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American Journal of Archaeology, Volume XLII - 1938 (Number 1-2-3-4)


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Category: American Journal of Archaeology: The Journal of the Archaeological Institute of America
Code: 26112
Publisher: Archaeological Institute of America
Publication Date: 1938
Binding: Paper

 Archaeological Notes
Latter Part of the 1937 Campaign in the Athenian Agora (pp. 1–16)
T. Leslie Shear

Mural Paintings in Some Cave Chapels of Southern Italy (pp. 17–29)
Alba Medea

Excavations at Gözlü Kule, Tarsus, 1937 (pp. 30–54)
Hetty Goldman

A Greek Inscription from Tarsus (pp. 55–57)
T.R.S. Broughton

The Greek Alphabet Again (pp. 58–69)
Rhys Carpenter

Die Münzen der Olynthos-Grabung: Zu Hugo Gaebler?s “Fälschungen makedonischer münzen ii” (pp. 70–76)
W. Schwabacher

Notes on Some Inscriptions of Delos (pp. 77–81)
Francis R. Walton

Two Roman Silver Jugs (pp. 82–105)
Karl Lehmann-Hartleben

Seleucid Chronology in Malalas (pp. 106–120)
Glanville Downey

Thirty-Ninth General Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America (pp. 121–129)

Archaeological News and Discussions (pp. 130–160)
David M. Robinson and Elizabeth Pierce Blegen

Recent Discoveries on the North Slope of the Acropolis in Athens (pp. 161–164)
Oscar Broneer

Archaelogical Exploration and Excavation in Palestine, Transjordan, and Syria during 1937 (pp. 165–176)
Nelson Glueck

Book Reviews
The Temple of Ramesses I at Abydos (p. 177)
By H.E. Winlock
Reviewed by T. George Allen

A Catalogue of Egyptian Scarabs, Scaraboids, Seals and Amulets in the Palestine Archaeological Museum (pp. 177–178)
By Alan Rowe
Reviewed by T. George Allen

Medinet Habu Graffiti, Facsimiles (pp. 178–179)
By William F. Edgerton
Reviewed by Ruth Lesla Michel

The Music of the Sumerians and Their Immediate Successors the Babylonians and the Assyrians (pp. 179–180)
By Francis W. Galpin
Reviewed by Leon Legrain

Temple Documents of the Third Dynasty of Ur from Umma (p. 180)
By George Gottlob Hackman
Reviewed by L. Legrain

Excavations at Tepe Hissar, Damghan (pp. 180–182)
By Erich F. Schmidt and Fiske Kimball
Reviewed by H.W. Eliot

Hethiter, Churriter und Assyrer (pp. 182–183)
By Albrecht Goetze
Reviewed by L. Legrain

Subartu, Beiträge Zur Kulturgeschichte und Völkerkunde Vorderasiens (pp. 183–184)
By Arthur Ungnad
Reviewed by L. Legrain

Boğazköy. Die Kleinfunde der Grabungen 1906–1912 (pp. 184–185)
By Kurt Bittel
Reviewed by Albrecht Goetze

Khorsabad. Part 1. Excavations in the Palace and at a City Gate (pp. 185–186)
By Gordon Loud, Henri Frankfort, and Thorkild Jacobsen
Reviewed by Valentin Müller

Greek and Roman Naval Warfare: A Study of Strategy, Tactics, and Ship Design from Salamis (480 B.C.) to Actium (31 B.C.) (pp. 186–187)
By William Ledyard Rodgers
Reviewed by Eugene S. McCartney

Sigillate Pottery of the Roman Empire (pp. 187–189)
By Alice Wilson Frothingham
Reviewed by Howard Comfort

Aspetti della morte nelle iscrizioni sepolcrali dell?impero romano (pp. 189–190)
By Angelo Brelich
Reviewed by R. Lattimore

Monumenti della Pittura Antica Scoperti in Italia. Sezione Terza, La Pittura Ellenistico-Romana. Roma, Fasc. I. Le Pitture Della “Casa Dei Grifi” (pp. 190–191)
By Giulio Emanuele Rizzo
Reviewed by Mary Hamilton Swindler

