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American Journal of Archaeology, Volume 57 - 1953 (Number 1-2-3-4)


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Category: American Journal of Archaeology: The Journal of the Archaeological Institute of America
Code: 26117
Publisher: Archaeological Institute of America
Publication Date: 1953
Binding: Paper


The Foundations of the Arch of Augustus (pp. 1–4)
Leicester Bodine Holland

Unpublished Greek Gold Jewelry and Gems (pp. 5–19)
David M. Robinson

Excavations in the Athenian Agora, 1952 (pp. 21–25)
Homer A. Thompson

Book Reviews
The Excavation of Medinet Habu, Vol. IV: The Mortuary Temple of Ramses III, Part II (pp. 27–28)
By Uvo Hölscher and Elizabeth B. Hauser
Reviewed by Nora Scott

Tutankhamun?s Treasure (pp. 28–29)
By Penelope Fox
Reviewed by Nora Scott

Vounous 1937–38: Field-Report on the Excavations Sponsored by the British School of Archaeology at Athens (p. 29)
By Eleanor Stewart and James Stewart
Reviewed by Saul S. Weinberg

Opuscula Archaeologica Vol. VI (pp. 29–31)
Reviewed by Saul S. Weinberg

Hispania Graeca (pp. 31–37)
By Antonio García and Bellido
Reviewed by H.R.W. Smith

By Carl Weickert
Reviewed by William B. Dinsmoor

Architektonische Terrakottaplatten in Stockholm (p. 38)
By Åke Åkerström
Reviewed by Hazel Palmer

The Sculpture and Sculptors of the Greeks (pp. 38–39)
By Gisela M.A. Richter
Reviewed by D.A. Amyx

Classical Myths in Sculpture (p. 40)
By Walter Raymond Agard
Reviewed by Dietrich von Bothmer

Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum. Oesterreich fasc. 1, Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum fasc. 1 (pp. 40–41)
By Fritz Eichler
Reviewed by J.D. Beazley

Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum. Deutschland fasc. 7, Karlsruhe, Badisches Landesmuseum fasc. 1 (pp. 41–42)
By German Hafner
Reviewed by Dietrich von Bothmer

Das Kentaurenbild des Zeuxis (pp. 42–43)
By Wilhelm Kraiker
Reviewed by Margarete Bieber

Tonarten und Stimmungen der antiken Musik (pp. 43–44)
By Otto Johannes Gombosi
Reviewed by Gustave Reese

Répertoire des inscriptions et monuments figurés du culte de Jupiter Dolichenus (p. 44)
By Pierre Merlat
Reviewed by Phyllis Pray Bober

Hadrian und seine Villa bei Tivoli (pp. 44–46)
By Heinz Kähler
Reviewed by Herbert Bloch

The Dome: A Study in the History of Ideas (pp. 46–47)
By E. Baldwin Smith
Reviewed by Raymond V. Schoder

Il ritratto bronzeo di Costantino del Museo di Cividale. Contributo all? iconografia del IV secolo (p. 47)
By Sandro Stucchi
Reviewed by Margarete Bieber

Taxila. An Illustrated Account of the Archaeological Excavations Carried Out at Taxila under the Orders of the Government of India between the Years 1913 and 1934 (pp. 47–49)
By John Marshall
Reviewed by Alexander Soper

Tauschierte Metallarbeiten des Nordens aus Römerzeit und Völkerwanderung (pp. 49–50)
By Wilhelm Holmqvist
Reviewed by William H. Forsyth

Radiocarbon Dating (pp. 50–52)
By Frederick Johnson
Reviewed by Alex D. Krieger

Early Man in the Eden Valley (pp. 52–53)
By John H. Moss
Reviewed by John L. Cotter

Kincaid. A Prehistoric Illinois Metropolis (pp. 53–55)
By Fay-Cooper Cole
Reviewed by John C. McGregor

Archaeological Survey in the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley, 1940–1947 (pp. 55–57)
By Philip Phillips, James A. Ford, and James B. Griffin
Reviewed by Charlie R. Steen

Excavations in Big Hawk Valley, Wupatki National Monument, Arizona (pp. 57–58)
By Watson Smith
Reviewed by Albert H. Schroeder


The Palace of Nestor Excavations at Pylos, 1952 (pp. 59–64)
Carl W. Blegen

Ernst H. Kantorowicz

Marble in Attic Epigraphy (pp. 71–83)
Norman Herz and W. Kendrick Pritchett

Studies in Greek Mythology and Vase-Painting (pp. 85–94)
Christoph Clairmont

The Date of the Temple of Poseidon at Paestum (pp. 95–101)
Carla Gottlieb

Fifty-Fourth General Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America (1952) (pp. 104–112)

Sir Arthur Wallace Pickard-Cambridge (pp. 113–114)
Margarete Bieber

Rollin Harvelle Tanner (p. 114)
Louis E. Lord

Book Reviews
Olduvai Gorge: A Report on the Evolution of the Hand-Axe Culture in Beds I–IV (p. 115)
By L.S.B. Leakey
Reviewed by Hallam L. Movius, Jr.

