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American Journal of Archaeology, Volume 87 - 1983 (Number 1-2-3-4)


Price: 69,00 EURO

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Category: American Journal of Archaeology: The Journal of the Archaeological Institute of America
Code: 26097
Publisher: Archaeological Institute of America
Publication Date: 1983
Binding: Paper


Editorial Letter (p. 1)
Brunilde Sismondo Ridgway and Tamara Stech

The Date of the Temples near Kourno in Lakonia (pp. 3–10)
E. Joan and Frederick E. Winter

Sextus Pompey, Octavian and Sicily (pp. 11–22)
Shelley C. Stone, III

Palaepharsalus-The Battle and the Town (pp. 23–54)
John D. Morgan

Studies in Roman Theater Design (pp. 55–68)
David B. Small

Archaeological Notes
Some Observations on the Cyclades in the Later Third and Early Second Millennia (pp. 69–76)
Jeremy Rutter

The Definition of the Middle Cycladic Period (pp. 76–81)
R.L.N. Barber

On the Relative Chronologies of Early Cycladic IIIA and Early Helladic III (pp. 81–83)
J.A. MacGillivray

More on Mycenaeans at Thera (pp. 83–85)
J.L. Crowley

Two Notes on Lakonian Vases (pp. 85–89)
Gerald P. Schaus

A New Attic Black Figure Potter (pp. 89–90)
Alan L. Boegehold

Notes on Small Textile Frames Pictured on Greek Vases (pp. 91–96)
Louise Clark

Warping the Greek Loom: A Second Method (pp. 96–99)
Diane Lee Carroll

Once More the Diadem and Barrel-Vault at Vergina (pp. 99–102)
Ernst A. Fredricksmeyer

“Golden Diadems” Again (pp. 102–103)
William Musgrave Calder, III

Book Reviews
Tree-Ring Dating and Archaeology (pp. 105–106)
By M.G.L. Bailli
Reviewed by Peter Ian Kuniholm

Women as Interpreters of the Visual Arts, 1820–1979 (p. 106)
By Claire Richter Sherman and Adele M. Holcomb
Reviewed by Brunilde Sismondo Ridgway

Alt-Ägina III, 1: Die vorgeschichtliche Stadt. Befestigungen, Häuser, Funde (pp. 106–108)
By Hans Walter and Florens Felten
Reviewed by Jeremy Rutter

Mycenaean Greece (pp. 108–109)
By Richard Hope Simpson
Reviewed by Jack L. Davis

Four Early Mycenaean Wells from the South Slope of the Acropolis at Athens (pp. 109–110)
By P.A. Mountjoy
Reviewed by Carol Zerner

Alasia 2. les tombes d?Enkomi: Le mobilier funéraire (p. 110)
By Jacques-Claude Courtois
Reviewed by Emily Vermeule

The Standing Armed Figurines in the Levant (pp. 110–111)
By Helga Seeden
Reviewed by Jeanny Vorys Canby

The Ships of the Ancient Near East (c. 2000–500 B.C.) (pp. 111–112)
By Marie-Christine de Graeve
Reviewed by Corethia Qualls

Clazomenian Sarcophagi (pp. 112–113)
By R.M. Cook
Reviewed by Gerald P. Schaus

Studies in Attic Epigraphy, History and Topography Presented to Eugene Vanderpool (pp. 113–115)
Reviewed by John McK. Camp, II

Kerameikos 12. Rundbauten im Kerameikos (pp. 115–118)
By Wolf Koenigs, Ursula Knigge, and Alfred Mallwitz
Reviewed by Malcolm Bell

Out of Etruria. Etruscan Influences North and South (pp. 118–119)
By Larissa Bonfante
Reviewed by Dorothy Kent Hill

Recherches sur Nîmes préromaine: Habitats et sépultures (pp. 119–120)
By Michel Py
Reviewed by E.M. Wightman

Kenchreai, Eastern Port of Corinth, 5. The Lamps (pp. 120–121)
By Hector Williams
Reviewed by J.W. Hayes

L?Egittomania in pitture e mosaici romano-campani della prima età imperiale (pp. 121–122)
By Mariette de Vos
Reviewed by David L. Thompson

Justinianic Mosaic Pavements in Cyrenaican Churches (p. 122)
By Elisabeth Alföldi-Rosenbaum and John Ward-Perkins
Reviewed by Marie Spiro

The Archaeology of Roman Pannonia (pp. 122–123)
By A. Lengyel and G.T.B. Radan
Reviewed by Robert J. Rowland, Jr.