Geschichtliche Voraussetzungen der Entstehung einer christlichen Kunst (pp. 191–192)
By Werner Weisbach
Reviewed by C.R. Morey

Das Bootgräberfeld von Tuna in Alsike, Uppland (pp. 192–194)
By Ture J. Arne
Reviewed by George M.A. Hanfmann

La Sculpture Figurale en Europe à l?Époque Mérovingienne (pp. 194–195)
By J. Baum
Reviewed by C.R. Morey

Pottery of Pecos, Volume II (pp. 195–197)
By Alfred V. Kidder and Anna O. Shepard
Reviewed by Vladimir J. Fewkes

Rediscovering Illinois (pp. 197–198)
By Fay-Cooper Cole and Thorne Deuel
Reviewed by D.S. Davidson

The Armor of Galiot de Genouilhac (pp. 198–199)
By Stephen V. Grancsay
Reviewed by C. Otto v. Kienbusch

Archaeological Notes
The Fourth and Fifth Seasons of Excavation at Antioch-on-the-Orontes: 1935–1936 (pp. 205–217)
W. A. Campbell

The Mosaics of St. Sophia at Istanbul (pp. 218–226)
Thomas Whittemore

Shield and Mandorla (pp. 227–236)
G.W. Elderkin

Notes on the Siphnian Treasury Frieze (pp. 237–244)
Walter R. Agard

New Texts from the Chancery of Philip V of Macedonia and the Problem of the “Diagramma” (pp. 245–260)
C. Bradford Welles

Excavations at Kourion: The Late Bronze Age Settlement—Provisional Report (pp. 261–275)
John Franklin Daniel

An Interpretation of the Hephaisteion Reliefs (pp. 276–287)
Erling C. Olsen

A Statue in the Gardner Museum (pp. 288–290)
Sidney N. Deane

Archaeological News and Discussions (pp. 291–306)
David M. Robinson and Elizabeth Pierce Blegen

Book Reviews
Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Steinzeitlichen Musikinstrumente Europas (pp. 307–309)
By Otto Seewald
Reviewed by Helen H. Roberts

Votive and Historical Texts from Babylonia and Assyria (pp. 309–310)
By Ferris J. Stephens
Reviewed by Leon Legrain

Mari, Une Ville Perdue (p. 310)
By André Parrot
Reviewed by L. Legrain

Die Ruinen von Boğazköy, der Hauptstadt des Hethiterreiches (pp. 310–311)
By Kurt Bittel
Reviewed by Albrecht Goetze

Archaeological Reconnaissances in North-Western India and South-Eastern Iran (pp. 311–313)
By Aurel Stein
Reviewed by Richard F.S. Starr and Harold W. Glidden

The Ancient World (pp. 313–314)
By Wallace Everett Caldwell
Reviewed by Allan Chester Johnson

An Illustrated Handbook of Art History (p. 314)
By Frank J. Ross
Reviewed by Kate McK. Elderkin

Ependytes und Ephod (pp. 314–315)
By Hermann Thiersch
Reviewed by Valentin Müller

Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Belgique: Bruxelles, Musées Royaux d?Art et d?Histoire (cinquantenaire), Fasc. II (pp. 315–316)
By F. Mayence and V. Verhoogen
Reviewed by H.R.W. Smith

Royal Greek Portrait Coins (p. 316)
By E.T. Newell
Reviewed by Alfred R. Bellinger

Perseus, A Study in Greek Art and Legend (p. 317)
By Jocelyn M. Woodward
Reviewed by Clark Hopkins

A Bibliography of Greek Coin Hoards (pp. 317–319)
By Sydney P. Noe
Reviewed by Alfred R. Bellinger

Der Typus des hellenistisch-ägyptischen Hauses im Anschluss an Baubeschreibungen Griechischer Papyrusurkunden (p. 319)
By Alfred R. Schütz
Reviewed by Valentin Müller

Forma Orbis Romani (pp. 319–320)
By Comte Henry de Gerin-Ricard
Reviewed by Walter Woodburn Hyde

Ankara und Augustus (pp. 320–321)
By M. Schede and H. St. Schultz
Reviewed by T.R.S. Broughton

