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American Journal of Archaeology, Volume 77 - 1973 (Number 1-2-3-4)


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Category: American Journal of Archaeology: The Journal of the Archaeological Institute of America
Code: 26089
Publisher: Archaeological Institute of America
Publication Date: 1973
Binding: Paper


Some Semitic Epigraphical Considerations on the Antiquity of the Greek Alphabet (pp. 1–8)
Joseph Naveh

The Date of the West Building at the Argive Heraion (pp. 9–18)
Stephen G. Miller

Braziers in the Bodrum Museum (pp. 19–25)
Marie Ryan Leonard

The Discovery of a Large Vineyard at Pompeii: University of Maryland Excavations, 1970 (pp. 27–41)
Wilhelmina F. Jashemski

New Evidence for the Republican Aedes Vestae (pp. 43–50)
Jane M. Cody

Archaeological News from Cyprus, 1971 (pp. 51–60)
Kyriakos Nicolaou

Archaeological Notes
Menander: An Inscribed Bust (p. 61)
Bernard Ashmole

Linear A Fractions: A New Approach (pp. 61–65)
Jon C. Billigmeier

An Iberian Sherd in Yugoslavia (pp. 65–66)
Mario A. del Chiaro

An Enigma in Pella: The Tholos and Herakles Phylakos (pp. 66–71)
Theodora Hadzisteliou Price

New Attributions of Attic Kyathoi (pp. 71–73)
Michael M. Eisman

The Siren?s Name on a Corinthian Aryballos (pp. 73–74)
M.G. Kanowski

Mycenaean Roads in Phocis (pp. 74–77)
Edward W. Kase

The Origins of the Greek Colony at Panticapaeum (pp. 77–81)
Thomas S. Noonan

Book Reviews
Corpus du Scarabée Egyptien: Tome Premier: Les Scarabées Royaux (p. 83)
By Fouad S. Matouk
Reviewed by Hans Goedicke

Untersuchungen zur späthethitischen Kunst (pp. 83–84)
By Winfried Orthmann
Reviewed by Hans G. Güterbock

The Cypriote Bronze Age Pottery Found in Egypt (pp. 84–85)
By R.S. Merrillees
Reviewed by Edith Porada

Europe?s First Monumental Sculpture: New Discoveries at Lepenski Vir (pp. 85–86)
By Dragoslav Srejović and Lovett F. Edwards
Reviewed by Stephen Foltiny

La Civilisation de La Tène i en Champagne. Le facies Marnien (pp. 86–87)
By Denise Bretz-Mahler
Reviewed by John Coles

Archaeologia Homerica: Die Denkmäler und das frühgriechische Epos (pp. 87–88)
By Friedrich Matz and Hans-Günter Buchholz
Reviewed by Maria C. Shaw

Die Funde der frühen Dimini-Zeit aus der Arapi Magula, Thessalien (pp. 88–89)
By H. Hauptmann and V. Milojčic
Reviewed by Karen D. Vitelli

Reviewed by Niki C. Scoufopoulos

Prothesis and Ekphora in Greek Geometric Art (pp. 90–91)
By Gudrun Ahlberg
Reviewed by J.L. Benson

The Athenian Agora, XIII. The Neolithic and Bronze Ages (pp. 92–93)
By Sara Anderson Immerwahr
Reviewed by T.W. Jacobsen

Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Germany Fasc. 32, Munich, Museum Antiker Kleinkunst Fasc. 7 (pp. 93–94)
By Erika Kunze-Götte
Reviewed by Isabelle K. Raubitschek

Thorikos (pp. 94–98)
By H.F. Mussche
Reviewed by David Gordon Mitten

Bronzes grecs, hellénistiques et étrusques (sardes ibériques et celtiques) des musées de Lyon (pp. 98–99)
By S. Boucher
Reviewed by Emeline Richardson

Antike Plastik, Lieferung X (pp. 99–100)
By W.-H. Schuchhardt
Reviewed by Elizabeth Gummey Pemberton

Problems concerning the Origin and Early Development of the Etruscan Orientalizing Style (pp. 100–102)
By Ingrid Strøm
Reviewed by Larissa Bonfante Warren