Ensérune, les silos de la terrace est (pp. 123–124)
By Hubert Gallet de Santerre
Reviewed by Lucinda Neuru

Das römische Gräberfeld von Keszthely-Dobogó (pp. 124–125)
By Károly Sági
Reviewed by Alfonz Lengyel

Tracht und Schmuck in Birka und im ostbaltischen Raum. Eine vergleichende Studie (pp. 125–126)
By Valdemārs Ģinters
Reviewed by Elfriede R. Knauer

Books Received
List of Books Received (pp. 126–129)

Recent Dissertations in Archaeology
Recent Dissertations in Archaeology (p. 129)

Clairève Grandjouan (1929–1982) (pp. 131–132)
Brunilde Sismondo Ridgway

East and West: Great Moments of Contact, 15th Century B.C.–7th Century B.C.
The Hittites and the Aegean World: Part 1. The Ahhiyawa Problem Reconsidered (pp. 133–138)
Hans G. Güterbock

The Hittites and the Aegean World: Part 2. Archaeological Comments on Ahhiyawa-Achaians in Western Anatolia (pp. 138–141)
Machteld J. Mellink

Response to Hans Güterbock (pp. 141–143)
Emily T. Vermeule

The Maussolleion Sacrifice (pp. 145–152)
Flemming Højlund

A Bust of Lucius Verus in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, and Its Artist (pp. 153–163)
Fred C. Albertson

A New Excavation in Trajan?s Forum (pp. 165–172)
James Packer, Kevin Lee Sarring and Rose Mary Sheldon

The ?Ain La?ban Oasis: A Nabataean Population Center (pp. 173–182)
Duane W. Roller

News Letter from the Levant, 1981: (Southern Section) (pp. 183–195)
Duane W. Roller

North African Newsletter 3: Part 1. Tunisia 1956–1980 (pp. 197–206)
A. Ennabli and J.H. Humphrey

North African Newsletter 3: Part 2. Cyrenaica 1972–1980: Work Done by the Department of Antiquities at Shahat (Cyrene) (pp. 207–208)
Brayek A. Ejteily

Archaeological Notes
The Position of the Tărtăria Tablets within the Southeast European Copper Age (pp. 209–213)
David G. Zanotti

The Development of Minoan Orthostates (pp. 213–216)
Joseph W. Shaw

New Evidence for the Cretan APIAIOI Coinage (pp. 216–220)
Kenneth F. Kitchell, Jr.

The Eighty-Fourth General Meeting of the Archaelogical Institute of America (pp. 222–271)

Book Reviews
Essays on Archaeological Typology (pp. 273–274)
By Robert Whallon and James A. Brown
Reviewed by Tracey Cullen

Landscape and Society: Prehistoric Central Italy, by Graeme Barker; Culture Contact and Culture Change: Early Iron Age Central Europe and The Mediterranean World, by Peter S. Wells (pp. 274–275)
Reviewed by Stephen L. Dyson

L?Antre Corycien, 1 (pp. 275–276)
By Pierre-Yves Péchoux, Pierre Amandry, and Gilles Touchais
Reviewed by John C. Lavezzi

Recent Developments in the Later Prehistory of Cyprus, by E.J. Peltenburg; Studies in Cypriote Archaeology By Jane C. Biers and David Soren (pp. 276–278)
Reviewed by A. Bernard Knapp

Excavations at Jericho 3. The Architecture and Stratigraphy of the Tell (pp. 278–279)
By Kathleen M. Kenyon and Thomas A. Holland
Reviewed by Frank Hole

Caryatid Mirrors of Ancient Greece. Technical, Stylistic and Historical Considerations of an Archaic and Early Classical Bronze Series (pp. 279–281)
By Lenore O. Keene Congdon
Reviewed by Brunilde Sismondo Ridgway

Inschriften auf korinthischen Vasen. Archäologisch-epigraphische Untersuchungen zur korinthischen Vasenmalerei im 7 und 6 Jh. v. Chr (p. 281)
By Fritz Lorber
Reviewed by Alan L. Boegehold

A Decorated Breastplate from Hasanlu, Iran: Type, Style, and Context of an Equestrian Ornament (p. 282)
By Irene J. Winter
Reviewed by Margaret Cool Root

Glass and Archaeology (pp. 282–283)
By Susan Frank
Reviewed by Susan H. Auth

Catalogue of Greek and Roman Glass in the British Museum, 1. Core- and Rod-Formed Vessels and Pendants and Mycenaean Cast Objects (pp. 283–284)
By Donald B. Harden
Reviewed by Gladys Davidson Weinberg

Ancient and Byzantine Glass from Sardis (pp. 284–285)
By Axel von Saldern
Reviewed by David F. Grose

Altertümer vom Pergamon, 11.3. Das Asklepieion 3. Die Kultbauten aus römischer Zeit an der Ostseite des heiligen Bezirks (pp. 285–286)
By Oskar Ziegenaus and Gioia de Luca
Reviewed by Caroline Williams

Die Elektronmünzen von Phokaia und Mytilene (pp. 286–287)
By F. Bodenstedt
Reviewed by M.B. Wallace