The Prehistoric Chamber Tombs of England and Wales (pp. 115–116)
By Glyn E. Daniel
Reviewed by Hugh Hencken

The Prehistory of Japan (pp. 116–117)
By Gerard J. Groot and Bertram S. Kraus
Reviewed by Hiroshi Daifuku

Kharga Oasis in Prehistory (pp. 117–119)
By G. Caton-Thompson
Reviewed by William C. Hayes

Catalogue des Sarcophages et Cercueils Égyptiens (p. 119)
By Otto Koefoed-Petersen
Reviewed by William C. Hayes

The Old Egyptian Medical Papyri (pp. 119–121)
By Chauncey D. Leake
Reviewed by Nora Scott

Egyptian Art in the Brooklyn Museum Collection (p. 121)
By John D. Cooney
Reviewed by Nora Scott

Pottery from the Diyala Region (pp. 121–123)
By Pinhas Delougaz
Reviewed by William Kelly Simpson

Excavations at Tepe Gawra: Vol. II: Levels IX–XX (pp. 123–125)
By Arthur J. Tobler
Reviewed by William Kelly Simpson

Ur Excavation Texts III. Business Documents of the Third Dynasty of Ur (pp. 125–128)
By Léon Legrain
Reviewed by Thorkild Jacobsen

Altsyrien. Kunst und Handwerk in Cypern, Syrien, Palästina, Transjordanien und Arabien von den Aufängen bis zum völligen Aufgehen in der griechisch-römischen Kultur (pp. 128–130)
By Helmut Th. Bossert
Reviewed by Charles K. Wilkinson

Gerico e Dintorni (p. 130)
By P. Agostino Augustinović
Reviewed by Raymond V. Schoder

Swedish Archaeological Bibliography, 1939–1948 (pp. 130–131)
By Sverker Janson and Olof Vessberg
Reviewed by Erik Sjöqvist

Festschrift Andreas Rumpf (pp. 131–134)
Reviewed by Margarete Bieber

Greek and Roman Antiquities. A Guide to the Classical Collection (p. 134)
By George H. Chase
Reviewed by Christine Alexander

Horoi. Studies in Mortgage, Real Security, and Land Tenure in Ancient Athens (pp. 134–136)
By John V.A. Fine
Reviewed by R.J. Hopper

Dedications from the Athenian Akropolis; A Catalogue of the Inscriptions of the Sixth and Fifth Centuries B.C. (pp. 136–138)
By Antony E. Raubitschek
Reviewed by Günther Klaffenbach

Das Parisurteil in der antiken Kunst (pp. 138–140)
By Christoph Clairmont
Reviewed by Dietrich von Bothmer

Thessalische Mythologie (p. 140)
By Paula Philippson
Reviewed by Ludwig Edelstein

Cults, Myths, Oracles, and Politics in Ancient Greece, with Two Appendices: The Ionian Phylae, the Phratries (pp. 140–143)
By Martin P. Nilsson
Reviewed by Marjorie J. Milne

The Development of Attic Black-Figure (pp. 143–144)
By J.D. Beazley
Reviewed by Barbara Philippaki

Il Ritratto di Pitagora. Nota ad un ritratto fisionomico Greco del V secolo (pp. 144–145)
By Sandro Stucchi
Reviewed by Margarete Bieber

Die Kunst von Pergamon (pp. 145–146)
By Arnold Schober
Reviewed by Gisela M.A. Richter

The Origins and History of the Proconsular and the Propraetorian Imperium to 27 B.C. (pp. 146–148)
By Wilhelmina Feemster Jashemski
Reviewed by Lily Ross Taylor

The Magistrates of the Roman Republic (pp. 148–149)
By T. Robert S. Broughton
Reviewed by F.W. Adams

Roman Civilization: Selected Readings (pp. 149–150)
By Naphtali Lewis and Meyer Reinhold
Reviewed by Arthur E. Gordon

Arte e gusto negli scrittori latini (pp. 150–151)
By Giovanni Becatti
Reviewed by Arthur E. Gordon

The Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania (pp. 151–152)
By J.M. Reynolds and J.B. Ward Perkins
Reviewed by Arthur E. Gordon

Stadt und Imperium. Köln in römischer Zeit. 1. Die Anfänge der Stadt Köln und die Ubier (pp. 152–153)
By Hermann Schmitz
Reviewed by T. Robert S. Broughton

