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American Journal of Archaeology, Volume XLV - 1941 (Number 1-2-3-4)


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Category: American Journal of Archaeology: The Journal of the Archaeological Institute of America
Code: 26114
Publisher: Archaeological Institute of America
Publication Date: 1941
Binding: Paper

Archaeological Notes
The Harvard Archaeological Expedition in Ireland (pp. 1–6)
Hugh O?Neill Hencken

The Dumbarton Oaks Collection (pp. 7–17)
Berta Segall

Discovery of Palaeolithic Mural Art (p. 17)
George Grant MacCurdy

The Architectural Background in the Paintings at Dura-Europos (pp. 18–29)
Clark Hopkins

What Is Protocorinthian Geometric Ware? (pp. 30–44)
Saul S. Weinberg

The Origin of Decorative Stucco (pp. 45–61)
Neilson C. Debevoise

Ne Supra Crepidam Sutor Iudicaret (pp. 62–63)
Margarete Bieber

The Gorgon-Hydria from Eretria (pp. 64–69)
D.A. Amyx

Note on a Study of the Acropolis Dedications (p. 70)
A.E. Raubitschek

A Note on the Pediment of the “Tuscan Temple” (pp. 71–72)
Agnes K. Lake

Some New Latin Inscriptions from Spain (pp. 73–80)
G. Bonfante

A Rare Example of Akkadian Sculpture (pp. 81–86)
R.F.S. Starr

Forty-Second General Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America (pp. 87–97)

Archaeological News and Discussions (pp. 98–115)
Stephen B. Luce

Excavations in Palestine and Transjordan in 1940 (pp. 116–117)
Nelson Glueck

Book Reviews
The Cat in Ancient Egypt (p. 118)
By N. Langton and B. Langton
Reviewed by William C. Hayes

The Other Side of the Jordan (pp. 118–120)
By Nelson Glueck
Reviewed by Harold W. Glidden

Kerameikos. Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen. Erster Band. Die Nekropolen des 12. bis 10. Jahrhunderts (pp. 120–122)
By Wilhelm Kraiker, Karl Kübler, and Emil Breitinger
Reviewed by Carl W. Blegen

Perachora (pp. 123–125)
By Humfry Payne
Reviewed by Agnes N. Stillwell

Die Phiale (pp. 125–127)
By Hans Luschey
Reviewed by Edith Hall Dohan

The Tholos of Athens and Its Predecessors, Hesperia, Suppl. IV (pp. 127–129)
By Homer A. Thompson
Reviewed by Oscar Broneer

Grab eines attischen Mädchens (p. 129)
By Ernst Buschor
Reviewed by Gisela M.A. Richter

L?Économie Royale des Lagides (pp. 129–132)
By Claire Préaux
Reviewed by C. Bradford Welles

Bericht über den VI. Internationalen Kongress fur Archäologie, Berlin 21–26. August 1939 (p. 132)
Reviewed by Howard Comfort

Gerasa. City of the Decapolis. An Account Embodying the Record of a Joint Excavation Conducted by Yale University and the British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem (1928–1930), and Yale University and the American Schools of Oriental Research (1930–1931, 1933–1934) (pp. 132–138)
By Carl H. Kraeling
Reviewed by Karl Lehmann-Hartleben

Römische Privatporträts und Prinzenbildnisse. Det. Kgl. Danske Videnskabernes Selskab. Archaeologisk-Kunsthistoriske Meddelelser ii, 5 (pp. 138–139)
By Frederik Poulsen
Reviewed by Valentin Müller

Coins of the Roman Empire in the British Museum. Volume IV. Antoninus Pius to Commodus (pp. 139–140)
By Harold Mattingly
Reviewed by Edward T. Newell

The Cambridge Ancient History. Volume XI: The Imperial Peace. Volume XII: The Imperial Crisis and Recovery (pp. 140–142)
Reviewed by T.R.S. Broughton

The Culture Historical Method of Ethnology. The Scientific Approach to the Racial Question (pp. 142–143)
By Wilhelm Schmidt and S.A. Sieber
Reviewed by Vladimir J. Fewkes

Die Maximianskathedra in Ravenna (pp. 143–145)
By Gunther Wolfgang Morath
Reviewed by C.R. Morey

The Toledo Museum of Art, Catalogue of European Paintings (p. 145)
By Blake-More Godwin
Reviewed by J.C. Sloane, Jr.

The Athenian Archon List in the Light of Recent Discoveries (pp. 145–146)
By William Bell Dinsmoor
Reviewed by Sterling Dow

The Greek City (pp. 146–148)
By A.H.M. Jones
Reviewed by Allan Chester Johnson

Léau, la ville des souvenirs (p. 148)
By Louis Wilmet
Reviewed by J.C. Sloane, Jr.

