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American Journal of Archaeology, Volume 86 - 1982 (Number 1-2-3-4)


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Category: American Journal of Archaeology: The Journal of the Archaeological Institute of America
Code: 26096
Publisher: Archaeological Institute of America
Publication Date: 1982
Binding: Paper


Editorial Letter (pp. 1–2)
Brunilde S. Ridgway and Tamara Stech

A Typology of Minoan Neopalatial Houses (pp. 3–19)
John McEnroe

The Motif of the Adligatus and Tree: A Study in the Sources of Pre–Roman Iconography (pp. 21–38)
Anne Weis

The Eruption of Vesuvius in A.D. 79: Reconstruction from Historical and Volcanological Evidence (pp. 39–51)
Haraldur Sigurdsson, Stanford Cashdollar and Stephen R.J. Sparks

Roman Rural Architecture in the Territory of Colonia Iulia Pola (pp. 53–64)
Robert Matijašić

The Victorious Charioteer on Mosaics and Related Monuments (pp. 65–89)
Katherine M.D. Dunbabin

Three Monumental Gardens on the Marble Plan (pp. 91–100)
Robert B. Lloyd

Domitian, the Argiletum and the Temple of Peace (pp. 101–110)
James C. Anderson, Jr.

Archaeological Notes
Danae and Perseus on Seriphos (pp. 111–115)
John H. Oakley

The Tickle and Sneeze of Love (pp. 115–118)
Mark I. Davies

Etruscan Granulation: Analysis of Orientalizing Jewelry from Marsiliana d?Albegna (pp. 118–121)
Paolo Parrini, Edilberto Formigli and Emilio Mello

The Stuppatores and Their Guild in Ostia (pp. 121–126)
Gustav Hermansen

A Note on Ivory Carving in Fourth Century Constantinople (pp. 126–129)
Alan Cameron

Book Reviews
Animal Diseases in Archaeology (pp. 131–132)
By J. Baker and D. Brothwell
Reviewed by Al B. Wesolowsky

Prehistory of the Eastern Sahara (pp. 132–133)
By Fred Wendorf and Romuald Schild
Reviewed by Patrick J. Munson

The Early Bronze Age Citadel and Lower City at Ai (Et–Tell). A Report of the Joint Archeological Expedition to Ai (Et-Tell): No. 2 (pp. 133–134)
By Joseph A. Callaway
Reviewed by Ian A. Todd

The Land of the Bible. A Historical Geography (pp. 134–136)
By Yohanan Aharoni and Anson F. Rainey
Reviewed by J.D. Muhly

The Tomb of Kheruef, Theban Tomb 192 by The Epigraphic Survey (p. 136)
Reviewed by James M. Weinstein

Asine II. Results of the Excavations East of the Acropolis 1970–1974. 2. The Middle Helladic Cemetery, The Middle Helladic and Early Mycenaean Deposits (pp. 136–138)
By So̵ren Dietz
Reviewed by Jack L. Davis

Maroni de Chypre (pp. 138–139)
By Jane Johnson
Reviewed by Ellen Herscher

Archaic Greece. The Age of Experiment (p. 139)
By Anthony Snodgrass
Reviewed by Keith DeVries

Frühklassische Peplosfiguren. Originale (pp. 139–140)
By Renate Tölle-Kastenbein
Reviewed by Mary C. Sturgeon

Exploration Archéologique de Délos, XXXII. Le Monument aux Hexagones et le Portique des Naxiens (pp. 140–141)
By Marie-Christine Hellmann and Philippe Fraisse
Reviewed by Richard S. Mason

Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, France 29, Rennes (pp. 141–142)
By Annie-France Laurens and Odette Touchefeu
Reviewed by Ian McPhee

Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Switzerland 5, Östschweiz Ticino (pp. 141–142)
By Ingrid R. Metzger, Matilde Carrara Ronzani, and Hansjörg Bloesch
Reviewed by Ian McPhee