Figürlich geschliffene Gläser—Eine Kölner Werkstatt des 3. Jahrhunderts (pp. 153–154)
By Fritz Fremersdorf
Reviewed by Ray Winfield Smith

Untersuchungen an den Caracallathermen (pp. 154–155)
By Erika Brödner
Reviewed by Erik Sjöqvist

L?Autel monumental de Baalbek (pp. 155–156)
By Paul Collart and Pierre Coupel
Reviewed by C. Bradford Welles

Lagore Crannog. An Irish Royal Residence of the Seventh to Tenth Centuries A.D. (pp. 156–157)
By Hugh Hencken
Reviewed by William H. Forsyth

English Medieval Sculpture (pp. 157–158)
By Arthur Gardner
Reviewed by Harry Bober

La Basilica di S. Lorenzo Maggiore in Milano (pp. 158–159)
By A. Calderini, G. Chierici, and C. Cecchelli
Reviewed by Emerson H. Swift

Excavations at Nebaj, Guatemala (pp. 159–160)
By A. Ledyard Smith and Alfred V. Kidder
Reviewed by Stephen F. de Borhegyi

The Archaeology of the Santa Elena Peninsula in South-West Ecuador (pp. 160–162)
By G.H.S. Bushnell
Reviewed by John M. Corbett

Egyptian Deities in Asia Minor in Inscriptions and on Coins (pp. 163–187)
David Magie

Foreign Influence and Native Invention in Archaic Greek Altars (pp. 189–195)
Herbert Hoffmann

Further Notes on Liquid Rubber (pp. 197–198)
W. Kendrick Pritchett

The Erechtheum Workmen (pp. 199–210)
Richard H. Randall, Jr.

News Letter from Rome (pp. 211–218)
A.W. van Buren

Book Reviews
Volksglaube im Pharaonenreich (p. 219)
By Günther Roeder
Reviewed by Samuel A.B. Mercer

City of Shepherd Kings, by W.M. Flinders Petrie; Ancient Gaza V, by Ernest J.H. Mackay and M.A. Murray (pp. 219–221)
Reviewed by William Kelly Simpson

The Near East and the Foundations for Civilization: An Essay in Appraisal of the General Evidence (pp. 221–222)
By Robert J. Braidwood
Reviewed by William Kelly Simpson

Archaeologica Orientalia in Memoriam Ernst Herzfeld (pp. 222–223)
By George C. Miles
Reviewed by William Kelly Simpson

Ha-Elah Anat: Canaanite Epics of the Patriarchal Age (pp. 223–224)
By Moshe David Cassuto
Reviewed by Jonas C. Greenfield

Troy. The Third, Fourth, and Fifth Settlements (pp. 224–226)
By Carl W. Blegen, John L. Caskey, and Marion Rawson
Reviewed by Porphyrios Dikaios

Corinth: Results of Excavations Conducted by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Volume I, Part 3, Monuments in the Lower Agora and North of the Archaic Temple (pp. 226–227)
By Robert L. Scranton
Reviewed by Robert E. Carter

Excavations at Olynthus: Part XIV: Terracottas, Lamps and Coins Found in 1934 and 1938 (pp. 227–228)
By David M. Robinson
Reviewed by R.C. Wood

Archaische Schildbänder. Ein Beitrag zur frühgriechischen Bildgeschichte und Sagenüberlieferung (pp. 228–230)
By Emil Kunze
Reviewed by Machteld J. Mellink

Over den oorsprong van de Grieksche grafstele (pp. 230–233)
By Elise van Hall
Reviewed by George M.A. Hanfmann

Calamide, Bibliografia e sviluppe della questione dalle origini ai nostri giorni, by Piero Orlandini; Skopas, a cura di Paolo Enrico Arias. Quaderni e guide di archeologia, by R. Bianchi Bandinelli and Luisa Banti (pp. 233–234)
Reviewed by Margarete Bieber

Choes and Anthesteria (pp. 234–235)
By G. van Hoorn
Reviewed by David M. Robinson

Studien zur vortanagräisch-attischen Koroplastik (pp. 235–236)
By Bernhard Neutsch
Reviewed by R.C. Wood

Sidon. Aménagements antiques du Port de Saida (p. 236)
By A. Poidebard, J. Lauffray, an R.P.R. Mouterde
Reviewed by C. Bradford Welles

Roman Wall Paintings from Boscoreale in the Metropolitan Museum of Art (pp. 237–240)
By Phyllis Williams Lehmann
Reviewed by Margarete Bieber

Megarische Becher im römisch-germanischen Zentralmuseum zu Mainz (p. 241)
By Theodor Kraus
Reviewed by Howard Comfort