Publications du Service des Antiquités du Maroc, Fasc. I (p. 321)
By L. Chatelain
Reviewed by F.O. Waagé

Histoire de la gravure dans les anciens Pays-Bas et dans les provinces Belges des origines jusqu?à la fin du XVIIIe siècle (pp. 321–323)
By A.J.J. Delen
Reviewed by Laura H. Dudley

Annual Bibliography of Islamic Art and Archaeology. Vol. I, 1935 (p. 323)
By L.A. Mayer
Reviewed by F.O. Waagé

Bibliography of Archaeological Books—1937 (pp. 324–329)

Archaeological Notes
The Megiddo Ivories (pp. 333–336)
John A. Wilson

An Archaic Greek Mirror (pp. 337–344)
Gisela M.A. Richter

Red-Figured Pottery at Chicago (pp. 345–361)
Franklin P. Johnson

Excavations at Corinth, Autumn 1937 (pp. 362–370)
Charles H. Morgan, II

The Venus Genetrix of Arcesilaus (pp. 371–374)
G.W. Elderkin

Archaeological News and Discussions (pp. 375–423)
Stephen B. Luce, Elizabeth Pierce Blegen, and A.W. van Buren

Book Reviews
The Texts in the Mastabah of Se?n-Wosret-?ankh at Lisht (pp. 424–425)
By William C. Hayes
Reviewed by T. George Allen

Glazed Tiles from a Palace of Ramesses II at Kantīr (p. 425)
By William C. Hayes
Reviewed by C.R. Williams

Atlas zur altaegyptischen Kulturgeschichte, Teil III. Graeber des Alten Reiches (pp. 425–426)
By Walter Wreszinski and Heinrich Schaefer
Reviewed by Hermann Ranke

Kretische Kunst (pp. 426–427)
By G.A.S. Snijder
Reviewed by Edith Eccles

Prosymna (pp. 427–428)
By Carl W. Blegen
Reviewed by Hetty Goldman

Die Nordische Megalithkulter. Handbuch Der Urgeschichte Deutschlands (pp. 428–429)
By Ernst Sprockhoff
Reviewed by Valentin Müller

Attic Black-Figured Lekythoi (pp. 429–430)
By C.H. Emilie Haspels
Reviewed by Gisela M.A. Richter

Profiles of Greek Mouldings (pp. 430–432)
By Lucy T. Shoe
Reviewed by Richard Stillwell

The Periclean Entrance Court of the Acropolis at Athens (pp. 432–433)
By Gorham Phillips Stevens
Reviewed by Richard Stillwell

The Praxiteles Marble Group in Olympia (pp. 433–435)
By Oscar Antonsson
Reviewed by Mary Wallace

Jupiter Héliopolitain, Nova et Vetera, Notes et Études d'Archéologie Orientale (pp. 435–436)
By S. Ronzevalle
Reviewed by Francis R. Walton

A Brigetioi Terra Sigilláták (pp. 436–437)
By Georgine Juhász
Reviewed by Howard Comfort

A Gázgyári Római Fasenkastelep Aquincumban (p. 437)
By Valentin Kuzsinszky
Reviewed by Howard Comfort

A Festival of Isis in Rome under the Christian Emperors of the IVth Century (pp. 437–438)
By András Alföldi
Reviewed by Thomas A. Brady

Corpus Basilicarum Christianarum Romae; The Early Christian Basilicas of Rome (IV–IX Century), Vol. I, No. I (pp. 438–439)
By Richard Krautheimer
Reviewed by Dimitrios Tselos


Archaeological Notes
Excavations at the Heraeum of Lucania (pp. 441–444)
Paola Zancani Montuoro and Umberto Zanotti-Bianco

Discoveries on the North Slope of the Acropolis, 1938 (pp. 445–450)
Oscar Broneer

The Development of Archaic Greek Sculpture (pp. 451–455)
C.A. Robinson, Jr.

