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American Journal of Archaeology, Volume 84 - 1980 (Number 1-2-3-4)


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Category: American Journal of Archaeology: The Journal of the Archaeological Institute of America
Code: 26094
Publisher: Archaeological Institute of America
Publication Date: 1980
Binding: Paper


Editorial Note (p. 1)
Brunilde Sismondo Ridgway and Tamara Stech Wheeler

Middle Chalcolithic Pottery from Southwestern Anatolia (pp. 5–14)
Christine Eslick

The Anopaia Path at Thermopylai (pp. 15–23)
Paul W. Wallace

Two Trojan Themes: The Iconography of Ajax Carrying the Body of Achilles and of Aeneas Carrying Anchises in Black Figure Vase Painting (pp. 25–40)
Susan Woodford and Margot Loudon

The Archaistic Athena Promachos in Early Hellenistic Coinages (pp. 41–50)
Christine Mitchell Havelock

The Approach to the Temple of Saturn in Rome (pp. 51–62)
L. Richardson, Jr.

Archaeological News from Cyprus, 1977–1978 (pp. 63–73)
Kyriakos Nicolaou

North African News Letter 2 (pp. 75–87)
John H. Humphrey

Archaeological Notes
Some Recycled Vases in the West Cemetery at Eleusis (pp. 89–90)
John C. Overbeck

Four Bronzes in the Hirshhorn Museum (pp. 90–91)
Dorothy Kent Hill

Analysis of a Clay Sample from an Etruscan Statue Found at Veii (pp. 91–92)
William M. Gaugler and Robert N. Anderson

A Wild Chous Chase (pp. 92–93)
F.D. Harvey

The “Romulean” Gates of the Palatine (pp. 93–96)
Harry B. Evans

A Proposal for the Reuse of the Tower of the Winds (pp. 96–99)
David B. Small

Book Reviews
Excavations at Nichoria in Southwest Greece, Vol. I: Site, Environs, and Techniques (pp. 101–102)
By George Rapp and Stanley E. Aschenbrenner
Reviewed by J.D. Muhly

Fouilles de Delphes v,3. les trépieds à cuve clouée (pp. 102–103)
By Claude Rolley
Reviewed by P. Gregory Warden

Hephaistos. Der Schmiedegott in der antiken Kunst (pp. 103–105)
By Frank Brommer
Reviewed by Martin Robertson

The Attic Pyxis (pp. 105–106)
By Sally Rutherfurd Roberts
Reviewed by Evelyn E. Bell

Plato and Greek Painting (pp. 106–108)
By Eva C. Keuls
Reviewed by Jerome J. Pollitt

The City-Reliefs of Lycia (pp. 108–109)
By William A.P. Childs
Reviewed by Nancy Hirschland Ramage

L?Architecture hellénique et hellénistique à Délos jusqu?à l?éviction des Déliens (166 AV J.-C.), Deuxième partie, grammaire historique de l'architecture délienne (pp. 109–110)
By René Vallois
Reviewed by Robert Scranton

The Red-Figured Vases of Apulia, Volume I: Early and Middle Apulian (pp. 110–112)
By A.D. Trendall and Alexander Cambitoglou
Reviewed by Eva C. Keuls

Die Gravierungen der praenestinischen Cisten (pp. 112–113)
By Gabriele Foerst
Reviewed by Richard Daniel DePuma

Altertümer von Pergamon XII, Kapikaya, ein Felsheiligtum bei Pergamon (pp. 113–115)
By K. Nohlen and W. Radt
Reviewed by Kathleen Slane Wright

Apollonia, the Port of Cyrene. Excavations by the University of Michigan 1965–1967 (p. 115)
By R.G. Goodchild, J.G. Pedley, D. White, and J.H. Humphrey
Reviewed by J.W. Hayes

Die Münzprägung der Lakedaimonier (pp. 116–117)
By Susanne Grunauer-von Hoerschelmann
Reviewed by William E. Metcalf

Die römischen Bronzen der Schweiz, I, Augst und das Gebiet der Colonia Augusta Raurica (pp. 117–118)
By Annemarie Kaufmann-Heinimann
Reviewed by Jean Ch. Balty

Recherches sur les bronzes figurés de Gaule préromaine et romaine (pp. 118–119)
By Stephanie Boucher
Reviewed by Dorothy Kent Hill