Civiltà artistica etrusco-italica (pp. 102–103)
By Massimo Pallottino
Reviewed by Ingrid Edlund Gantz

Vulci étrusque et étrusque-romaine (pp. 103–104)
By Alain Hus
Reviewed by Mario A. del Chiaro

Céramique étrusco-campanienne à vernis noir, Fasc. 1 (pp. 104–105)
By André Balland
Reviewed by János György Szilágyi

Soldier and Civilian in Roman Yorkshire, Essays to Commemorate the Nineteenth Centenary of the Foundation of York (England) (p. 105)
by R.M. Butler
Reviewed by Ruth Ilsley Hicks

Die römische Orgel von Aquincum (pp. 105–106)
By Werner Walcker-Mayer
Reviewed by Douglas Feaver

Marmora Romana (pp. 106–107)
By Raniero Gnoli
Reviewed by Richard Brilliant

La colonne ciselée dans la Gaule romaine (pp. 107–108)
By Hélène Walter
Reviewed by Fred S. Kleiner

Béziers et son territoire dans l?antiquité (pp. 108–109)
By Monique Clavel
Reviewed by Fred S. Kleiner

Lampes de Carthage (pp. 109–110)
By Jean Deneauve
Reviewed by Hector Williams

Les mosaïques de Timgad: Etude descriptive et analytique (pp. 110–111)
By Suzanne Germain
Reviewed by Blanche R. Brown

Catalogue des monnaies byzantines de la Bibliothèque Nationale (pp. 111–113)
By Cécile Morrisson
Reviewed by James D. Breckenridge

Les Collections d?archéologie régionale du Musée de Mariemont. Tome II: Les nécropoles mérovingiennes (pp. 113–114)
By G. Faider-Feytmans
Reviewed by Josephine M. Harris

Die Schweiz zur Merowingerzeit. Die archäologische Hinterlassenschaft der Romanen, Burgunder und Alamannen (p. 114)
By Rudolf Moosbrugger-Leu
Reviewed by Josephine M. Harris

Mosaic: History and Technique (pp. 114–115)
By Peter Fischer
Reviewed by D.J. Smith

Animals in Art and Thought to the End of the Middle Ages (pp. 115–116)
By Francis Klingender, Evelyn Antal, and John Harthan
Reviewed by Morton Smith

Archaeology of Northern Mesoamerica, Parts One and Two (pp. 116–117)
By Gordon F. Ekholm and Ignacio Bernal
Reviewed by Michael D. Coe

Prehistoric Settlement Patterns in the Texcoco Region, Mexico (pp. 117–118)
By Jeffrey R. Parsons
Reviewed by Joseph W. Michels

Onondaga Iroquois Prehistory, A Study in Settlement Archaeology (pp. 118–120)
By James A. Tuck
Reviewed by Robert E. Funk


An Etruscan Horse Race from Poggio Civitate (pp. 121–137)
Margaret Cool Root

The Villa at Piazza Armerina and the Numismatic Evidence (pp. 139–150)
Joseph Polzer

Eighteen Unedited Latin Inscriptions from Puteoli and Vicinity (pp. 151–167)
John H. D?Arms

Archaeology in Asia Minor (pp. 169–193)
Machteld J. Mellink

Archaeological Notes
Addendum: A Cypriote Tomb and Minoan Evidence for Its Date (p. 195)
Virginia R. Grace

Two Epigraphical Notes (pp. 195–196)
Merle K. Langdon

An Ex-Rattling Cup in Oxford (pp. 196–197)
Michael Vickers

Bristlecone Pine Calibrations of Radiocarbon Dates: Some Examples from the Near East (pp. 197–201)
Gary A. Wright

Seventy-Fourth General Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America (pp. 204–233)

Book Reviews
Ancient Egyptian Jewellery (p. 234)
By Alix Wilkinson
Reviewed by John D. Cooney

Re-Used Blocks from the Pyramid of Amenemhet I at Lisht (pp. 235–236)
By Hans Goedicke
Reviewed by William H. Peck

Samos VIII: Ägyptische und orientalische Bronzen aus dem Heraion von Samos (pp. 236–237)
By Ulf Jantzen
Reviewed by Oscar White Muscarella

