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American Journal of Archaeology, Volume 85 - 1981 (Number 1-2-3-4)


Price: 69,00 EURO

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Category: American Journal of Archaeology: The Journal of the Archaeological Institute of America
Code: 26095
Publisher: Archaeological Institute of America
Publication Date: 1981
Binding: Paper


Editorial Letter (p. 1)
Brunilde Sismondo Ridgway and Tamara Stech

The Painted Metopes at Lefkadia and the Problem of Color in Doric Sculptured Metopes (pp. 3–11)
Vincent J. Bruno

Cyrene?s Sanctuary of Demeter and Persephone: A Summary of a Decade of Excavation (pp. 13–30)
Donald White

The Thirty and the Pnyx (pp. 31–37)
Robert A. Moysey

The Cap That Survived Alexander (pp. 39–46)
Bonnie M. Kingsley

Biographical Narration and Roman Funerary Art (pp. 47–58)
Natalie Boymel Kampen

Subject and Artist: Studies in Roman Portraiture of the Third Century (pp. 59–68)
Susan Wood

Archaeological Notes
Mycenaeans at Thera: Another Look (pp. 69–70)
Jack L. Davis

The Scarabs from Tholos B at Platanos (pp. 70–73)
William A. Ward

The Identification of Middle Minoan Painters and Workshops (pp. 73–75)
Gisela Walberg

The Relationship of Late Minoan II to Late Minoan III A1 (pp. 75–77)
L. Vance Watrous

The Bronze Torso in the Museo Archeologico, Florence: Greek Original or Roman Copy? (pp. 77–79)
Edilberto Formigli

New Evidence on the Mechanics of Loom Weights (pp. 79–81)
Barbara Kelley McLauchlin

A Tomb Group from Bisenzio in the Barrett Collection, Buffalo, New York (pp. 81–83)
Ingrid E.M. Edlund

The Mystery of Apollo?s E at Delphi (pp. 83–84)
A. Trevor Hodge

The Annihilation of the Sacred Band at Chaeronea (pp. 84–87)
Paul A. Rahe

A Painter in the Imperial Arms Factory at Sardis (pp. 87–88)
George M.A. Hanfmann

A Priestess of Isis at Swarthmore College (pp. 88–92)
David L. Thompson

Book Reviews
Thera and the Aegean World I. Papers Presented at the Second International Scientific Congress, Santorini, Greece, August 1979 (pp. 93–94)
By C. Doumas
Reviewed by Emily Vermeule

The Temple of Khonsu, Volume I. Scenes of King Herihor in the Court (pp. 94–95)
By The Epigraphic Survey
Reviewed by William Kelly Simpson

The Pottery of Tyre (pp. 95–96)
By Patricia Maynor Bikai
Reviewed by Saul S. Weinberg

The Proto-Aeolic Capital and Israelite Ashlar Masonry (pp. 96–97)
By Yigal Shiloh
Reviewed by Philip Betancourt

Die archaischen Metopen von Selinunt (pp. 97–99)
By Luca Giuliani
Reviewed by Brunilde Sismondo Ridgway

Antike Kunstwerke aus der Sammlung Ludwig, I. Frühe Tonsarkophage und Vasen (p. 99)
By Ernst Berger and Reinhard Lullies
Reviewed by Cedric G. Boulter

Antike Numismatik (pp. 99–100)
By Maria R. Alföldi
Reviewed by Richard E. Mitchell

Il gruppo mironiano di Atena e Marsia nei Musei Vaticani (p. 100)
By Georg Daltrop
Reviewed by Brunilde Sismondo Ridgway

Books Received
List of Books Received (pp. 101–103)

Recent Dissertations in Archaeology
Recent Dissertations in Archaeology (p. 103)

The Study of Greek Vases (pp. 105–106)
Cedric G. Boulter

Funeral Games in Greek Art (pp. 107–119)
Lynn E. Roller

Herakles, Nereus and Triton: A Study of Iconography in Sixth Century Athens (pp. 121–132)
Ruth Glynn

Courtship Scenes in Attic Vase-Painting (pp. 133–143)
H.A. Shapiro

The Nonage of the Berlin Painter (pp. 145–158)
Gloria Ferrari Pinney

The Emigration of Potters from Athens in the Late Fifth Century B.C. and Its Effect on the Attic Pottery Industry (pp. 159–168)
Brian R. MacDonald

Archaeological Notes
Corinthian Vases at Rouen (pp. 169–173)
J.L. Benson

Exekias, Ajax, and Salamis: A Further Note (pp. 173–175)
H.A. Shapiro

Again, “Dirty Trick” Vases (pp. 175–177)
James H. Turnure

The Loves of Theseus: An Early Cup by Oltos (pp. 177–179)
Jenifer Neils

Five Late Roman Sherds in Louisville (pp. 179–180)
Howard Comfort

Eighty-Second General Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America (pp. 182–225)