Katalog der römischen Gläser des rheinischen Landesmuseums Trier (pp. 119–120)
By Karin Goethert-Polaschek
Reviewed by Gladys Davidson Weinberg

Recent Dissertations in Archaeology
Recent Dissertations in Archaeology (pp. 122–123)

The Archaeological Institute of America, 1879–1979: A Centennial Review (p. 123)


The Treasure of Golden Hill (pp. 125–131)
V.I. Sarianidi

Ancient Marseille in the Light of Recent Excavations (pp. 133–140)
Maurice Euzennat

The Early Cycladic Period: Matters of Definition and Terminology (pp. 141–157)
R.L.N. Barber and J.A. MacGillivray

Turns and Lanes in the Ancient Stadium (pp. 159–166)
Stephen G. Miller

Painted “Ikria” at Mycenae? (pp. 167–179)
Maria C. Shaw

Archaeological Notes
The Amazon?s Belt (pp. 181–182)
John Boardman

An Archaic Kore from Cyrene (pp. 182–183)
Susan Kane

Another Dirty Trick Vase (pp. 183–184)
Michael Vickers

A New Corinthian Painter: The St. Raymond Painter (pp. 184–186)
Susan Snow Lukesh

Skyllaieis, A District of Troizenia (pp. 186–188)
Frank J. Frost

Eighty-First General Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America (pp. 190–242)

Book Reviews
Early Arad. The Chalcolithic Settlement and Early Bronze Age City. I. First-Fifth Seasons of Excavations, 1962–1966 (pp. 243–244)
By Ruth Amiran, Uzzi Paran, Yigal Shiloh, Rafi Brown, Yoram Tsafrir, and Amnon Ben-Tor
Reviewed by Patty Gerstenblith

Vasilike Ware. An Early Bronze Age Pottery Style in Crete. Results of the Philadelphia Vasilike Ware Project (pp. 244–245)
By Philip P. Betancourt
Reviewed by Gisela Walberg

Les idéogrammes archéologiques du Linear B (p. 245)
By Frieda Vandenabeele and Jean-Pierre Olivier
Reviewed by Mabel L. Lang

Götter- und Heldensagen der Griechen in der spätarchaischen Kunst (pp. 245–246)
By Karl Schefold and Luca Giuliani
Reviewed by Jocelyn Penny Small

Histria IV, La céramique d?époque archaïque et classique (pp. 246–247)
By Petre Alexandrescu
Reviewed by Michael M. Eisman

Die antike Glanztonkeramik, praktische Versuche (pp. 247–248)
By Adam Winter
Reviewed by Joseph Veach Noble

Monnaies grecques en Gaule. Le trésor d'Auriol et le monnayage de Massalia 525/520-460 av. J.C. (pp. 248-249)
By Andreas E. Furtwängler
Reviewed by Nancy M. Waggoner

Catalogue of the Engraved Gems and Finger Rings, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, I, Greek and Etruscan (pp. 250–251)
By John Boardman and Marie-Louise Vollenweider
Reviewed by Stella G. Miller

Catalogue of the Engraved Gems in the Royal Coin Cabinet, The Hague. The Greek, Etruscan and Roman Collections (pp. 251–252)
By Marianne Maaskant-Kleibrink
Reviewed by Stella G. Miller

The Land of the Ancient Corinthians (p. 252)
By James Wiseman
Reviewed by William R. Biers

Die Galateranatheme Attalos I (p. 253)
By Robert Wenning
Reviewed by Andrew Stewart

Römische Paraderüstungen by Jochen Garbsch; Der römische Verwahrfund von Eining (pp. 254–255)
By Hans-Jörg Kellner
Reviewed by Diana E.E. Kleiner and Fred S. Kleiner

Recherches archéologiques franco-tunisiennes à Mactar, I la Maison de Vénus, I Stratigraphies et étude des pavements (pp. 255–256)
By Gilbert Charles Picard, Colette Picard, Ariane Bourgeois, and Claude Bourgeois
Reviewed by David Parrish

The Mosaics of Roman North Africa: Studies in Iconography and Patronage (pp. 256–257)
By Katherine M.D. Dunbabin
Reviewed by D.J. Smith

Rhys Carpenter (pp. 260–261)
Machteld J. Mellink, Robert Whallon, and Patty Jo Watson

In Pursuit of the Past: The American Role 1879–1979 (pp. 263–270)
Homer A. Thompson