Das ionische Normalkapitel in hellenistischer und römischer Zeit in Kleinasien (pp. 142–143)
By Orhan Bingöl
Reviewed by F.E. Winter

The Iron Age and Etruscan Vases in the Olcott Collection at Columbia University, New York, by Ingrid E.M. Edlund; Il “Gruppo Clusium” della Ceramografia Etrusca, by Maurizio Harari (pp. 143–144)
Reviewed by Stockton H. Garver

Le Ciste Prenestine I, 1 (pp. 144–145)
By Gabrielle Bordenache Battaglia
Reviewed by Dorothy Kent Hill

L?Armée et la Guerre dans le Monde Etrusco-Romain VIIIe–IVe s.) (pp. 145–146)
By Christiane Saulnier
Reviewed by Larissa Bonfante

Spiegelwerkstätten in Vulci (pp. 146–147)
By Ulrike Fischer-Graf
Reviewed by Richard Daniel DePuma

The Visible Idea. Interpretations of Classical Art (pp. 147–148)
By Otto J. Brendel
Reviewed by David L. Thompson

Les Bronzes Romains de Belgique (pp. 148–149)
By G. Faider-Feytmans
Reviewed by Ellen Reeder Williams

Cosa: The Coins, by T.V. Buttrey; Italo-Megarian Ware at Cosa; ACO in Northern Etruria: The Workshop of Cusonius at Cosa, by M.T.M. Moevs (pp. 149–150)
Reviewed by Kathleen Warner Slane

Books Received
List of Books Received (pp. 150–153)

Recent Dissertations in Archaeology
Recent Dissertations in Archaeology (pp. 153)

The Study of Ancient Sculpture (pp. 155–157)
Brunilde Sismondo Ridgway

The Sculptural Program of the Siphnian Treasury at Delphi (pp. 159–172)
Livingston Vance Watrous

Profiles of Korai (pp. 173–182)
Eleanor Guralnick

A Group of Early Sixth Century Korai and the Workshop on Chios (pp. 183–191)
John Griffiths Pedley

Archaic Greek Akroteria (pp. 193–217)
Marilyn Y. Goldberg

A Classicizing Statue in Ancient Corinth (pp. 219–226)
Mary C. Sturgeon

Archaeological Notes
Observations on the East Metopes of the Parthenon (pp. 227–229)
M.A. Tiverios

A Dedication of the Hebdomaistai to the Pythian Apollo (pp. 229–233)
Emmanuel Voutiras

An Etruscan Bronze Group (pp. 233–238)
P. Gregory Warden

A Roman Grave Altar Rediscovered (pp. 238–242)
G.B. Waywell

The Ara Pacis and the Child Nero: Julio-Claudian Commemorative Reliefs in Italy and Elsewhere (pp. 242–244)
C.C. Vermeule

The Bust of Philip the Arab in the Vatican: A Case for the Defense (pp. 244–247)
Susan Wood

The Eighty-Third General Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America (pp. 250–292)

Review Article
Recent Excavations at Carthage (pp. 293–296)
C.M. Wells

Book Reviews
Cambridge Encyclopedia of Archaeology (pp. 296–297)
By Andrew Sherratt
Reviewed by Julie Hansen

The Prehistory of Central Anatolia I: The Neolithic Period (pp. 297–298)
By Ian A. Todd
Reviewed by T.W. Jacobsen

The Cave of the Treasure: The Finds from the Caves of Niḥal Mishmar (pp. 298–299)
By Pessaḥ Bar-Adon
Reviewed by Tamara Stech

Canaanite Gods in Metal. An Archaeological Study of Ancient Syro-Palestinian Figurines (pp. 299–300)
By Ora Negbi
Reviewed by Jeanny Vorys Canby

Fouilles Exécutées à Mallia. Le Quartier Mu, II: Vases de Pierre et de Métal, Vannerie, Figurines et Reliefs d?Applique, Éléments de Parure et de Décoration, Armes, Sceaux et Empreintes (pp. 300–301)
By Béatrice Detournay, Jean-Claude Poursat, and Frieda Vandenabeele
Reviewed by Karen Polinger Foster