Annio da Viterbo, Documenti e Ricerche (pp. 287–288)
By Giovanni Baffioni and Paola Mattiangeli
Reviewed by P. Gregory Warden

Books Received
List of Books Received (pp. 288–292)

Excavations at Paestum 1982 (pp. 293–303)
Werner Johannowsky, John Griffiths Pedley and Mario Torelli

Greek Temples and Chinese Roofs (pp. 305–310)
Marilyn Y. Goldberg

A Hellenistic Fortress in Lycia-The Isian Tower? (pp. 311–323)
Anthony McNicoll and Tamara Winikoff

Further Inquiries on the Location of the Erechtheion and Its Relationship to the Temple of the Polias 1. Προστομιαι̂ον and Προστόμιον (pp. 325–333)
Kristian Jeppesen

The Athena Lemnia Reconsidered (pp. 335–346)
Kim J. Hartswick

Freestanding Sculptures from the Baths of Caracalla (pp. 347–384)
Miranda Marvin

Archaeological Notes
Who Is That Cloaked Man? Observations on Early Fifth Century B.C. Pictures of the Golden Fleece (pp. 385–387)
Cynthia King

Two Ancient Watchtowers above Aigosthena in the Northern Megarid (pp. 387–392)
Josiah Ober

Nero?s Arcus Caelimontani (pp. 392–399)
Harry B. Evans

Book Reviews
The Archaeology Workbook (pp. 401–402)
By Steve Daniels and Nicholas David
Reviewed by Curtis Runnels

Excavations at Tell Qasile 1. The Philistine Sanctuary: Architecture and Cult Objects (pp. 402–403)
By Amihai Mazar
Reviewed by Ian A. Todd

Mycenaean Pictorial Vase Painting (pp. 403–404)
By Emily Vermeule and Vassos Karageorghis
Reviewed by J.L. Benson

Lasithi. A History of Settlement on a Highland Plain in Crete (pp. 404–405)
By Livingston Vance Watrous
Reviewed by R. Hope Simpson

Three Great Early Tumuli. Gordion 1 (pp. 405–407)
By Rodney S. Young
Reviewed by Andrew Ramage

Labraunda. Swedish Excavations and Researches 2.3. Archaic Pottery (p. 407)
By J.J. Jully
Reviewed by Sarah P. Morris

Athletenstatuetten der Spätarchaik und des Strengen Stils, by Renate Thomas; Lo Zeus stilita di Ugento, by Nevio Degrassi (pp. 407–409)
Reviewed by Carol C. Mattusch

L?Architecture militaire grecque (pp. 409–410)
By Jean-Pierre Adam
Reviewed by Richard S. Mason

Céramique campanienne: Les formes (pp. 410–411)
By Jean-Paul Morel
Reviewed by Ingrid E.M. Edlund

Recherches archéologiques franco-tunisiennes à Bulla Regia 4. Les mosaïques 1 (pp. 411–412)
By Roger Hanoune
Reviewed by Katherine M.D. Dunbabin

Geometric and Floral Patterns in Ancient Mosaics (pp. 412–413)
By Asher Ovadiah
Reviewed by Hetty Joyce

Marmor-Schmuckreliefs mit griechischen Mythen im 1. Jh. v. Chr.: Untersuchungen zu Chronologie und Funktion (pp. 413–414)
By Heide Froning
Reviewed by Natalie Boymel Kampen

Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt. Geschichte und Kultur Roms im Spiegel der neueren Forschung, II: Principat, 12.2: Künste (pp. 414–415)
By Hildegard Temporini and Wolfgang Haase
Reviewed by Diana E.E. Kleiner and Fred S. Kleiner

Cahiers des études anciennes, 12. Carthage 4; Cahiers des études anciennes, 13. Carthage 5 (pp. 415–417)
By Pierre Senay
Reviewed by Margaret A. Alexander

Rimska Keramika u Jugoslovenskom Delu Provincije Donje Panonije [Roman Ceramic Ware in the Yugoslav Part of the Province of Lower Pannonia] (pp. 417–418)
By Olga Brukner
Reviewed by Howard Comfort

L?Agorà di Cirene, 3.1. Il monumento navale (p. 418)
By Anna Lia Ermeti
Reviewed by Lionel Casson

Roman Mosaics in Britain: An Introduction to Their Schemes and a Catalogue of Paintings, by David S. Neal; Wall-Painting in Roman Britain, by Norman Davey and Roger Ling (pp. 419–420)
Reviewed by Anthony A. Barrett

Griechische Meisterwerke in römischen Abgüsse: Der Fund von Baia (pp. 420–421)
By Christa von Hees-Landwehr
Reviewed by E.G. Pemberton

The Myrelaion (Bodrum Camii) in Istanbul (pp. 421–422)
By Cecil L. Striker
Reviewed by W. Eugene Kleinbauer

Richard Stillwell (1899–1982) (pp. 423–425)
T. Leslie Shear, Jr.