The Dark Age of Greece. An Archaeological Survey of the Eleventh to the Eighth Centuries B.C. (p. 238)
By A.M. Snodgrass
Reviewed by Per A. Ålin

Les kouroi du Ptoion. Le sanctuaire d?Apollon Ptoieus à l?époque archaïque (pp. 238–240)
By Jean Ducat
Reviewed by John Griffiths Pedley

Athena Parthenos, A Reconstruction (pp. 240–242)
By Neda Leipen
Reviewed by W.-H. Schuchhardt

Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Germany Fasc. 33, Berlin Antiquarium Fasc. 4 (p. 242)
By Norbert Kunisch
Reviewed by Reynold Higgins

Attic Vase Painting in New England Collections (p. 243)
By Diana Buitron
Reviewed by Isabelle K. Raubitschek

Corinthian Komos Vases (pp. 243–244)
By Axel Seeberg
Reviewed by Evelyn E. Bell

Greek Gems and Finger Rings. Early Bronze Age to Late Classical (pp. 244–246)
By John Boardman
Reviewed by Peter Gercke

Capua Preromana. Catalogo del Museo Provinciale Campano. Vol. II: Le Statue (p. 246)
By Maria Bonghi Jovino
Reviewed by Nancy A. Winter

Die tarentinischen Terrakotten des 6. bis 4. jahrhunderts v. Chr. im Antikenmuseum Basel (pp. 246–247)
By Helga Herdejürgen
Reviewed by Dorothy B. Thompson

Fouilles de Bolsena, Poggio Moscini II: Les architectures 1962–1967 (pp. 247–248)
By A. Balland, A. Barbet, P. Gros, and G. Hallier
Reviewed by Russell T. Scott

Die ficoronische Ciste in der Villa Giulia in Rom (pp. 248–249)
By Tobias Dohrn
Reviewed by Dorothy K. Hill

Iconografia romana imperiale da Carausio a Giuliano (287–363 D.C.) (pp. 249–250)
By Raissa Calza
Reviewed by James D. Breckenridge

Verulamium Excavations, I (pp. 250–251)
By Sheppard Frere
Reviewed by Ronald Jessup

The Church of the Holy Apostles (pp. 251–252)
By Alison Frantz
Reviewed by Josephine M. Harris

The Aztecs, Maya, and Their Predecessors, Archaeology of Mesoamerica (pp. 252–253)
By Muriel Porter Weaver
Reviewed by Doris Stone

Revista Española de Antropologia Americana (Trabajos y Conferencias), Vol. 6 (pp. 253–254)
By José Alcina Franch
Reviewed by Olga F. Linares

The Ceramics of Altar de Sacrificios (pp. 254–260)
By Richard E.W. Adams
Reviewed by Robert J. Sharer

New Perspectives on the Pueblos (p. 260)
By Alfonso Ortiz
Reviewed by Edward B. Danson


The Pylos Ma Tablets Reconsidered (pp. 261–275)
Cynthia W. Shelmerdine

The Geography of the Further Province of Pylos (pp. 276–278)
John Chadwick

Chronologies in Old World Archaeology, 1971–1972
The Beginnings of Animal Domestication in the near East (pp. 279–282)
Dexter Perkins, Jr.

Current Research in the Neolithic of South Central Turkey: Suberde, Erbaba and Their Chronological Implications (pp. 282–288)
Jacques Bordaz

Tall-i-Malyan and the Chronology of the Kur River Basin, Iran (pp. 288–290)
William M. Sumner

The Inscriptions of Tiglath-Pileser III, King of Assyria (pp. 290–291)
Hayim Tadmor

Excavations at Karataş-Semayük and Elmali, Lycia, 1972 (pp. 293–307)
Machteld J. Mellink and J. Lawrence Angel

A Coptic Representation of Thetis at the Forge of Hephaistos (pp. 309–318)
Suzanne Lewis

Bryn Mawr College Excavations in Tuscany, 1972 (pp. 319–326)
Kyle Meredith Phillips, Jr.