Studi Micenei ed Egeo-Anatolici 21 (pp. 301–302)
Reviewed by Gisela Walberg

Ancient Art in Seals. Essays by Pierre Amiet, Nimet Özgüç and John Boardman (pp. 302–303)
By Edith Porada, Pierre Amiet, Nimet Özgüç, and John Boardman
Reviewed by Margaret Cool Root

Castulo 2 by José M. Blázquez; Excavaciones en El Cabezo de San Pedro (Huelva). Campaña de 1977 (p. 303)
By José M. Blázquez
Reviewed by Leonard A. Curchin

Mendes I (pp. 303–304)
By Robert K. Holz, David Stieglitz, Donald P. Hansen, Edward Ochsenschlager, Emma Swan Hall, and Bernard V. Bothmer
Reviewed by Karl M. Petruso

The Etruscans, by Michael Grant; Les Etrusques et leur destin, by Alain Hus (pp. 304–305)
Reviewed by Larissa Bonfante

Céramiques Hellénistiques et Romaines (pp. 305–306)
Reviewed by Susan I. Rotroff

Ptolemais Cyrenaica (pp. 306–307)
By David Nasgowitz
Reviewed by J.H. Humphrey

Proposta per una Classificazione del Terzo Stile Pompeiano (pp. 307–308)
By F.L. Bastet, Mariette de Vos, and A. de Vos
Reviewed by Peter H. von Blanckenhagen

Pompeii: The Electoral Programmata, Campaigns and Politics, A.D. 71–79 (pp. 308–309)
By James Franklin
Reviewed by T. Robert S. Broughton

Die römischen Bronzen der Schweiz, 3. Westschweiz Bern und Wallis (pp. 309–310)
By Annalis Leibundgut
Reviewed by Ellen Reeder Williams

Age of Spirituality: A Symposium (pp. 310–311)
By Kurt Weitzmann
Reviewed by Dale Kinney

La Villa del Poggio Imperiale (pp. 311–312)
By Gabriella Capecchi, Lucia Lepore, and Vincenzo Saladino
Reviewed by George M.A. Hanfmann

Books Received
List of Books Received (pp. 312–314)

The Eruption of Vesuvius in A.D. 79 (pp. 315–316)

John Langdon Casky (1908–1981) (p. 317)
Machteld J. Mellink

Books Received
List of Books Received (pp. 312–314)


1981 Excavations at Gritille, Turkey (pp. 319–332)
Richard S. Ellis and Mary M. Voigt

The Cyclades and the Greek Mainland in LC I: The Evidence of the Pottery (pp. 333–341)
John F. Cherry and Jack L. Davis

The Dates of the Earliest Coins (pp. 343–360)
Donald Kagan

Investigations at Naukratis and Environs, 1980 and 1981 (pp. 361–380)
William D.E. Coulson and Albert Leonard, Jr.

The Athena Nike Temple Reconsidered (pp. 381–385)
Harold B. Mattingly

Tradition and Innovation in Doric Design IV: The Fourth Century (pp. 387–400)
Frederick E. Winter

Agrippa?s Water Plan (pp. 401–411)
Harry B. Evans

Roman Mosaics in Sicily: The African Connection (pp. 413–428)
R.J.A. Wilson

A Reconsideration of the Date of the Esquiline Calendar and of Its Political Festivals (pp. 429–435)
Inabelle Levin

Archaeological Notes
The So-Called Tomb of Philip II: An Addendum (pp. 437–442)
Phyllis Williams Lehmann

New Kingdom Egyptian Textiles: Embroidery vs. Weaving (pp. 442–445)
E.J.W. Barber

