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American Journal of Archaeology, Volume LII - 1948 (Number 1-2-3-4)


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Category: American Journal of Archaeology: The Journal of the Archaeological Institute of America
Code: 26115
Publisher: Archaeological Institute of America
Publication Date: 1948
Binding: Paper

John Franklin Daniel III, 1910–1948

The Greek Penetration of the Black Sea (pp. 1–10)
Rhys Carpenter

Homer and the Art of Writing: A Sketch of Opinion between 1713 and 1939 (pp. 11–23)
H.L. Lorimer

Diaktoros Argeiphontes (pp. 24–33)
Jacqueline Chittenden

Homer, Parry, and Huso (pp. 34–44)
Albert B. Lord

Joshua Whatmough

Weaving or Embroidery? (pp. 51–55)
A.J.B. Wace

Homeric and Mycenaean Burial Customs (pp. 56–81)
George E. Mylonas

The Minoan Scripts: Fact and Theory (pp. 82–103)
Alice E. Kober

The Minoan Script, According to Professor Bedřich Hrozný (pp. 104–106)
John L. Myres

The Dorian Invasion: The Setting (pp. 107–110)
John Franklin Daniel, Oscar Broneer, and H.T. Wade-Gery

What Happened at Athens (pp. 111–114)
Oscar Broneer

What Happened in Pylos? (pp. 115–118)
H.T. Wade-Gery

Notes on Trojan Chronology (pp. 119–122)
John L. Caskey

The Hittite Version of the Hurrian Kumarbi Myths: Oriental Forerunners of Hesiod (pp. 123–134)
Hans Gustav Güterbock

Archaeology in Homeric Asia Minor (pp. 135–155)
George M.A. Hanfmann

New Light on the Early History of the Ancient Near East (pp. 156–164)
Samuel Noah Kramer

Enkomi (pp. 165–177)
C.F.A. Schaeffer

The Cylinder Seals of the Late Cypriote Bronze Age (pp. 178–198)
Edith Porada


Archaeological News (pp. 199–270)
C. Bradford Welles

Necrology: William Sumner Appleton (p. 271)
Stephen B. Luce

Archaeological Digest (pp. 272–290)
C. Bradford Welles

Book Reviews
Folk Tale, Fiction and Saga in the Homeric Epics (pp. 291–298)
By Rhys Carpenter
Reviewed by A. Cameron

Etudes thasiennes I. Le Sanctuaire et le culte d'Herakles a Thasos (pp. 298–301)
By Marcel Launey
Reviewed by Arthur Darby Nock

Le Iscrizione preelleniche di Haghia Triada in Creta e della Grecia peninsulare (pp. 302–303)
By Giovanni Pugliese Carratelli
Reviewed by Alice E. Kober

Minoische Kultverzeichnisse aus Hagia Triada; Über Schilf- und Baumkult in den Hagia Triada Urkunden; Weitere Bemerkungen zu den Hagia Triada Täfelchen I; Weitere Bemerkungen... II Weitere Bemerkungen... III (p. 303)
By Johannes Sundwall
Reviewed by Alice E. Kober

Early Hellenic Pottery of Crete (pp. 304–305)
By Doro Levi
Reviewed by Saul S. Weinberg

Perseus and the Gorgon (p. 305)
By Cornelia Steketee Hulst
Reviewed by John L. Caskey

The Rise and Fall of the Middle Kingdom in Thebes (pp. 305–307)
By H.E. Winlock
Reviewed by William Stevenson Smith

Thymele. Recherches sur la signification et la destination des monuments circulaires dans l?architecture religieuse de la Grèce (pp. 307–310)
By Fernand Robert
Reviewed by Leicester B. Holland

The Orient and Greece to the Partition of the Empire of Alexander the Great (p. 310)
By C.E. van Sickle
Reviewed by Truesdell S. Brown

An Attempt at Assigning Phonetic Values to Certain Signs of Minoan, Linear Class B (pp. 311–320)
Johannes Sundwall and A.E. Kober

An Insulting Latin Graffito (pp. 321–322)
Howard Comfort

The Elogia of Julius Caesar?s Father (pp. 323–330)
T. Robert S. Broughton

A Greek Terracotta Head and the “Corinthian” School of Terracotta Sculpture (pp. 331–335)
Gisela M.A. Richter

Hymn to Hermes (pp. 336–340)
J.D. Beazley

Notes on the Xanthippos Ostrakon (pp. 341–343)
Oscar Broneer

Archaeological News (pp. 344–372)
Frederick Johnson

Forty-Ninth General Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America (pp. 373–381)

Archaeological Digest (pp. 382–406)
C. Bradford Welles

Book Reviews
German Readings in the History and Theory of Fine Arts, I. Greek and Roman Art (p. 407)
By Margarete Bieber
Reviewed by Sara Anderson Immerwahr

Apes, Giants, and Man (pp. 407–408)
By Franz Weidenreich
Reviewed by Robert W. Ehrich

Frumuşica, village prehistorique a ceramique peinte dans la Moldavie du nord Roumanie (pp. 408–409)
By C. Matasǎ
Reviewed by Robert J. Braidwood