A University of California, Santa Barbara Excavation in Tuscany (pp. 327–331)
Mario A. del Chiaro and Anna Talocchini

Archaeological Notes
The Polyp Workshop: A Stylistic Group from LM IB (pp. 333–334)
Philip P. Betancourt

An Etruscan Textile in Newark (pp. 334–336)
Diane Lee Carroll

The Site of the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus Reexcavated (pp. 336–338)
Kristian Jeppesen and Ian Zahle

The Vapheio Gems: A Reconsideration of the Find-Spots (pp. 338–340)
John G. Younger

Conversion Charts for Equivalents of Length between the English-American and Metric Systems (pp. 340–342)
Raymond V. Schoder

Book Reviews
Conservation in Field Archaeology (p. 343)
By Elizabeth A. Dowman
Reviewed by Terry Sue Drayman

Soleb II: Les Necropoles (p. 344)
By Michela Schiff Giorgini
Reviewed by Hans Goedicke

Ivories in Assyrian Style, Commentary, Catalogue and Plates (pp. 344–345)
By Max Mallowan and Leri Glynne Davies
Reviewed by Jeanny Vorys Canby

Archaeology in Soviet Central Asia (pp. 345–346)
By Grégoire Frumkin
Reviewed by Guitty Azarpay

The Emergence of Civilization. The Cyclades and the Aegean in the Third Millennium B.C. (pp. 346–349)
By Colin Renfrew
Reviewed by Steven Diamant

Art and Experience in Classical Greece (p. 349)
By J.J. Pollitt
Reviewed by Rhys Carpenter

Die Prohedrie des Dionysostheaters in Athen (pp. 349–350)
By Michael Maass
Reviewed by Daniel Kennedy Clift

Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Italy L, Palermo, Collezione Mormino 1 (pp. 350–351)
By Juliette de la Genière
Reviewed by Michael M. Eisman

Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Italy fasc. LI, Milan, Collection “H. A.” II (pp. 351–352)
By Enrico Paribeni
Reviewed by Ann Harnwell Ashmead

Catalogo dei vasi della Collezione Augusto Castellani, II (pp. 352–353)
By Paolino Mingazzini
Reviewed by Dietrich von Bothmer

Zur Chronologie mittelhellenistischer Münzserien 220–160 V. Chr. (pp. 353–354)
By Christof Boehringer
Reviewed by Fred S. Kleiner

Buccheri a cilindretto di fabbrica Orvietana (p. 354)
By Giovannangelo Camporeale
Reviewed by Mario A. del Chiaro

Corpus signorum imperii romani, Pologne, Les portraits romains dans les collections polonaises (p. 355)
By Anna Sadurska
Reviewed by Rolf Winkes

The Engraved Gems of the Greeks, Etruscans and Romans. Part II: Engraved Gems of the Romans (pp. 355–356)
By G.M.A. Richter
Reviewed by Marie-Louise Vollenweider

Journeys in Rough Cilicia 1964–1968 (pp. 356–357)
By George Ewart Bean and Terence Bruce Mitford
Reviewed by Peter Z. Spanos

Trierer Reliefsigillata-Werkstatt I (pp. 357–358)
By Ingeborg Huld-Zetsche
Reviewed by Howard Comfort

Late Roman Pottery. A Catalogue of Roman Fine Wares (pp. 358–359)
By J.W. Hayes
Reviewed by F.O. Waage

The Frederick M. Watkins Collection (p. 360)
Reviewed by Dorothy Kent Hill

A Commentary on the Dresden Codex, a Maya Hieroglyphic Book (pp. 360–361)
By J. Eric S. Thompson
Reviewed by John A. Graham

Pre-Columbian Man Finds Central America: The Archaeological Bridge (pp. 361–362)
By Doris Stone
Reviewed by Olga F. Linares

Environmental Archaeology and Cultural Systems in Hamilton Inlet, Labrador: A Survey of the Central Labrador Coast from 3000 B.C. to the Present (pp. 362–363)
By William W. Fitzhugh
Reviewed by Clifford G. Hickey

Hogup Cave (pp. 363–364)
By C. Melvin Aikens
Reviewed by J. Richard Ambler

An Allied View of the Social War (pp. 367–378)
D. Brendan Nagle

Gallia Graeca, Gallia Romana and the Introduction of Classical Sculpture in Gaul (pp. 379–390)
Fred S. Kleiner