Pausanias 1.27.3 and the Route of the Arrhephoroi (pp. 445–446)
Edward Kadletz

Book Reviews
Advances in Archaeological Method and Theory, 3; Advances in Archaeological Method and Theory, 4 (pp. 447–448)
By Michael B. Schiffer
Reviewed by Robin Torrence

A Complete Manual of Field Archaeology. Tools and Techniques of Field Work for Archaeologists (p. 448)
By Martha Joukowsky
Reviewed by Sebastian Payne

The Sahara and the Nile. Quaternary Environments and Prehistoric Occupation in North Africa (pp. 448–450)
By Martin A.J. Williams and Hughes Faure
Reviewed by David Lubell

Prehistoric Mining and Allied Industries (p. 450)
By R. Shepherd
Reviewed by Curtis Runnels

The Origin and Distribution of Tell el Yahudiyeh Ware (pp. 450–452)
By Maureen F. Kaplan
Reviewed by James M. Weinstein

Thera and the Aegean World II. Papers and Proceedings of the Second International Scientific Congress, Santorini, Greece, August 1978 (p. 452)
By C. Doumas
Reviewed by Philip P. Betancourt

Le Palais de Mallia et la Cité Minoenne, I, II. Etude de Synthèse (p. 453)
By Henri van Effenterre
Reviewed by J. Walter Graham

The Coming of the Age of Iron (pp. 453–454)
By Theodore A. Wertime and James D. Muhly
Reviewed by Karen D. Vitelli

La Céramique Chypriote de Style figuré. Age du Fer (1050–500 av. J.C.) (pp. 454–455)
By Vassos Karageorghis and Jean des Gagniers
Reviewed by J.L. Benson

Exploration archéologique de Délos, 33. L?Oikos des Naxiens (pp. 455–456)
By Paul Courbin
Reviewed by Robert Scranton

Fifth Century Styles in Greek Sculpture (pp. 456–457)
By Brunilde Sismondo Ridgway
Reviewed by Olga Palagia

Ceramiche etrusche a figure rosse (p. 457)
By Giampiero Pianu
Reviewed by Ingrid E.M. Edlund

Corpus Vasorum antiquorum. Great Britain 15, Castle Ashby, Northampton (pp. 457–458)
By John Boardman and Martin Robertson
Reviewed by Diana Buitron

Excavations in the Barbouna Area at Asine, Fasc. 4. The Hellenistic Nekropolis and Later Structures on the Middle Slopes 1973–77 (pp. 458–459)
By Inga Hägg and John M. Fossey
Reviewed by Birgitte Rafn

Il teatro antico di Siracusa (pp. 459–460)
By Luigi Polacco and Carlo Anti
Reviewed by Niall W. Slater

Norchia I (pp. 460–461)
By Elena Colonna Di Paolo and Giovanni Colonna
Reviewed by Gloria Pinney

Tainia. Festschrift für Roland Hampe (pp. 461–462)
By Herbert A. Cahn and Erika Simon
Reviewed by Rolf Winkes

Nymfarum Domus. Les pavements de la maison des Nymphes à Néapolis (Nabeul, Tunisie) et leur lecture (p. 462)
By Jean-Pierre Darmon
Reviewed by David Parrish

Roman London (p. 463)
By Peter Marsden
Reviewed by James Russell

Ancient Lamps in the Royal Ontario Museum. I, Greek and Roman Lamps (pp. 463–464)
By J.W. Hayes
Reviewed by Jane Hackbarth Leslie

Books Received
List of Books Received (pp. 464–467)


Finds in the Zaporozhe Barrow: New Light on the Siberian Collection of Peter the Great (pp. 469–474)
A.P. Mantsevich

Cremation among the Lucanians (pp. 475–481)
Maurizio Gualtieri and Marshall J. Becker

Signatures and Decoration on Italian and Gaulish Sigillata at Sabratha (pp. 483–507)
Howard Comfort

Americanist Archaeological Literature: 1981 (pp. 509–529)
Reviewed by Robert C. Dunnell

