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American Journal of Archaeology, Volume 69 - 1965 (Number 1-2-3-4)


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Category: American Journal of Archaeology: The Journal of the Archaeological Institute of America
Code: 26107
Publisher: Archaeological Institute of America
Publication Date: 1965
Binding: Cloth
Comments: Clothbound volume


The East Pediment of the Siphnian Treasury: A Reinterpretation (pp. 1–5)
Brunilde Sismondo Ridgway

The Spectacle Fibulae of Southern Europe (pp. 7–23)
John Alexander

New Examples of the Hellenistic Statue Group, “The Invitation to the Dance,” and Their Significance (pp. 25–37)
Dericksen M. Brinkerhoff

Etruscan Ritual Armor: Two Examples in Bronze (pp. 39–48)
James H. Turnure

Old Persian and Greek Stonecutting and the Chronology of Achaemenian Monuments: Achaemenian Problems I (pp. 49–55)
Carl Nylander

Archaeological Notes
Semi-Dome Decoration in Graeco-Roman Egypt (pp. 57–62)
Fawzi el Fakharani

Experiments with Rubber Silicone Compounds (pp. 62–63)
Jeanette M. Flamm

Greek Vases in the Stanford Museum (pp. 63–65)
T.B.L. Webster

Graeco-Scythian Mirrors (pp. 65–66)
Herbert Hoffmann

Book Reviews
Symbols of Prehistoric Mesopotamia (p. 67)
By Beatrice Laura Goff
Reviewed by A.K. Grayson

Les Assyriens en Cappadoce (p. 68)
By Paul Garelli
Reviewed by I.J. Gelb

Palestine before the Hebrews. A History, from the Earliest Arrival of Man to the Conquest of Canaan (pp. 68–70)
By Emmanuel Anati
Reviewed by G. Ernest Wright

Tutankhamen: Life and Death of a Pharaoh (p. 70)
By Christiane Desroches-Noblecourt
Reviewed by Alan R. Schulman

Thebes in the Time of Amunhotep III (pp. 70–71)
By Elizabeth Riefstahl
Reviewed by Edward L.B. Terrace

Hatra et les sculptures Parthes: Etude stylistique et iconographique (p. 71)
By D. Homès-Fredericq
Reviewed by Charles K. Wilkinson

Die Péceler (Badener) Kultur und Anatolien (pp. 71–72)
By Nándor Kalicz
Reviewed by Ellen L. Kohler

From the Silent Earth, a Report on the Greek Bronze Age (pp. 72–73)
By Joseph Alsop
Reviewed by Oscar Broneer

The Athenian Agora, Vol. VIII. Late Geometric and Protoattic Pottery: Mid 8th to Late 7th Century B.C. (pp. 73–74)
By Eva T.H. Brann
Reviewed by Jean M. Davison

Island Gems. A Study of Greek Seals in the Geometric and Early Archaic Period (p. 74)
By John Boardman
Reviewed by Marie-Louise Vollenweider

Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters, Second Edition (pp. 74–76)
By J.D. Beazley
Reviewed by Gisela M.A. Richter

Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Suisse, Fascicule 1, Genéve, Fascicule 1 (pp. 76–77)
By Augusta Bruckner
Reviewed by D.A. Amyx

Attic Red-Figured Rhyta (pp. 77–78)
By Herbert Hoffmann
Reviewed by Elisabeth Jastrow

Aphrodite Kallipygos (pp. 78–79)
By Gösta Säflund and Peter M. Fraser
Reviewed by Dericksen Brinkerhoff

Die Kunst der Westgriechen in Sizilien und Unteritalien (pp. 79–80)
By Ernst Langlotz
Reviewed by Erik Sjöqvist

Ptolemais, City of the Libyan Pentapolis (pp. 80–81)
By Carl H. Kraeling
Reviewed by J.B. Ward Perkins

Catalogue raisonné des figurines et reliefs en terre-cuite grecs et romains (Musée du Louvre et collections des universités de France), II, Myrina (pp. 81–82)
By Simone Mollard-Besques
Reviewed by Dorothy Burr Thompson

Etruscan Culture, Land and People (pp. 82–83)
By Axel Boethius, Carl Fries, Einar Gjerstad, Krister Hanell, Carl Eric Ostenberg, Vagn Poulsen, Bengt Thordeman, Erik Welin, Erik Wetter, and Nils G. Sahlin
Reviewed by Emeline H. Richardson

Seminario di Archeologia e Storia dell?Arte Greca e Romana dell?Università di Roma. Studi miscellanei 5: La casa reg. IX.5, 18–21 a Pompei e le sue pitture (pp. 83–84)
By Fausto Zevi
Reviewed by L. Richardson, Jr.