Archaeology in Asia Minor (pp. 427–442)
Machteld J. Mellink

Two Cups with Incised Decoration from Kommos, Crete (pp. 443–452)
Maria C. Shaw

A Merrythought Cup from Sardis (pp. 453–460)
Nancy Hirschland Ramage

Arikamedu Reconsidered (pp. 461–481)
Vimala Begley

Further Inquiries on the Location of the Erechtheion and Its Relationship to the Temple of the Polias (p. 482)

The Dying Gaul, Aigina Warriors, and Pergamene Academicism (pp. 483–487)
Seymour Howard

A Too-Successful Damnatio Memoriae: Problems in Third Century Roman Portraiture (pp. 489–496)
Susan Wood

Chronologies in Old World Archaeology, 1981–1982
Correlation of Archaeological and Written Evidence for the Study of Mesopotamian Institutions and Chronology (pp. 497–507)
Maria deJong Ellis

Early Minoan and Middle Minoan Chronology (pp. 507–518)
Gerald Cadogan

Excavations at Shortughaï in Northeast Afghanistan (pp. 518–519)
Henri-Paul Francfort

A Review of the Americanist Literature for 1982 (pp. 521–544)
Robert C. Dunnell

Archaeological Notes
A Representation of an Archaic Greek Saddle-Cloth from Sicily (pp. 545–547)
George Szeliga

The Technology of Loop-in-Loop Chains in the Third Millennium B.C. (pp. 547–548)
Fotini Athanassopoulos, Eleni Banou, Nanita E. Barchi, Melanie Ellis, Lucinda Rasmussen McCallum, Jacqueline A. Nash and Cynthia G. Orr

Etruscan Filigree: Welding Techniques of Two Gold Bracelets from Vetulonia (pp. 548–551)
E. Mello, P. Parrini, and E. Formigli

On Granulation in Ancient Metalwork (pp. 551–554)
Diane Lee Carroll

Book Reviews
Ti̧lki̧tepe. Die ersten Ansätze prähistorischer Forschung in der östlichen Türkei (pp. 555–556)
By Manfred Korfmann
Reviewed by Ian A. Todd

Maşat Höyük 2. A Hittite Center Northeast of Boğazköy (pp. 556–557)
By Tahsin Özgüç
Reviewed by Tamara Stech

Asine 2. Results of the Excavations East of the Acropolis 1970–1974. 1. General Stratigraphical Analysis and Architectural Remains (pp. 557–558)
By Søren Dietz
Reviewed by Jack L. Davis

Chariots and Other Means of Land Transport in Bronze Age Greece (pp. 558–559)
By J.H. Crouwel
Reviewed by John C. Overbeck

The Philistines and Their Material Culture (pp. 559–561)
By Trude Dothan
Reviewed by J.D. Muhly

Actes du IIe Symposium International sur la Nubie (février 1–3, 1971) organisé par l?Institut d?Égypte (p. 561)
By Labib Habachi
Reviewed by Krzysztof Grzymski

Palast und Hütte. Beiträge zum Bauen und Wohnen im Altertum von Archäologen, Vorund Frühgeschichtlern (pp. 561–563)
By D. Papenfuss and V.M. Strocka
Reviewed by Gisela Walberg

Die figürliche Bildwelt Kretas in der geometrischen und früharchaischen Periode (pp. 563–564)
By Peter Blome
Reviewed by Alan C. Brookes

Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, by Heide Mommsen; Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, by Johannes Burow (pp. 564–565)
Reviewed by Mary B. Moore

Ceramica attica a figure nere. Piccoli vasi e vasi plastici (pp. 565–566)
By Lucrezia Campus
Reviewed by Ian McPhee

Sicilian Plastic Vases (pp. 566–567)
By Barbara Heldring
Reviewed by Ian McPhee

Phaselis: Beiträge zur Topographie und Geschichte der Stadt und ihrer Häfen (pp. 567–568)
By Jörg Schäfer
Reviewed by John P. Oleson

Aion in Merida und Aphrodisias (pp. 568–569)
By Andreas Alföldi
Reviewed by Susan Wood

Foro di Traiano: Basilica Ulpia e Biblioteche (pp. 569–572)
By Carla Maria Amici
Reviewed by James Packer

Typology and Structure of Roman Historical Reliefs (pp. 572–573)
By Mario Torelli
Reviewed by John Pollini

Early Islamic Ceramics, Ninth to Late Twelfth Centuries (pp. 573–575)
By Helen Philon
Reviewed by Donald S. Whitcomb

Books Received
List of Books Received (pp. 575–581)

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American Journal of Archaeology, Volume 87 - 1983 (Number 1-2-3-4)


  • Archaeological Institute of America, , 1983

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