Chronologies in Old World Archaeology, 1980–1981
A Re-Evaluation of the Akkad Period in the Diyala Region on the Basis of Recent Excavations at Nippur and in the Hamrin (pp. 531–538)
McGuire Gibson

News Letter from Greece (pp. 539–556)
Nancy A. Winter

Archaeology in Asia Minor (pp. 557–576)
Machteld J. Mellink

Archaeological Notes
KN Uc 160 and Mycenaean Wines (pp. 577–578)
Phillip V. Stanley

The Death of Pedasos (pp. 578–581)
Mary B. Moore

Secret Ballot (pp. 581–584)
Gloria F. Pinney and Richard Hamilton

A New Method for the Photographic Recording of Architectural Cuttings and Dressings (pp. 584–586)
John J. Dobbins

A Nemean Metagraffito (p. 586)
F.D. Harvey

The Stadium of Eumenes II at Pergamon (pp. 586–589)
David Gilman Romano

Early Italic Armor at Vassar College (pp. 589–591)
Dorothy Kent Hill

Book Reviews
Genti e culture del?Italia preromana (p. 593)
By Massimo Pallottino
Reviewed by Larissa Bonfante

Early Cretan Seals. A Study of Chronology (pp. 593–594)
By Paul A. Yule
Reviewed by Gisela Walberg

Die Bronzegefässe der kretisch-mykenischen Kultur (pp. 594–595)
By Hartmut Matthäus
Reviewed by Ellen Davis

Archaeological Museum of Thebes: Guide (pp. 595–596)
By Katie Demakopoulou and Dora Konsola
Reviewed by Jeremy B. Rutter

Metallfiguren aus dem Kabirenheiligtum bei Theben. Die Statuetten aus Bronze und Blei (pp. 596–597)
By Bernhard Schmaltz
Reviewed by Susan Helen Langdon

From Athens to Gordion: The Papers of a Memorial Symposium for Rodney S. Young (p. 597)
By Keith DeVries
Reviewed by Kenneth Sams

La scultura arcaica in marmo dell?Acropoli (pp. 597–598)
By Humfry Payne, Gerard Mackworth-Young, and M.P. Tommasi
Reviewed by Brunilde Sismondo Ridgway

Énée et Lavinium. À propos des découvertes archéologiques récents (pp. 598–599)
By G. Dury-Moyaers
Reviewed by Karl Galinsky

Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae (pp. 599–600)
Reviewed by Brunilde Sismondo Ridgway

Sophilos. Ein Beitrag zu seinem Stil (pp. 600–601)
By Güven Bakir
Reviewed by Ann Blair Brownlee

Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Germany 46, Würzburg, Martin von Wagner Museum 2 (pp. 601–602)
By Fernande Hölscher
Reviewed by John H. Oakley

The Maussolleion at Halikarnassos. Reports of the Danish Archaeological Expedition to Bodrum. Vol. 1: The Sacrificial Deposit (pp. 602–603)
By Flemming Højlund and Kim Aaris–Sørensen
Reviewed by Sebastian Payne

Greek and Roman Jewellery, by Reynold Higgins; Études d?orfèvrerie antique, by Tony Hackens (pp. 603–605)
Reviewed by Wolf Rudolph

Excavations at Carthage 1977. Conducted by the University of Michigan (pp. 605–606)
By J.H. Humphrey
Reviewed by Elisabeth Alföldi

L?Agorà di Cirene II: L?Area settentrionale del lato ovest della platea inferiore (pp. 606–607)
By Lidiano Bacchielli
Reviewed by Donald White

Journal of Mediterranean Anthropology and Archaeology, 1,1 (pp. 607–609)
By Nikolaos Xirotiris and Barbara Ottaway
Reviewed by Michael Fotiadis

Books Received
List of Books Received (pp. 609–612)


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American Journal of Archaeology, Volume 86 - 1982 (Number 1-2-3-4)


  • Archaeological Institute of America, , 1982

Price: 69,00 EURO

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