)
Alan M.G. Little

An Unpublished Cup by Makron in Philadelphia (pp. 366–368)
Ann Harnwell Ashmead and Kyle Meredith Phillips, Jr.

The Vapheio Gems: A Note of Clarification (pp. 368–369)
John H. Betts

An Onesimos Fragment in Philadelphia (pp. 369–370)
Sevim Buluç

The Monumental Prehistoric Clay Figures of the Middle Balkans (pp. 370–371)
Radoslav Galović

A Hellenistic Landscape Relief (pp. 371–373)
George M.A. Hanfmann

On Believing Fioravanti (p. 373)
Franklin P. Johnson

The Toothed Chisel in Pasargadae: Further Notes on Old Persian Stonecutting (pp. 373–376)
Carl Nylander

A Note on the Death of Aigisthos (pp. 377–378)
Elizabeth Gummey Pemberton

Book Reviews
Beycesultan, Vol. II, Middle Bronze Age Architecture and Pottery (pp. 379–380)
By Seton Lloyd and James Mellaart
Reviewed by Jeanny Vorys Canby

The Art of Ancient Iran (pp. 380–381)
By Edith Porada
Reviewed by Oscar White Muscarella

The Predynastic Cemetery N 7000, Naga-ed-Dêr, Part IV (p. 381)
By Albert M. Lythgoe and Dows Dunham
Reviewed by Hans Goedicke

Horemheb et la reine Moutned Jemet ou la fin d?une dynastie (pp. 381–382)
By Robert Hari
Reviewed by Alan R. Schulman

Archaic and Archaistic Sculpture (pp. 382–386)
By Evelyn B. Harrison
Reviewed by Margarete Bieber

The Techniques of Painted Attic Pottery (pp. 386–387)
By Joseph Veach Noble
Reviewed by Marie Farnsworth

Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Deutschland, Fascicule 24, Gotha, Fascicule I (pp. 387–388)
By Elisabeth Rohde
Reviewed by David Gordon Mitten

Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Roumanie I, Bucarest I (pp. 388–389)
By Suzana Dimitriu and Petre Alexandrescu
Reviewed by Dietrich von Bothmer

Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Deutschland, Fascicule 26, Stuttgart, Fascicule I (p. 389)
By Erika Kunze-Götte
Reviewed by Brian F. Cook

Meligunis-Lipára. Vol. 2, La Necropoli greca e romana nella Contrada Diana (pp. 389–391)
By L. Bernabò-Brea and Madeleine Cavalier
Reviewed by Erik Sjöqvist

The Iron Age Culture of Latium: II. Excavations and Finds. I. The Alban Hills (pp. 391–392)
By Pär Göran Gierow
Reviewed by Emeline Hill Richardson

Art Forms and Civic Life in the Late Roman Empire (p. 392)
By H.P. L?Orange
Reviewed by James D. Breckenridge

The Archaeology of New York State (pp. 392–393)
By William A. Ritchie
Reviewed by Douglas S. Byers


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American Journal of Archaeology, Volume 70 - 1966 (Number 1-2-3-4)


  • Archaeological Institute of America, , 1966

Price: 69,00 EURO

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