Zu den Schicksalen Siebenbürgens im Altertum (pp. 409–410)
By Andreas Alföldi
Reviewed by J.F. Gilliam

Fouilles de Glanum (pp. 410–411)
By H. Rolland
Reviewed by Phyllis Pray Bober

Alguns aspectos de Germania antiga atraves dos autores classicos (pp. 411–412)
By Pedro Moacyr Campos
Reviewed by Paul MacKendrick

Cylindres et cachets orientaux conserves dans les collections suisses (pp. 412–413)
By Elie Borowski
Reviewed by Albrecht Goetze

Die Frühgeschichte des jüdischen Volkes (p. 413)
By Fritz Helling
Reviewed by Emil G. Kraeling

By George Bakalakis
Reviewed by George E. Mylonas

Vom Sinn der griechischen Standbilder (pp. 414–415)
By Ernst Buschor
Reviewed by A.E. Raubitschek

Die Münzen der sizilischen Stadt Naxos (pp. 415–416)
By Herbert A. Cahn
Reviewed by Agnes Baldwin Brett

The Coinage of Rhesaena in Mesopotamia (pp. 416–417)
By Karel O. Castelin
Reviewed by Tom B. Jones

Baalbek-Palmyra (p. 417)
By Hoyningen-Huene and David M. Robinson
Reviewed by F.O. Waage

The Excavations at Dura-Europos. Preliminary Report of the Ninth Season of Work, 1935–1936. Part ii, The Necropolis (pp. 417–418)
By N.P. Toll
Reviewed by P.J. Riis

Das altrömische Eponyme Amt (pp. 418–420)
By Krister Hanell
Reviewed by Aline Abaecherli Boyce

An Early Manuscript of the Aesop Fables of Avianus and Related Manuscripts (pp. 420–421)
By Adolph Goldschmidt
Reviewed by Adolph Katzenellenbogen

Antike und Renaissance. Ueber Nachleben und Weiterwirken der Alten in der neueren Kunst (pp. 421–423)
By Arnold von Salis
Reviewed by William Heckscher

Indians before Columbus, Twenty Thousand Years of North American Archaeology (p. 424)
By Paul S. Martin, George I. Quimby, and Donald Collier
Reviewed by Frederica de Laguna

The Code of Lipit-Ishtar (pp. 425–450)
Francis Rue Steele

International Congress of Prehistoric and Proto-Historic Sciences (pp. 451–452)
C.F.C. Hawkes

Miniature Panathenaics (p. 452)
David M. Robinson

Weaving or Embroidery (p. 452)
Alan J.B. Wace

Necrology: James Chidester Egbert (p. 453)
Stephen B. Luce

Archaeological Digest (pp. 454–461)
C. Bradford Welles

Scandinavia: A Bibliography (pp. 462–467)

Book Reviews
Chateaux turcs du Bosphore (pp. 468–469)
By Albert Gabriel
Reviewed by Walter L. Wright, Jr.

La Era Nahoa (p. 469)
By J. Verdeja Sousse
Reviewed by G. Kubler

Arraial do Tijuco Cidade de Diamantina (p. 469)
By Aires da Mata Machado Filho
Reviewed by G. Kubler

Instituiçōes de Igrejas no Bispado de Mariana (p. 469)
By Cônego Raimundo Trinadade
Reviewed by G. Kubler

Padre Jesuino do Monte Carmelo (p. 469)
By Mario de Andrade
Reviewed by G. Kubler

Tello: Vingt campagnes de fouilles (1877–1933) (p. 469)
By André Parrot
Reviewed by Theophile J. Meek

Die ältere Kupfer-Steinzeit Palästinas und der bandkeramische Kulturkreis (pp. 469–470)
By A. Jirku
Reviewed by W.F. Albright

Tell En-Naṣbeh. Vol. i., Archaeological and Historical Results, by Chester Charlton McCown; Tell En-Naṣbeh. Vol. ii., The Pottery, by Joseph Carson Wampler (pp. 470–472)
Reviewed by G. Ernest Wright

The Excavations at Dura-Europos, Final Report IV, Part III, The Lamps (pp. 472–473)
By P.V.C. Bauer
Reviewed by F.O. Waagé

The Cairo Geniza (pp. 473–474)
By Paul E. Kahle
Reviewed by Harry M. Orlinsky

Ars Hispaniae: Historia universal del arte hispanico. Vol. 1. Arte Prehistorico (pp. 474–480)
By Martin Almagro and Antonio Garcia y Bellido
Reviewed by Rhys Carpenter

In the Workshop of the Erechtheion (pp. 485–489)
Philip H. Davis and Leicester B. Holland

The Olympian Stadium, the Echo Colonnade and an “Archaeological Earthquake” (pp. 490–496)
Emil Kunze and Hans Weber

Archaeological News (pp. 497–533)
C. Bradford Welles

Bibliography of Archaeological Books—1947 (pp. 534–544)
David M. Robinson


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American Journal of Archaeology, Volume LII - 1948 (Number 1-2-3-4)


  • Archaeological Institute of America, , 1948

Price: 95,00 EURO

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