Amendments in Athenian Decrees (pp. 456–485)
Albert Billheimer

Evidence for the Ram in the Minoan Period (pp. 486–494)
Lionel Cohen

A Proto-Panathenaic Amphora in the National Museum at Athens (pp. 495–505)
Semni Papaspyridi-Karouzou

Decorated Arretine Ware in the National Museum, Washington (pp. 506–511)
Howard Comfort

The Significance of the Arch of the Severi at Lepcis (pp. 512–524)
Prescott W. Townsend

The Fortifications of Athens at the Opening of the Peloponnesian War (pp. 525–536)
Robert L. Scranton

Late Mycenaean Vases (pp. 537–559)
Mogens B. Mackeprang

Archaeological News and Discussions (pp. 560–586)
Stephen B. Luce

Book Reviews
A Handbook to the Egyptian Mummies and Coffins Exhibited in the British Museum; Ancient Egyptian Sculptures Lent (p. 587)
By C.S. Gulbenkian, Esq
Reviewed by T. George Allen

Beiträge zur Geschichte der Stierkulte in Aegypten (pp. 587–588)
By Eberhard Otto
Reviewed by T. George Allen

L?Égypte des Astrologues (pp. 588–589)
By Franz Cumont
Reviewed by C. Bradford Welles

The Arts in Ptolemaic Egypt. A Study of Greek and Egyptian Influences in Ptolemaic Architecture and Sculpture (pp. 589–590)
By Ibrahim Noshy
Reviewed by Valentin Müller

Fouilles de Telloh, Tome II: Époques d?Ur (IIIe Dynastie) et de Larsa (pp. 590–591)
By H. de Genouillac
Reviewed by W.F. Albright

La Septième Campagne de Fouilles à Ras Sharma (Ugarit). Rapport Sommaire (pp. 591–592)
By C.F.-A. Schaeffer, Ch. Virolleaud, and R. Dussaud
Reviewed by W.F. Albright

Inventaire Archéologique de la Région au Nord-est de Hama (pp. 592–593)
By Jean Lassus
Reviewed by W.F. Albright

Excavations at Thermi in Lesbos (pp. 593–594)
By Winifred Lamb
Reviewed by Carl W. Blegen

Briefe von Heinrich Schliemann (pp. 594–596)
By Ernst Meyer
Reviewed by Carl W. Blegen

Das Dionysos-Theater in Athen, by E. Fiechter and R. Herbig; Das Theater in Eretria, by E. Fiechter (pp. 596–601)
Reviewed by Oscar Broneer

Documents on Athenian Tribute (pp. 601–603)
By Benjamin Dean Meritt
Reviewed by Sterling Dow

Archaeologische Vermutungen (p. 604)
By Erwin Bielefeld
Reviewed by Margarete Bieber

Pazyrskii Kurgan (pp. 604–605)
By M. Griaznov
Reviewed by Henry Field

Antioch-on-the-Orontes II. The Excavations of 1935–1936 (pp. 605–607)
By Richard Stillwell
Reviewed by Clark Hopkins

Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. Altertümer von Pergamon. Band IX. Das Temenos für den Herrscherkult (p. 607)
By Erich Boehringer and Friedrich Krauss
Reviewed by Valentin Müller

Stamped and Inscribed Objects from Seleucia on the Tigris (pp. 607–617)
By Robert H. McDowell
Reviewed by Frank E. Brown

A Political History of Parthia (p. 617)
By Neilson C. Debevoise
Reviewed by Frank E. Brown

Le “Refrigerium” dans l?au-delà (pp. 617–618)
By André Parrot
Reviewed by Thos. A. Brady

L?Évolution des Bronzes Chinois Archaïques, d?après l?Exposition Franco-Suédoise du Musée Cernuschi, Mai–Juin 1937 (pp. 618–619)
By M. René Grousset
Reviewed by Helen E. Fernald

Early Anglo-Saxon Art and Archaeology (pp. 619–620)
By E.T. Leeds
Reviewed by George M.A. Hanfmann

Palestine of the Crusades (p. 620)
Reviewed by Marion E. Blake

Erratum (p. 620)

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American Journal of Archaeology, Volume XLII - 1938 (Number 1-2-3-4)


  • Archaeological Institute of America, , 1938

Price: 95,00 EURO

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