Gesture and Rank in Roman Art. The Use of Gestures to Denote Status in Roman Sculpture and Coinage (pp. 84–86)
By Richard Brilliant
Reviewed by Mary L. Heuser

Orichalcum and Related Ancient Alloys: Origin, Composition and Manufacture with Special Reference to the Coinage of the Roman Empire (p. 86)
By Earle R. Caley
Reviewed by R.J. Gettens

Early Byzantine Churches in Macedonia and Southern Serbia. A Study of the Origins and the Initial Development of East Christian Art (pp. 86–87)
By R.F. Hoddinott
Reviewed by Josephine M. Harris

Nouvelles Églises Rupestres de Cappadoce (pp. 87–88)
By Nicole and Michel Thierry
Reviewed by Michael Gough

La Civilisation Mérovingienne, 4 Vols (pp. 88–92)
By Edouard Salin
Reviewed by Philippe Verdier

Diving into the Past. Theories, Techniques, and Applications of Underwater Archaeology (p. 92)
By June Drenning Holmquist and Ardis Hillman Wheeler
Reviewed by Froelich Rainey

Prehistoric Man in the New World (pp. 92–93)
By Jesse D. Jennings and Edward Norbeck
Reviewed by Richard B. Woodbury

Andes 2, Excavations at Kotosh, Peru, 1960 (pp. 93–94)
By Seiichi Izumi and Toshihiko Sono
Reviewed by Betty J. Meggers


The Palace of Nestor Excavations of 1964 (pp. 95–101)
Carl W. Blegen and Mabel Lang

The Greek Cult Table (pp. 103–114)
Sterling Dow and David H. Gill

A Group of Etruscan Bronze Situlae (pp. 115–121)
Dorothy Kent Hill

Western Phoenicians at Lepcis Magna (pp. 123–132)
Theresa Howard Carter

Archaeology in Asia Minor (pp. 133–149)
Machteld J. Mellink

Archaeological Notes
Epigraphical Notes (pp. 151–152)
Dina Peppas Delmousou

Inscriptions on the Anacreon Krater in Copenhagen (pp. 152–154)
Henry R. Immerwahr

The Use of Analysis by X-Ray Fluorescence in the Study of Coins (pp. 154–156)
T.C. Yao and F.H. Stross

A Head of Herakles in the Philadelphia University Museum (pp. 156–160)
Elizabeth T. Wakeley and Brunilde Sismondo Ridgway

A Note of Correction: The Appearance of Neolithic Black Burnished Ware in Mainland Greece (pp. 160–161)
Saul S. Weinberg

Sixty-Sixth General Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America (1964) (pp. 164–179)

Book Reviews
The Bronze Age Cemetery at Gibeon (pp. 180–181)
By James B. Pritchard
Reviewed by Paul W. Lapp

Führer durch die öffentlichen Sammlungen klassischer Altertümer in Rom, I, Die päpstlichen Sammlungen in Vatikan und Lateran (p. 181)
By W. Helbig
Reviewed by B.M. Felletti Maj

Greek Art. A Study of the Formal Evolution of Style (pp. 181–184)
By Rhys Carpenter
Reviewed by George M.A. Hanfmann

Die Skulpturen der Parthenon-Giebel, Katalog und Untersuchung (pp. 184–186)
By Frank Brommer
Reviewed by Evelyn B. Harrison

Die archaisch griechischen Skulpturen der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin (pp. 186–188)
By Carl Blümel
Reviewed by Margarete Bieber

Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum. Cyprus. 1 (pp. 188–189)
By V. Karageorghis
Reviewed by Emily Vermeule

Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Germany 23 (p. 189)
By Margot Schmidt
Reviewed by A.D. Trendall

Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, United States of America, 12, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 3 Attic Black-Figured Amphorae (pp. 189–190)
By Dietrich von Bothmer
Reviewed by V. Verhoogen

Balaneutiké, Recherches sur le bain dans l?antiquité grecque (pp. 190–191)
By René Ginouvès
Reviewed by J. Walter Graham

Die Hydria: Formgeschichte und Verwendung im Kult des Altertums (p. 191)
By Erika Diehl
Reviewed by Dorothy Kent Hill

The Athenian Year (pp. 192–196)
By Benjamin D. Meritt
Reviewed by Paul A. Clement

