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American Journal of Archaeology, Volume 79 - 1975 (Number 1-2-3-4)


Price: 69,00 EURO

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Category: American Journal of Archaeology: The Journal of the Archaeological Institute of America
Code: 26090
Publisher: Archaeological Institute of America
Publication Date: 1975
Binding: Paper


Skiagraphia Once Again (pp. 1–16)
Eva Keuls

Ceramic Evidence for Northern Intruders in Southern Greece at the Beginning of the Late Helladic IIIC Period (pp. 17–32)
Jeremy B. Rutter

Excavations in the Sanctuary of Demeter and Persephone at Cyrene 1973 Third Preliminary Report (pp. 33–48)
Donald White

Excavations at Casa S. Paolo: 1971–1972 (pp. 49–66)
S.P. Vinson

Investigations on the Site of the Mausoleum 1970/1973 (pp. 67–79)
Kristian Jeppesen and Jan Zahle

Archaeological Notes
The Alkestis Inscription from Odessos: IGBR I2 222 (pp. 80–83)
William M. Calder III

Comments on the Vitaliano Geological Report (pp. 83–84)
Leon Pomerance

The Archaic Bronze Kouros from Ghiaccio Forte (pp. 84–85)
Mario A. del Chiaro

The Puzzle of Fouilles de Delphes III 2 No. 49 (pp. 85–87)
Stephen V. Tracy

The Chlamys of Daochos I (pp. 87–88)
Steven Lattimore

Duris of Samos: Early Ties with Sicily (p. 89)
Robert B. Kebric

Book Reviews
Die Kleinfunde von Boǧazköy aus den Grabungskampagnen 1931–1939 und 1952–1969, Boǧazköy-Hattuša, Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts und der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft (pp. 90–91)
By Rainer Michael Boehmer
Reviewed by Jeanny Vorys Canby

Excavations in the Barbouna Area at Asine (p. 91)
By Inga Hägg and Robin Hägg
Reviewed by James A. Dengate

The Palace of Nestor at Pylos in Western Messenia, Volume III, Acropolis and Lower Town, Tholoi and Grave Circle, Chamber Tombs, Discoveries outside the Citadel (pp. 91–92)
By Carl W. Blegen, Marion Rawson, William Taylour, and William P. Donovan
Reviewed by Sara A. Immerwahr

Corpus der Minoischen und Mykenischen Siegel, IX, Paris, Cabinet des Médailles (pp. 92–93)
By Henri van Effenterre and Micheline van Effenterre
Reviewed by Agnès Sakellariou

Corpus der Minoischen und Mykenischen Siegel, XII, Nordamerika I, New York, the Metropolitan Museum of Art (pp. 93–94)
By Victor E.G. Kenna
Reviewed by Martha Heath Wiencke

Archaeologia Homerica: Die Denkmäler und das frühgriechische Epos (pp. 95–96)
By Friedrich Matz and Hans-Günter Buchholz
Reviewed by Mabel L. Lang

Acts of the International Archaeological Symposium. “The Mycenaeans in the Eastern Mediterranean,” Nicosia 27th March–2nd April 1972, Republic of Cyprus, Ministry of Communications and Works, Department of Antiquities (pp. 96–97)
Reviewed by Jane C. Waldbaum

Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Germany Fasc. 36, Tübingen, Antikensammlung des archäologischen Instituts der Universität Fasc. 1 (pp. 97–98)
By Klaus Wallenstein
Reviewed by Sharon Herbert

Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, U.S.A. 14, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 1, Attic Black-Figured Amphorae (pp. 98–99)
By Herbert Hoffmann
Reviewed by Klaus P. Stähler

Athenian Black Figure Vases (pp. 99–100)
By John Boardman
Reviewed by Cedric G. Boulter

Polyklet, by Thuri Lorenz; Der Kanon des Polyklet. Doryphoros und Amazone, by Hans von Steuben (pp. 100–102)
Reviewed by Brunilde Sismondo Ridgway and Richard Tobin

Anticlassicism in Greek Sculpture of the Fourth Century B.C. (pp. 102–103)
By Blanche R. Brown
Reviewed by Christine Mitchell Havelock

Pictorial Dictionary of Ancient Athens (pp. 103–104)
By John Travlos
Reviewed by Pierre Amandry

Zum Problem der Bauzeichnungen bei den Griechen, by Argyres Petronotis; Bauritzlinien und andere Aufschnürungen am Unterbau Griechischer Bauwerke in der Archaik und Klassik, by Argyres Petronotis (p. 104)
Reviewed by Robert Scranton