Book Reviews
Wheeled Vehicles and Ridden Animals in the Ancient Near East (pp. 227–228)
By M.A. Littauer and J.H. Crouwel
Reviewed by Trudy S. Kawami

The King and Kingship in Achaemenid Art. Essays on the Creation of an Iconography of Empire (pp. 228–229)
By Margaret Cool Root
Reviewed by Richard N. Frye

Aegean Faience of the Bronze Age (pp. 229–230)
By Karen Polinger Foster
Reviewed by Sara A. Immerwahr

Die “rhodischen” Bronzekannen (p. 230)
By Brian B. Shefton
Reviewed by Dorothy Kent Hill

Olympische Forschungen 11. Die Kessel der orientalisierenden Zeit, 2, Kesselprotomen und Stabdreifüsse (pp. 230–232)
By Hans-Volkmar Herrmann
Reviewed by Günter Kopcke

Antike Plastik, Lieferung XVIII, Teil 1–2 (pp. 232–234)
By Felix Eckstein
Reviewed by Evelyn B. Harrison

Attikà (pp. 234–235)
By Andrew Stewart
Reviewed by Ariel Herrmann

Saggi di Antichità (pp. 235–236)
By Massimo Pallottino
Reviewed by Mario A. del Chiaro

Roman Black-and-White Figural Mosaics (pp. 236–237)
By John R. Clarke
Reviewed by Katherine M.D. Dunbabin

Der Zeustempel zu Aizanoi (pp. 237–238)
By Rudolf Naumann
Reviewed by James Russell

Age of Spirituality. Late Antique and Early Christian Art, Third to Seventh Century (pp. 238–240)
By Kurt Weitzmann
Reviewed by Anthony Cutler

Books Received
List of Books Received (pp. 240–244)


Iron at Taanach and Early Iron Metallurgy in the Eastern Mediterranean (pp. 245–268)
T. Stech-Wheeler, J.D. Muhly, K.R. Maxwell-Hyslop and R. Maddin

Proportions of Korai (pp. 269–280)
Eleanor Guralnick

Motifs of the City-Siege on the Shield of Athena Parthenos (pp. 281–317)
Evelyn B. Harrison

Archaeological Notes
Enameling in Ancient Egypt? (p. 319)
Emily Teeter

Nichoria in Context: A Major Town in the Pylos Kingdom (pp. 319–325)
Cynthia W. Shelmerdine

An Unreported Ancient Tower on Mount Pateras (pp. 325–327)
S. van de Maele

Sellasia Revisited (pp. 328–330)
J.D. Morgan

Again the So-Called Tomb of Philip II (pp. 330–334)
E.A. Fredricksmeyer

Diadem and Barrel-Vault: A Note (pp. 334–335)
William Musgrave Calder, III

The Meetings of the Roman Senate on the Palatine (pp. 335–339)
David L. Thompson

Book Reviews
Archaeological Chemistry II by Giles F. Carter; Archaeological Chemistry (pp. 341–342)
By Zvi Goffer
Reviewed by Tamara Stech

The Prehistory of the Mediterranean (pp. 342–343)
By D.H. Trump
Reviewed by Curtis N. Runnels

Corpus der Minoischen und Mykenischen Siegel. X. die Schweizer Sammlungen (pp. 343–344)
By John H. Betts
Reviewed by Jeffrey M. Hurwit

The Late Minoan III Period in Crete. A Survey of Sites, Pottery and Their Distribution (pp. 344–345)
By A. Kanta
Reviewed by John C. McEnroe

Die Tempel von Dreros und Prinias a und die Chronologie der kretischen Kunst des 8. und 7. jhs. v. chr. (pp. 345–346)
By Immo Beyer
Reviewed by J.N. Coldstream

Probleme des griechischen Weihreliefs (pp. 346–347)
By Gerhard Neumann
Reviewed by Charles M. Edwards

The Propylaia to the Athenian Akropolis, Vol. I. The Predecessors (pp. 347–349)
By William B. Dinsmoor
Reviewed by James C. Wright

Greek Aims in Fortification (pp. 349–350)
by Arnold Walter Lawrence
Reviewed by Thomas D. Boyd

Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, New Zealand 1 (pp. 350–352)
By J.R. Green
Reviewed by Mary B. Moore

Trademarks on Greek Vases (pp. 352–355)
By A.W. Johnston
Reviewed by Dietrich von Bothmer

Coins of the Ancient Celts (pp. 355–356)
By Derek Allen and Daphne Nash
Reviewed by Alan Walker

Scavi di Luni II: Relazione delle Campagne di Scavo 1972–1973–1974 (p. 356)
By Antonio Frova
Reviewed by R.T. Scott

Le sanctuaire métroaque de Vienne (France) (pp. 356–357)
By André Pelletier
Reviewed by Diana E.E. Kleiner and Fred S. Kleiner