Excavations at Stobi, 1972 (pp. 391–403)
James Wiseman And Djordje Mano-Zissi

Excavations at Buccino: 1972 (pp. 405–409)
Stephen L. Dyson

Excavations at Buccino, 1972 the Apennine Site at Tufariello (pp. 411–412)
Bruno D?Agostino, R. Ross Holloway, and Ned P. Nabers

A Preliminary Report of the Excavations at Knidos, 1972 (pp. 413–424)
Iris Cornelia Love

Archaeological News from Cyprus, 1972 (pp. 425–433)
Kyriakos Nicolaou

Archaeological Notes
Evidence for a Pattern in Attic Pottery Production CA. 430–350 B.C. (pp. 435–437)
Sally Rutherfurd Roberts

Antinoopolis: Painter J (pp. 437–438)
David L. Thompson

A Patchwork “Fayum” in Toledo (pp. 438–439)
David L. Thompson

Book Reviews
Ashdod II–III: The Second and Third Seasons of Excavations 1963, 1965, Soundings in 1967 (pp. 441–442)
By M. Dothan
Reviewed by Walter E. Rast

Die deutschen Ausgrabungen auf der Otzaki-Magula in Thessalien, I: Das frühe Neolithikum (pp. 442–443)
By Johanna Milojčić-v. Zumbusch and Vladimir Milojčić
Reviewed by Sara A. Immerwahr

Kythera, Excavations and Studies Conducted by the University of Pennsylvania Museum and the British School at Athens (pp. 443–444)
By J.N. Coldstream, G.L. Huxley, R. Hope Simpson, J.F. Lazenby, and A.S. Trik
Reviewed by J. Walter Graham

The Athenian Agora, Vol. XIV, the Agora of Athens (pp. 444–446)
By Homer A. Thompson and R.A. Wycherley
Reviewed by Oscar Broneer

Inscriptiones Thessalonicae et Viciniae (pp. 446–447)
By Carolus Edson
Reviewed by M. Speidel

Fouilles de Xanthos, IV: Les céramiques archaïques et classiques de l'acropole Lycienne (p. 447)
By Henri Metzger
Reviewed by M.F. Jongkees-Vos

Potter and Patron in Classical Athens (pp. 447–449)
By T.B.L. Webster
Reviewed by Michael M. Eisman

The Iron Age Necropolis of Sorbo at Cerveteri (p. 449)
By Ingrid Pohl
Reviewed by Ingrid Edlund Gantz

Seven Italic Tomb-Groups from Narce (pp. 449–450)
By Jean M. Davison
Reviewed by Mario A. del Chiaro

Urne del territorio Perugino (pp. 450–451)
By Gianna Dareggi
Reviewed by Mario A. del Chiaro

Il deposito votivo di Campetti a Veio (p. 451)
By Lucia Vagnetti
Reviewed by Nancy A. Winter

Die Skulpturen des Schiffsfundes von Antikythera (pp. 451–453)
By Peter Cornelis Bol
Reviewed by Ariel Herrmann

Roman Bridal Drama at the Villa of the Mysteries (pp. 453–456)
By Alan M.G. Little
Reviewed by Margarete Bieber

The Polyphemus and Scylla Groups at Sperlonga (pp. 456–460)
By Gosta Saeflund
Reviewed by Peter H. v. Blanckenhagen

Sperlonga und Vergil (p. 461)
By Roland Hampe
Reviewed by Brunilde Sismondo Ridgway

The Myth of the Phoenix According to Classical and Early Christian Traditions (p. 462)
By R. van den Broek and I. Seeger
Reviewed by Morton Smith

Das Römerlager von Buciumi. Beiträge zur Untersuchung des Limes der Dacia Porolissensis (pp. 462–463)
By Engen Chirilă, Nicolae Gudea, Vasile Lucăcel, Constantin Pop, Castrul Roman de la Buciumi, and A. Tarnavschi
Reviewed by Donald W. Wade

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American Journal of Archaeology, Volume 77 - 1973 (Number 1-2-3-4)


  • Archaeological Institute of America, , 1973

Price: 69,00 EURO

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