Das Theater von Milet: Teil i-Das Hellenistische Theater, der Römische Zuschauerbau (p. 105)
By Friedrich Krauss
Reviewed by Robert Scranton

Die Architektur des Jüngeren Artemision von Ephesos (pp. 105–106)
By Anton Bammer
Reviewed by Marian H. McAllister

Labraunda: Swedish Excavations and Researches. Vol. III, 1 and 2 (pp. 106–107)
By Jonas Crampa
Reviewed by Getzel M. Cohen

Artemis von Ephesos und Verwandte Kultstatuen aus Anatolien und Syrien (pp. 107–108)
By Robert Fleischer
Reviewed by Machteld J. Mellink

Ancient Jewelry from the Collection of Burton Y. Berry (p. 108)
By Wolf Rudolph and Evelyne Rudolph
Reviewed by Reynold Higgins

Die Etruskische Plastik des V. Jahrhunderts V. Chr. und ihr Verhältnis zur Griechischen Kunst (pp. 108–109)
By Maja Sprenger
Reviewed by Larissa Bonfante Warren

The Anglo-Saxon Cemeteries of Caistor-by-Norwich and Markshall Norfolk (pp. 109–110)
By J.N.L. Myres and Barbara Green
Reviewed by Donald A. White

Books Received
List of Books Received (pp. 110–112)


Rodney Stuart Young (August 1, 1907–October 25, 1974)

The Portraits of Nero (pp. 113–124)
Ulrich W. Hiesinger

Archaeological News from Cyprus, 1973 (pp. 125–134)
Kyriakos Nicolaou

Archaeological Notes
The Knossos Game Board (pp. 135–137)
Robert S. Brumbaugh

Io?s Name on a Corinthian Aryballos (pp. 137–139)
Edwin L. Brown

The Dipylon Oinochoe Again (pp. 139–140)
Merle K. Langdon

A Phoenician Graffito from Pithekoussai (pp. 140–141)
P. Kyle McCarter

The Banquet Hall of the Little Palace (pp. 141–144)
J. Walter Graham

Seventy-Sixth General Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America (pp. 146–152)

Book Reviews
Corpus of Hieroglyphic Inscriptions in the Brooklyn Museum. I: From Dynasty I to the End of Dynasty XVIII (pp. 153–154)
By T.G.H. James
Reviewed by William Kelly Simpson

The Wandering of the Soul. Texts Translated with Commentary (pp. 154–155)
By Alexandre Piankoff
Reviewed by Hans Goedicke

Sūkās I: The North-East Sanctuary and the First Settling of the Greeks in Syria and Palestine, by P.J. Riis; Sūkās II: The Aegean, Corinthian and Eastern Greek Pottery and Terracottas, by Gunhild Ploug (pp. 155–156)
Reviewed by J.N. Coldstream

The Gods and Goddesses of Old Europe, 7000–3500 B.C.: Myths, Legends and Cult Images (pp. 156–157)
By Marija Gimbutas
Reviewed by Elizabeth Courtney Banks

Die Messer in Mähren und dem Ostalpengebiet by Jíri Říhovský; Die Hallstattzeitlichen Gürtelbleche und Blechgürtel Mitteleuropas, by Imma Kilian-Dirlmeier; Die Fibeln in Niedersachsen, by Friedrich Laux; Bronze und Goldfunde des Karpatenbeckens, Depotfundhorizonte von Forró und Ópályi, by Amália Mozsolics (pp. 157–159)
Reviewed by Homer L. Thomas

The Early Copper Age Tiszapolgár Culture in the Carpathian Basin (pp. 159–160)
By Ida Bognár-Kutzián
Reviewed by Robert W. Ehrich

Minoan Architecture: Materials and Techniques (pp. 160–161)
By Joseph W. Shaw
Reviewed by Gerald Cadogan

Le théâtron à gradins droits et l?Odéon d?Argos (pp. 161–163)
By René Ginouvès
Reviewed by Elizabeth R. Gebhard

Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Italy 52 and 53, Gela 1 and 2 (pp. 163–164)
By Marina Cristofani Martelli
Reviewed by J.L. Benson

Studien zur Entwicklung der Vasenmalerei im Ausgehenden 5. Jahrhundert v. Chr. (p. 164)
By W. Real
Reviewed by Ian D. McPhee

La céramique attique de La Monédière, Bessan, Hérault (pp. 164–165)
By Jean Jacques Jully
Reviewed by Michael M. Eisman

Antike Gefässe aus Edelsteinen (pp. 165–167)
By Hans-Peter Bühler
Reviewed by Andrew Oliver, Jr.