The Excavations at Dura-Europos. Final Report IV, Part V. The Glass Vessels (pp. 196–197)
By Christoph W. Clairmont
Reviewed by Edit B. Thomas

Die Bilderschüsseln der römischen Töpfer von Rheinzabern (pp. 197–198)
By Charlotte Fischer
Reviewed by Howard Comfort

News Letter from Rome (p. 198)


The Velletri Sarcophagus (pp. 207–222)
Marion Lawrence

The Early Parthenon Inventories (pp. 223–230)
Wesley E. Thompson

The Silver Cups in the Parthenon (pp. 230–231)
Wesley E. Thompson

A Fibula from Hasanlu (pp. 233–240)
Oscar White Muscarella

Excavations at Karataş-Semayük in Lycia, 1964 (pp. 241–251)
Machteld J. Mellink

New Evidence on the Last Days of Ugarit (pp. 253–258)
Michael C. Astour

Archaeological Notes
An Archaic Corinthian Inscription (pp. 259–262)
Alan L. Boegehold

A New Verse Inscription from Selinus (pp. 262–264)
William M. Calder, III

Aesthetic Analysis concerning the Curvature of the Parthenon (pp. 264–268)
A.D. Mavrikios

The Montebello Mosaics (pp. 268–270)
Andrew Oliver, Jr.

Book Reviews
Topological Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Reliefs, and Paintings. I. The Theban Necropolis. Part 2. Royal Tombs and Smaller Cemeteries (p. 271)
By Bertha Porter and Rosalind L.B. Moss
Reviewed by Nora Scott

Medinet Habu, Volume VII. The Temple Proper, Part III (pp. 271–272)
Reviewed by Hans Goedicke

The Arts of Ancient Iran (p. 272)
By Roman Ghirshman
Reviewed by Robert H. Dyson, Jr.

Archaeology in the Aden Protectorates (pp. 272–273)
By G. Lankester Harding
Reviewed by Gus W. van Beek

Monuments préislamiques d?Afghanistan (pp. 273–274)
By Bruno Dagens, Marc Le Berre, and Daniel Schlumberger
Reviewed by William Trousdale

Ancient Art in Bowdoin College, a Descriptive Catalogue of the Warren and Other Collections (p. 274)
By Kevin Herbert
Reviewed by Dorothy Kent Hill

Excavations at Gözlü Kule, Tarsus, Vol. III. The Iron Age (pp. 274–276)
By Hetty Goldman
Reviewed by Carl Roebuck

Fouilles exécutées à Mallia. Étude du site (1956–1957) et Explorations des nécropoles (1915–1928), Second Fascicule (p. 276)
By Henri van Effenterre and Micheline van Effenterre
Reviewed by Saul S. Weinberg

Mycenaean Studies. Proceedings of the Third International Colloquium for Mycenaean Studies Held at “Wingspread,” 4–8 September, 1961 (pp. 276–277)
By Emmett L. Bennett
Reviewed by Sara A. Immerwahr

Ἡ Προϊστορία τη̑ς Πελοποννήσου (pp. 277–279)
By K.E. Syriopoulos
Reviewed by Augustus Sordinas

Geometrische Plastik (Vortragsmanuskript), and Bemerkungen zur geometrischen Plastik (pp. 279–281)
By Nikolaus Himmelmann-Wildschütz
Reviewed by David Gordon Mitten

Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Poland, 6, Warsaw, 3 (pp. 281–282)
By Marie-Louise Bernhard
Reviewed by Dietrich von Bothmer

Manuel d?Archéologie Grecque IV, 2**, La Sculpture, période classique IVe siècle (pp. 282–283)
By Charles Picard
Reviewed by Gisela M.A. Richter

A Catalogue of the Greek and Roman Sculpture in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge (pp. 283–284)
By Ludwig Budde and Richard Nicholls
Reviewed by Dericksen M. Brinkerhoff

The Etruscans-Their Art and Civilization (pp. 284–285)
By Emeline Richardson
Reviewed by Richard Bronson

The Paintings from Boscotrecase (pp. 286–287)
By Peter H. v. Blanckenhagen and Christine Alexander
Reviewed by Karl Schefold

Die Constantinische Goldprägung. Untersuchungen zu ihrer Bedeutung für Kaiser-Politik und Hofkunst (pp. 287–288)
By Maria R. Alföldi
Reviewed by James D. Breckenridge

Scritti vari di Antichità. Raccolti da amici e allievi nel 75 compleanno dell?autore (pp. 288–289)
By Attilio Degrassi
Reviewed by Lily Ross Taylor