The German Perspective and the German Archaeological Institute (pp. 271–277)
Kurt Bittel

Archaeology in the Future: An Evolving Discipline (pp. 279–285)
James Wiseman

The Great Tradition versus the Great Divide: Archaeology as Anthropology? (pp. 287–298)
Colin Renfrew

Bastam, an Urartian Citadel Complex of the Seventh Century B.C. (pp. 299–304)
Wolfram Kleiss

Excavations at the Hittite Site, Maşat Höyük: Palace, Archives, Mycenaean Pottery (pp. 305–309)
Tahsin Özgüç

Archaeology Today (pp. 311–312)
Jean Pouilloux

Astral Representations in the Archaic and Classical Periods and Their Connection to Literary Sources (pp. 313–318)
Nicolas Yalouris

New Evidence for an Absolute Chronology of Decorated Late Italian Sigillata (pp. 319–327)
Maria Teresa Marabini Moevs

Earless in Nineveh: Who Mutilated “Sargon?s” Head? (pp. 329–333)
Carl Nylander

Hands and Tails on the Vapheio Cups (pp. 335–337)
W.W. de Grummond

Of Clay Pebbles, Hollow Clay Balls, and Writing: A Sumerian View (pp. 339–358)
Stephen J. Lieberman

Stylobate and Roof in the Olympieion at Akragas (pp. 359–372)
Malcolm Bell

The Medusa Rondanini: A New Look (pp. 373–378)
Janer Danforth Belson

Book Reviews
Excavations at the Cemetery of Deir El-Balah (pp. 379–380)
By Trude Dothan
Reviewed by Saul S. Weinberg

Hala Sultan Tekke, I. Excavations 1897–1971, by Paul Åström, D.M. Bailey, and Vassos Karageorghis; Hala Sultan Tekke, IV. Excavations in area 8 in 1974 and 1975, by Gunnel Hult; The 1977 Underwater Report, by Dan McCaslin; Hala Sultan Tekke, VI. A Sherd Deposit in Area 22, by Ulla Öbrink (pp. 380–381)
Reviewed by Gerald Cadogan

Die Fibeln der griechischen Inseln (pp. 381–382)
By Efi Sapouna-Sakellarakis
Reviewed by Erik Nielsen

Attisch geometrische Schalen. Eine spätgeometrische Keramikgattung und ihre Beziehungen zum Orient (pp. 382–384)
By Brigitte Borell
Reviewed by Cynthia King

Samos IV. Das archaische Nordtor und seine Umgebung in Heraion von Samos (pp. 384–385)
By Hans Peter Isler
Reviewed by William R. Biers

Olympische Forschungen X. Die geometrischen Dreifüsse von Olympia (p. 385)
By Michael Maass
Reviewed by P. Gregory Warden

Antike Plastik, Lieferung XVII, Teil 1–6 (pp. 385–387)
By Felix Eckstein
Reviewed by Patricia Neils Boulter

The Free-Standing Sculptures of the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, a Catalogue (pp. 387–388)
By G.B. Waywell
Reviewed by William A.P. Childs

Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum. France 28, Louvre 19 (pp. 388–390)
By Hubert Giroux
Reviewed by Diana M. Buitron

Etruscan Art (p. 390)
By Otto J. Brendel
Reviewed by George M.A. Hanfmann

L?Arte degli Etruschi. Produzione e Consumo (pp. 391–392)
By Mauro Cristofani
Reviewed by Mario A. Del Chiaro

Dramen des Aischylos auf westgriechischen Vasen (pp. 392–393)
By Anneliese Kossatz-Deissmann
Reviewed by Ann Michelini

Recherches sur les ateliers de bols à reliefs du Péloponnèse à l?époque Hellénistique (pp. 393–394)
By Gerard Siebert
Reviewed by Susan I. Rotroff

Das römische Herrscherbild, Abt. III, Bd. 3, Gordianus III. bis Carinus (pp. 394–395)
By Max Wegner
Reviewed by David L. Thompson

Corpus de Mosaicos de España, Fasc. I. Mosaicos Romanos de Merida, by Antonio Blanco Freijeiro; Corpus de Mosaicos de España, Fasc. II. Mosaicos Romanos de Italica (1). Mosaicos Conservados en Colecciones Publicas y Particulares de la Ciudad de Sevilla, by Antonio Blanco Freijeiro (pp. 395–396)
Reviewed by Katherine M.D. Dunbabin