Buccino. The Eneolithic Necropolis of S. Antonio and Other prehistoric Discoveries Made in 1968 and 1969, by R. Ross Holloway; A Study of Human Remains from the Necropolis, by Cleto Corrain and Mariantonia Capitanio (p. 167)
Reviewed by Nancy Hirschland Ramage

Roman Art from the Republic to Constantine (p. 168)
By Richard Brilliant
Reviewed by Paul MacKendrick

Die Villa des Maxentius bei Piazza Armerina (pp. 168–169)
By Heinz Kähler
Reviewed by D.J. Smith

Roman Mosaics in Hungary (p. 170)
By Ákos Kiss
Reviewed by Katherine M.D. Dunbabin

Die römischen Fibeln in der Schweiz (pp. 170–171)
By Elisabeth Ettlinger
Reviewed by Grace Simpson

Books Received
List of Books Received (pp. 171–172)


Greek Chariot-Borne and Mounted Infantry (pp. 175–187)
J.K. Anderson

Greek Myth and Etruscan Imagery in the Tomb of the Bulls at Tarquinia (pp. 189–200)
John Peter Oleson

Archaeology in Asia Minor (pp. 201–222)
Machteld J. Mellink

Climate and the History of Egypt: The Middle Kingdom (pp. 223–269)
Barbara Bell

Human Skeletal Remains from Kato Zakro (pp. 271–276)
M.J. Becker

Archaeological Notes
Prehistoric Remains on the Island of Kythnos (pp. 277–279)
Kenneth Honea

A Head of Aphrodite at Franklin and Marshall College (pp. 279–281)
Lynn Emrich Roller

A Dirty Trick Vase (p. 282)
Michael Vickers

The Douris Lekythos in Cleveland (pp. 282–283)
Cedric G. Boulter

Book Reviews
Atlas Préhistorique du Maroc. I, Le Maroc Atlantique (p. 285)
By Georges Souville
Reviewed by Anta Montet-White

Beer-Sheba I: Excavation at Tel Beer-Sheba, 1969–1971 Seasons (pp. 286–287)
By Yohanan Aharoni
Reviewed by Walter E. Rast

Bronze Age Migrations in the Aegean: Archaeological and Linguistic Problems in Greek Prehistory (pp. 287–289)
By R.A. Crossland and Ann Birchall
Reviewed by Steven Diamant

Acta of the Second International Colloquium on Aegean Prehistory: The First Arrival of Indo-European Elements in Greece (pp. 289–291)
Reviewed by J.D. Muhly

Die Kretisch-Mykenische Glyptik und ihre gegenwärtigen Probleme. Das Corpus der minoischen und mykenischen Siegel (pp. 291–292)
Reviewed by Emily Vermeule

Götterkult (pp. 292–294)
By Emily Townsend Vermeule, Maria Buchholz, and Hans-Günter Buchholz
Reviewed by B.C. Dietrich

Praistorija na tlu SR Srbije, by Milutin Garašanin; La Préhistoire sur le territoire de la République Socialiste de Serbie (pp. 295–297)
Reviewed by Robert W. Ehrich

Fouilles de Delphes, II, Topographie et Architecture. Le Trésor de Thèbes (p. 297)
By Jean-Pierre Michaud
Reviewed by Stephen G. Miller

Die Kopien des Erechtheionkoren (pp. 297–298)
By Erika E. Schmidt
Reviewed by John Griffiths Pedley

ØΟRΟϟ: Tribute to Benjamin Dean Meritt (pp. 298–299)
By Donald William Bradeen and Malcolm Francis McGregor
Reviewed by Donald R. Laing, Jr.