Manuel de géographie, Syrie, Liban et proche orient: première partie, la peninsule arabique (p. 148)
By L. Dubertet and J. Weuleresse
Reviewed by Harold W. Glidden


Archaeological Notes
Sculpture Newly Exhibited in Baltimore (pp. 153–158)
Dorothy Kent Hill

Two Reconstructions of Greek Grave Monuments (pp. 159–163)
Gisela M.A. Richter

Etruscan Wall Paintings from Fifth-Century Tombs at Tarquinia, Italy (p. 164)

Discovery of Sasanian Mosaics at Shāpūr (p. 165)
Walter Hauser

A Tabula Odysseaca (pp. 166–181)
Kurt Weitzmann

Hellenistische Reliefkeramik im Kerameikos (pp. 182–228)
W. Schwabacher

Megarian Bowls in the Rebecca Darlington Stoddard Collection of Greek and Italian Vases in Yale University (pp. 229–248)
P.V.C. Baur

Prolegomena to the Cypro-Minoan Script (pp. 249–282)
John Franklin Daniel

Archaeological News and Discussions (pp. 283–301)
Stephen B. Luce

Book Reviews
The Prehistory of the Uganda Protectorate (pp. 302–304)
By T.P. O?Brien
Reviewed by H.U. Hall

Explorations in Eastern Palestine, III (pp. 304–307)
By Nelson Glueck
Reviewed by Harold W. Glidden

The Fish-Tailed Monster in Greek and Etruscan Art (pp. 307–308)
By Katharine Shepard
Reviewed by G.W. Elderkin

Inscriptions Grecques et Latines de la Syrie. Tome II: Chalcidique et Antiochène, Nos. 257–698 (p. 308)
By Louis Jalabert and René Mouterde
Reviewed by T.R.S. Broughton

Le Terramare delle Provincie di Modena, Reggio Emilia, Parma, Piacenza (pp. 308–315)
By Gösta Säflund
Reviewed by George M.A. Hanfmann

Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua, Volume VI. Monuments and Documents from Phrygia and Caria (pp. 315–318)
By W.H. Buckler and W.M. Calder
Reviewed by C. Bradford Welles

Birka, Vol. III, Die Textilfunde aus den Gräbern (p. 318)
By Agnes Geijer
Reviewed by H. O?Neill Hencken

Forschungen in Salona, Veröffentlicht vom Archäologischen Institut des Deutschen Reiches, III–Der Altchristliche Friedhof Marusianac (pp. 318–319)
By Ejnar Dyggve and Rudolf Egger
Reviewed by Kenneth John Conant

Le Quartier des Manganes et la Première Region de Constantinople (pp. 319–321)
By R. Demangel and E. Mamboury
Reviewed by Kenneth John Conant

Gli Oggetti Di Avorio e Di Osso Del Museo Sacro Vaticano, Catalogo del Museo Sacro della Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (pp. 321–322)
By C.R. Morey
Reviewed by Wilhelm R. W. Koehler

A Pillared Hall from Madura (p. 322)
By W. Norman Brown
Reviewed by A.K. Coomaraswamy

Art: A Bryn Mawr Symposium (pp. 322–326)
By Richard Bernheimer, Rhys Carpenter, K. Koffka, and Milton C. Nahm
Reviewed by Theodore M. Greene

Medieval Studies in Memory of A. Kingsley Porter (pp. 326–328)
By Wilhelm R.W. Koehler
Reviewed by George Heard Hamilton

Bibliography of Archaeological Books—1940 (pp. 329–332)
David M. Robinson

Archaeological Notes
Nabataean Sculpture in the Cincinnati Art Museum (pp. 337–341)
Richard B. Freeman

A Melian Relief (pp. 342–343)
J.D. Beazley

Prehistoric Cultures Excavated in Southwestern China (pp. 344–345)

Axones (pp. 346–362)
Leicester B. Holland

A Greek Silver Phiale in the Metropolitan Museum (pp. 363–389)
Gisela M.A. Richter

The Use of ΤΟΡΕΥΩ and Related Words (pp. 390–398)
Marjorie J. Milne

An Archaeological Earthquake at Olympia (pp. 399–427)
William Bell Dinsmoor

Archaeological News and Discussions (pp. 428–475)
Stephen B. Luce, H.C., Elizabeth Pierce Blegen and A.W. van Buren

Book Reviews
Prehistoric Communities of the British Isles (pp. 476–478)
By V. Gordon Childe
Reviewed by H. O?Neill Hencken

Congrès International des Sciences Anthropologiques et Ethnologiques, Compte Rendue de la Deuxième Session, Copenhague, 1938 (pp. 478–481)
By Einar Munksgaard
Reviewed by Frederica de Laguna

Sumerische en Babylonische Tempelbouw (pp. 481–482)
By Th. A. Busink
Reviewed by Valentin Müller

Die Älteste Geschichte Vorderasiens (pp. 482–483)
By Bedrich Hrozný
Reviewed by Valentin Müller

The Four Canaanite Temples of Beth-Shan, Part I (pp. 483–485)
By Alan Rowe
Reviewed by G. Ernest Wright

Map of Roman Palestine (pp. 485–486)
By M. Avi-Yonah
Reviewed by G. Ernest Wright

Mnemosynon Theodor Wiegand (pp. 486–487)
Reviewed by George M.A. Hanfmann

The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Handbook of the Etruscan Collection (pp. 487–489)
By Gisela M.A. Richter
Reviewed by George M.A. Hanfmann