Books Received
List of Books Received (pp. 396–398)


Tradition and Innovation in Doric Design III: The Work of Iktinos (pp. 399–416)
Frederick E. Winter

Exekias and Telamonian Ajax (pp. 417–434)
Mary B. Moore

The Berlin Foundry Cup: The Casting of Greek Bronze Statuary in the Early Fifth Century B.C. (pp. 435–444)
Carol C. Mattusch

The Fast Wheel, the Multiple-Brush Compass and Athens as Home of the Protogeometric Style (pp. 445–452)
Harrison Eiteljorg, II

Another Look at Minoan and Mycenaean Interrelationships in Floor Decoration (pp. 453–462)
Ethel S. Hirsch

Addendum: Painted “Ikria” at Mycenae? (p. 462)

Americanist Archaeology: The 1979 Contribution (pp. 463–478)
Robert C. Dunnell

Chronologies in Old World Archaeology
The Chronological Division of the Archaic Levels of Uruk-Eanna VI to III/II: Past and Present (pp. 479–487)
Eva Strommenger

Problems of Chronology in Crete and the Aegean in the Third and Earlier Second Millennium B.C. (pp. 487–499)
Peter Warren

Archaeology in Asia Minor (pp. 501–518)
Machteld J. Mellink

Archaeological Notes
A Ladle from Shaft Grave III at Mycenae (pp. 519–521)
Nancy Westneat Leinwand

A Group of Leg Vases (pp. 522–524)
William R. Biers

Altars as Funerary Monuments on Attic White Lekythoi (pp. 524–527)
David Rupp

The So-Called Tomb of Philip II: A Different Interpretation (pp. 527–531)
Phyllis Williams Lehmann

Book Reviews
Sculptures from the North Palace of Ashurbanipal at Nineveh by R.D. Barnett; Assyrian Sculpture in the British Museum (pp. 533–535)
By R.D. Barnett
Reviewed by Edith Porada

Trojanische Gefässformen der Frühbronzezeit in Anatolien, der Ägäis und angrenzenden Gebieten. Ein Beitrag zur vergleichenden Stratigraphie (pp. 535–537)
By Christian Podzuweit
Reviewed by Jeremy B. Rutter

A Gazetteer of Aegean Civilisation in the Bronze Age, Vol. I: The Mainland and the Islands (pp. 537–538)
By R. Hope Simpson and O.T.P.K. Dickinson
Reviewed by Carol Zerner

The Arts in Prehistoric Greece (pp. 538–539)
By Sinclair Hood
Reviewed by James C. Wright

L?orfèvrerie rhodienne orientalisante (pp. 540–541)
By Robert Laffineur
Reviewed by Keith DeVries

Aspects of Ancient Greece (pp. 541–542)
By G.F. Pinney and B.S. Ridgway
Reviewed by Elizabeth G. Pemberton

Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, U.S.A. 19, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 2 (pp. 542–543)
By Marion True
Reviewed by Evelyn E. Bell

Die ostgriechischen Grabreliefs II (pp. 543–544)
By Ernst Pfuhl and Hans Möbiu
Reviewed by Brunilde Sismondo Ridgway

Italy before the Romans (pp. 544–545)
By David Ridgway and Francesca Ridgway
Reviewed by Ingrid E.M. Edlund

Etruskische Möbel (pp. 545–546)
By Stephan Steingräber
Reviewed by Ingrid E.M. Edlund

Bucchero Pottery from Southern Etruria (pp. 546–547)
By Tom B. Rasmussen
Reviewed by Sarah Underhill Wisseman

Kenchreai, Eastern Port of Corinth IV, The Pottery (pp. 547–549)
By Beverley Adamsheck
Reviewed by Kathleen Slane Wright

Report on the Excavations at Usk, 1965–1976. The Pre-Flavian Fine Wares (pp. 549–550)
By Kevin Greene
Reviewed by J.W. Hayes

Roman and Pre-Roman Glass in the Royal Ontario Museum (pp. 550–552)
By John W. Hayes
Reviewed by David Frederick Grose

Books Received
List of Books Received (pp. 552–555)

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American Journal of Archaeology, Volume 84 - 1980 (Number 1-2-3-4)


  • Archaeological Institute of America, , 1980

Price: 69,00 EURO

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