The Ancient View of Greek Art: Criticism, History, and Terminology (pp. 299–300)
By J.J. Pollitt
Reviewed by Bernard Ashmole

Il sepolcro del fornaio Marco Virgilio Eurisace a Porta Maggiore (pp. 300–301)
By Paola Ciancio Rossetto
Reviewed by Diana E.E. Kleiner and Fred S. Kleiner

Nishapur: Pottery of the Early Islamic Period (pp. 301–302)
By Charles K. Wilkinson
Reviewed by George T. Scanlon

Books Received
List of Books Received (pp. 302–304)

The Canon of Polykleitos (pp. 307–321)
Richard Tobin

The Weary Herakles of Lysippos (pp. 323–332)
Cornelius Vermeule

Bevelled Joints and the Direction of Laying in Greek Architecture (pp. 333–347)
A. Trevor Hodge

Excavations at Karataş-Semayük and Elmali, Lycia, 1974 (pp. 349–355)
Machteld J. Mellink

Bryn Mawr College Excavations in Tuscany, 1974 (pp. 357–366)
Erik Nielsen and Kyle Meredith Phillips, Jr.

Archaeological Notes
Reply to Comments by Leon Pomerance (pp. 367–368)
C.J. Vitaliano and D.B. Vitaliano

The Wax of the Lost Wax Process (pp. 368–369)
Joseph Veach Noble

The Archon Flavius Straton (VI) Paianieus (pp. 369–371)
Elias Kapetanopoulos

Excavations at Buccino: 1974 (pp. 371–372)
Bruno d?Agostino, R. Ross Holloway and Ned P. Nabers

Late Minoan II Crete: A Note (pp. 372–374)
Mervyn Popham

Classical Inkpots (pp. 374–375)
Cynthia Jones Eiseman

A Greek Pediment on a Roman Temple: Addenda (pp. 375–376)
Steven Lattimore

Book Reviews
Tiryns. Forschungen und Berichte. Band VII. Figürlich Bemalte Mykenische Keramik aus Tiryns (pp. 377–378)
By Eberhard Slenczka
Reviewed by Jeremy Rutter

The Excavation of the Athenian Acropolis 1882–1890. The Original Drawings (pp. 378–379)
By J.A. Bundgaard
Reviewed by Homer A. Thompson

Griechische Historienbilder des 5. und 4. Jahrhunderts V. Chr. (pp. 380–381)
By Tonio Hölscher
Reviewed by Elizabeth G. Pemberton

Ein Skyphos des Triptolemosmalers (pp. 381–382)
By Elfriede Regina Knauer
Reviewed by J. Robert Guy

Das Kabirenheiligtum bei Theben, V, Die Terrakotten aus dem Kabirenheiligtum bei Theben: Menschenähnliche Figuren, Menschliche Figuren und Gerät (pp. 382–384)
By Bernard Schmaltz
Reviewed by Dorothy B. Thompson

Herakles on Thasos. The Archaeological, Literary and Epigraphic Evidence for His Sanctuary, Status and Cult Reconsidered by Birgitta Bergquist (pp. 384–385)
Reviewed by Kevin Clinton

Der thebanische Sagenkreis und andere griechische Sagen in der etruskischen Kunst (p. 385)
By Ingrid Krauskopf
Reviewed by Jocelyn Penny Small

Die Etruskischen Kanopen (p. 386)
By Robert D. Gempeler
Reviewed by Ingrid Edlund Gantz

Early Rome V. The Written Sources; Early Rome VI. Historical Survey (pp. 386–390)
By Einar Gjerstad
Reviewed by Robert E.A. Palmer

Scavi di Luni. Relazione preliminare delle campagne di scavo 1970–1971 (p. 390)
By Antonio Frova
Reviewed by Kyle M. Phillips, Jr.

Roman Ostia (pp. 390–391)
By Russell Meiggs
Reviewed by J.H. D?Arms

Untersuchungen an den Trajansthermen zu Rom (pp. 391–392)
By Kjeld de Fine Licht
Reviewed by James Russell

Die zwei Lorbeerbäume des Augustus (pp. 392–393)
By Andreas Alföldi
Reviewed by Richard Brilliant

Der Rundtempel am Tiber in Rom (pp. 393–394)
By Friedrich Rakob and Wolf-Dieter HeilmeyerReviewed by M.W. Frederiksen

Mysteriensymbolik auf dem Kölner Dionysosmosaik (pp. 394–395)
By Heinz Günter Horn
Reviewed by Michael Donderer

Uranius Antoninus. Münzprägung und Geschichte (pp. 395–396)
By Hans Roland Baldus
Reviewed by James D. Breckenridge

Books Received
List of Books Received (pp. 397–399)

  Already viewed

American Journal of Archaeology, Volume 79 - 1975 (Number 1-2-3-4)


  • Archaeological Institute of America, , 1975

Price: 69,00 EURO

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