An Archaeological Record of Rome from the Seventh to the Second Century B.C. (pp. 489–493)
By Kirsopp Lake, Silva Lake, and Inez Scott Ryberg
Reviewed by George M.A. Hanfmann

Studien über den italischen und den römischen Mars (pp. 493–494)
By Gustav Hermansen and Fritz Glöde
Reviewed by Arthur Darby Nock

The Syrian Tetradrachms of Caracalla and Macrinus (pp. 494–495)
By Alfred R. Bellinger
Reviewed by Paul A. Clement

Inscriptiones Extra Fines Pannoniae Daciaeque Repertae ad res Earundem Provinciarum Pertinentes by Árpadus Dabó; Die Legaten von Moesia (pp. 495–496)
By Arthur Stein
Reviewed by Allan Chester Johnson

Bibliographia Pannonica V, Die Neue literatur über die Römerzeit und die Epoche der Völkerwanderung in Ungarn aus den Jahren 1938 und 1939 (p. 496)
By Andreas Alföldi
Reviewed by Howard Comfort

Das Museum der Prätextat-Katakombe (pp. 496–501)
By Margarete Gütschow
Reviewed by George M.A. Hanfmann

S. Maria Maggiore zu Rom (p. 501)
By August Schuchert
Reviewed by Agnes Addison

Hagia Sophia (pp. 501–503)
By Emerson Howland Swift
Reviewed by E. Baldwin Smith

The Venetians in Athens, 1687–1688 (pp. 503–504)
By James Morton Paton
Reviewed by Theodor E. Mommsen

Glass Vessels before Glass-Blowing (pp. 504–505)
By Poul Fossing
Reviewed by Christine Alexander


Archaeological Notes
Newly Discovered Cave Paintings in Southern France (pp. 509–512)
George Grant MacCurdy

Eightieth Birthday of Georg Steindorff (p. 513)
James Henry Breasted, Jr.

Old Kingdom Sculpture (pp. 514–528)
William Stevenson Smith

A Tragic Chorus on a Vase of 475 B.C. (pp. 529–536)
Margarete Bieber

Notes on Documents of the Roman East (pp. 537–543)
James H. Oliver

The Venetians in Athens and the Destruction of the Parthenon in 1687 (pp. 544–556)
Theodor E. Mommsen

The Site of Akropotamos and the Neolithic Period of Macedonia (pp. 557–576)
George E. Mylonas

A Cabiric Rite (pp. 577–581)
Arthur Darby Nock

Campanian Inscriptions at Yale (pp. 582–586)
H.M. Hoenigswald

A Kyathos by Psiax in the Museo Poldi-Pezzoli (pp. 587–592)
Gisela M.A. Richter

Some Inscriptions on Vases. IV (pp. 593–602)
J.D. Beazley

Gaius and Lucius Caesar? (pp. 603–609)
Franklin P. Johnson

Archaeological News and Discussions (pp. 610–632)
Stephen B. Luce, C.W. B., M.B., S.B.L., J.L.C. and Elizabeth Pierce Blegen

Book Reviews
The Sumerian King-List (pp. 633–634)
By Thorkild Jacobsen
Reviewed by Albrecht Goetze

Lachish II: The Fosse Temple (pp. 634–635)
By Olga Tufnell, Charles H. Inge, and Lankester Harding
Reviewed by G. Ernest Wright

Early Pottery of the Jebeleh Region (pp. 635–636)
By Ann M.H. Ehrich
Reviewed by G. Ernest Wright

Prehistoric Macedonia. An Archaeological Reconnaissance of Greek Macedonia (pp. 636–638)
By W.A. Heurtley
Reviewed by Vladimir J. Fewkes

Arkaeologiske og Kunsthistoriske Afhandlinger tilegnede Frederik Poulsen (pp. 638–640)
Reviewed by Oscar Broneer

The Athenian Tribute Lists: Volume I (pp. 640–644)
By Benjamin Dean Meritt, H.T. Wade-Gery, and Malcolm Francis McGregor
Reviewed by Sterling Dow

Epigraphica Attica (p. 644)
By Benjamin Dean Meritt
Reviewed by Sidney N. Deane

Antioch on-the-Orontes, III, The Excavations, 1937–1939 (pp. 644–646)
By Richard Stillwell
Reviewed by Frank E. Brown

The Greeks in Bactria (pp. 646–648)
By W.W. Tarn
Reviewed by Alfred R. Bellinger

Tabula Imperii Romani, Karte des Römischen Reiches auf der Grundlage der internationalen Karte 1:1,000,000, Blatt M 32, Mainz (pp. 648–649)
By Peter Goessler
Reviewed by Howard Comfort

Daci e Romani in Transilvania (pp. 649–650)
By Andrea Alföldi
Reviewed by Howard Comfort

Indian Art of the United States (p. 650)
By Frederic H. Douglas and Réné d?Harnoncourt
Reviewed by Frederica de Laguna


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American Journal of Archaeology, Volume XLV - 1941 (Number 1-2-3-4)


  • Archaeological Institute of America, , 1941

Price: 95,00 EURO

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