Les Statues antiques des jardins de Versailles (pp. 289–290)
By Christiane Pinatel
Reviewed by Katharine Shepard

La Estratigrafía de la Gruta de Intihuasi (Prov. de San Luis, R.A.) y sus Relaciones con Otros Sitios Preceramicos de Sudamérica (pp. 290–291)
By Alberto Rex Gonzalez
Reviewed by Edward P. Lanning

A Ceramic Sequence for the Piura and Chira Coast, North Peru (pp. 291–293)
By Edward P. Lanning
Reviewed by David H. Kelley

Indian Art in Middle America. Pre-Columbian and Contemporary Arts and Crafts of Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean (p. 293)
By Frederick J. Dockstader
Reviewed by Pál Kelemen

Erratum (p. 294)

Observations on the Sign-Grouping and Vocabulary of Linear A (pp. 295–330)
Gregory Nagy

The Archaic as Survival versus the Archaistic as a New Style (pp. 331–340)
Christine Mitchell Havelock

Conventions of Etruscan Painting in the Tomb of Hunting and Fishing at Tarquinii (pp. 341–347)
R. Ross Holloway

Homeric, British and Cyrenaic Chariots (pp. 349–352)
J.K. Anderson

News Letter from Greece (pp. 353–357)
Eugene Vanderpool

News Letter from Rome (pp. 359–364)
A.W. van Buren

Archaeological Notes
The Smithsonian Institution Foreign Currency Program in Archeology and Related Disciplines (p. 365)

Two Galatian Tumuli in the Vicinity of Bolu (pp. 365–367)
Nezih Firatli

Engraving Techniques in Attic Epigraphy (pp. 367–371)
C.G. Higgins and W. Kendrick Pritchett

A Head of Herakles in the Philadelphia University Museum (p. 371)
Elizabeth T. Wakeley and Brunilde S. Ridgway

Book Reviews
Environment and Archeology: An Introduction to Pleistocene Geography (pp. 372–373)
By Karl W. Butzer
Reviewed by Kent V. Flannery

Norbert Schimmel Collection (p. 373)
By Herbert Hoffmann
Reviewed by Dorothy Kent Hill

The Chronology of the Amarna Letters, with Special Reference to the Hypothetical Coregency of Amenophis III and Akhenaten (pp. 373–374)
By Edward Fay Campbell
Reviewed by Alan R. Schulman

Inscriptions from the Coptite Nome (pp. 374–375)
By Henry George Fischer
Reviewed by Hans Goedicke

The Mycenaeans (pp. 375–376)
By William Taylour
Reviewed by George E. Mylonas

La necropole de Ktima (pp. 376–377)
By Jean Deshayes
Reviewed by Porphyrios Dikaios

Cypriot Bronzework in the Mycenaean World (pp. 377–378)
By H.W. Catling
Reviewed by John H. Young

Aesthetic Aspects of Ancient Art (pp. 378–379)
By Robert L. Scranton
Reviewed by George M.A. Hanfmann

Ancient Leros (pp. 379–380)
By J.L. Benson
Reviewed by Charles K. Williams

Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Copenhagen, Musée National, Fascicule 8 (pp. 380–381)
By K. Friis Johansen
Reviewed by Patricia Lawrence

Ritratti greci e romani della Sicilia (pp. 381–383)
By Nicola Bonacasa
Reviewed by Margarete Bieber

Inscriptions latines des trois Gaules (pp. 383–384)
By Pierre Wuilleumier
Reviewed by Robert E.A. Palmer

Essai sur le culte d?Isis à Pompéi (p. 384)
By V. Tran Tam Tinh
Reviewed by Wilhelmina F. Jashemski

Roman Art, a Modern Survey of the Art of Imperial Rome (pp. 384–385)
By George M.A. Hanfmann
Reviewed by Inez Scott Ryberg

Art in Britain under the Romans (pp. 385–386)
By J.M.C. Toynbee
Reviewed by Mary D. Cra?ster

Coins from Karanis. The University of Michigan Excavations 1924–1935 (p. 386)
By Rolfe A. Haatvedt, Enoch E. Peterson, and Elinor M. Husselman
Reviewed by Joan M. Fagerlie

Natural Environment and Early Cultures (pp. 386–387)
By Robert C. West
Reviewed by Betty J. Meggers

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American Journal of Archaeology, Volume 69 - 1965 (Number 1-2-3-4)


  • Archaeological Institute of America, , 1965

Price: 79,00 EURO

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