Les Villas Hispano-Romaines. Inventaire et problématique archéologiques (pp. 357–358)
By Jean-Gérard Gorges
Reviewed by John Ward-Perkins

Römische und frühbyzantinische Porträtplastik aus der Türkei: Neue Funde, I, II (pp. 359–360)
By Jale Inan and Elisabeth Alföldi-Rosenbaum
Reviewed by Elaine K. Gazda

Books Received
List of Books Received (pp. 360–363)


Volume Index
Volume 85 (1981) Index (Open Access)

Maceheads from Marlik (pp. 367–378)
Ezat O. Negahban

The Doric Groundplan (pp. 379–427)
Richard Tobin

Americanist Archaeology: The 1980 Literature (pp. 429–445)
Reviewed by Robert C. Dunnell

Chronologies in Old World Archaeology
Abu Salabikh, Kish, Mari and Ebla: Mid-Third Millennium Archaeological Interconnections (pp. 447–448)
P.R.S. Moorey

The Relations between Egypt and the Land of Canaan during the Third Millennium B.C. (pp. 449–452)
Amnon Ben-Tor

News Letter from Greece (1979 and 1980) (pp. 453–462)
Miriam Ervin Caskey

Archaeology in Asia Minor (pp. 463–479)
Machteld J. Mellink

Iron at Taanach and Early Iron Metallurgy in the Eastern Mediterranean: Addendum (p. 481)
T. Stech-Wheeler, J.D. Muhly, K.R. Maxwell-Hyslop and R. Maddin

Archaeological Notes
New Romanian Radiocarbon Dates: Middle Palaeolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic (pp. 483–486)
Kenneth Honea

Vitruvius, Lead Pipes and Lead Poisoning (pp. 486–491)
A. Trevor Hodge

A Lost Patchwork “Fayum Portrait” (pp. 491–492)
David L. Thompson

Book Reviews
Thermoluminescence Techniques in Archaeology (p. 493)
By Stuart Fleming
Reviewed by Gary W. Carriveau

Surveying for Archaeologists and Other Field Workers (p. 494)
By A.H.A. Hogg
Reviewed by Fritz Hemans

Mummies, Disease and Ancient Cultures (pp. 494–495)
By Aidan Cockburn and Eve Cockburn
Reviewed by Stuart Fleming

Papers in Cycladic Prehistory (pp. 495–496)
By Jack L. Davis and John F. Cherry
Reviewed by Elizabeth Schofield

Mycenaean Achaea (pp. 496–497)
By Thanasis J. Papadopoulos
Reviewed by Sara A. Immerwahr

Korucutepe 3. Final Report on the Excavations of the Universities of Chicago, California (Los Angeles) and Amsterdam in the Keban Reservoir, Eastern Anatolia, 1968–1970 (pp. 497–498)
By Maurits N. van Loon
Reviewed by Marie-Henriette Gates

Das Tierbild in der altmesopotamischen Rundplastik. Eine Untersuchung zum Stilwandel des altsumerischen Rundbildes (pp. 498–499)
By Manfred Robert Behm-Blancke
Reviewed by Edith Porada

Tell Keisan (1971–1976): une cité phénicienne en Galilée (pp. 499–500)
By Jacques Briend and Jean-Baptiste Humbert
Reviewed by James B. Pritchard

Münzen und Städte Phrygiens I (pp. 500–501)
By Hans von Aulock
Reviewed by William E. Metcalf

ΦΙΛΙΑΣ XAPIN-Miscellanea di Studi Classici in onore di Eugenio Manni (pp. 501–502)
Reviewed by Brunilde Sismondo Ridgway

Attic Bilingual Vases and Their Painters (pp. 502–503)
By Beth Cohen
Reviewed by Michael M. Eisman

Greek Vase-Painting in Midwestern Collections (pp. 503–504)
By Warren G. Moon
Reviewed by Gloria Ferrari Pinney

Fouilles de Delphes, II, Topographie et Architecture. Le Stade (pp. 504–506)
By Pierre Aupert
Reviewed by Stephen G. Miller

Glyptothek München. Katalog der Skulpturen, Band II: Klassische Skulpturen des 5 und 4 Jahrhunderts v. chr. (pp. 506–507)
By Barbara Vierneisel-Schlörb
Reviewed by E.G. Pemberton

Die stabianer Thermen in Pompeji (pp. 507–508)
By Hans Eschebach y Hans Eschebach
Reviewed by Fikret K. Yegul

Die römischen Gläser vom Magdalensberg (pp. 508–509)
By Barbara Czurda-Ruth
Reviewed by Gladys Davidson Weinberg

Books Received
List of Books Received (pp. 509–513)

Andrew Alföldi (pp. 514–515)
J.F. Gilliam

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American Journal of Archaeology, Volume 85 - 1981 (Number 1-2-3-4)


  • Archaeological Institute of America, , 1981

Price: 69,00 EURO

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