Elementos para o estudo da “terra sigillata” em Portugual I, Marcas de oleiro encontradas no Pais (pp. 241–242)
By J.M. Bairrão Oleiro
Reviewed by Howard Comfort

I Fasti Consolari dell?Impero Romano dal 30 avanti Cristo al 613 dopo Cristo (pp. 242–243)
By Attilio Degrassi
Reviewed by Joyce S. and Arthur E. Gordon

Corrections: Herz, Pritchett, Clairmont (p. 243)

Boeotian Vases with Women?s Heads (pp. 245–249)
A.D. Ure

Herakles and Omphale (pp. 251–263)
Elmer G. Suhr

A Bronze Statuette of a Negro (pp. 265–267)
Dorothy Kent Hill

Illustrations to Aeschylos? Tetralogy on the Perseus Theme (pp. 269–275)
Thalia Phillies Howe

The Arapides Oinochoe (pp. 277–280)
Chrysoula Kardara

Correction: Fifty-Fourth General Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America (1952) (p. 280)

News Letter from Greece (pp. 281–286)
Eugene Vanderpool

Book Reviews
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Reliefs, and Paintings. VII. Nubia, the Deserts, and Outside Egypt (p. 287)
By Bertha Porter and Rosalind L.B. Mos
Reviewed by Bernard V. Bothmer

Anatolian Studies; Orientalia Suecana (pp. 287–288)
Reviewed by William Kelly Simpson

The Hittites (p. 288)
By O.R. Gurney
Reviewed by Machteld J. Mellink

Enkomi-Alasia. Nouvelles missions en Chypre, 1946–1950 (pp. 288–290)
By Claude F.A. Schaeffer
Reviewed by Mary H. Swindler

Essai de classification de la céramique mycénienne d?Enkomi (Campagnes 1946 et 1947) (pp. 290–291)
By Etienne Coche de la Ferté
Reviewed by Sara A. Immerwahr

Archäologie I. Einleitung, Historischer Ueberblick (p. 291)
By Andreas Rumpf
Reviewed by Dietrich von Bothmer

Corinth: Results of Excavations Conducted by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Volume XII, the Minor Objects (pp. 291–293)
By Gladys R. Davidson
Reviewed by R.C. Wood

Archaic Marble Sculpture from the Acropolis (p. 293)
By Humfry Payne and Gerard Mackworth Young
Reviewed by Dietrich von Bothmer

Three Critical Periods in Greek Sculpture (pp. 293–294)
By Gisela M.A. Richter
Reviewed by Dorothy Kent Hill

Altattische Malerei (pp. 294–295)
By Karl Kübler
Reviewed by D.A. Amyx

Zur griechischen Vasenmalerei des 6. bis 4. Jahrhunderts vor Christus (p. 296)
By Erwin Bielefeld
Reviewed by Dietrich von Bothmer

Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum. Deutschland, Band 8, Karlsruhe, Badisches Landesmuseum, Band 2 (pp. 296–297)
By German Hafner
Reviewed by Frances Follin Jones

Sylloge Numorum Graecorum vol. 3: The Lockett Collection, Part 5, Lesbos-Cyrenaica (p. 297)
Reviewed by Agnes B. Brett

The Stevensweert Kantharos (pp. 297–298)
By Leo H. Brom
Reviewed by Dorothy Kent Hill

Pompeii alla luce degli scavi nuovi di Via dell?Abbondanza (anni 1910–1923) (pp. 298–300)
By Vittorio Spinazzola and Salvatore Aurigemma
Reviewed by A.W. van Buren

Vorlaeufiger Bericht über die Ausgrabungen in Side im Jahre 1947 (pp. 300–302)
By Arif Müfid Mansel, Emin Bosch, and Jale Inan
Reviewed by C. Bradford Welles

Papyri and Ostraca from Karanis, Second Series (pp. 302–305)
By Herbert Chayyim Youtie and John Garrett Winter
Reviewed by C. Bradford Welles

Roman Sources of Christian Art (p. 305)
By Emerson H. Swift
Reviewed by Kenneth John Conant

Konstantins Kirche am heiligen Grab in Jerusalem nach den ältesten literarischen Zeugnissen (pp. 305–306)
By Erik Wistrand
Reviewed by Kenneth John Conant

Archaic Chinese Jades from the Collection of Edward and Louise B. Sonnenschein (pp. 306–308)
By Alfred Salmony
Reviewed by Aschwin Lippe

A Catalogue of the Chinese Bronzes in the Alfred F. Pillsbury Collection (pp. 308–309)
By Bernhard Karlgren
Reviewed by Aschwin Lippe

American Indians in the Pacific. The Theory behind the Kon-Tiki Expedition (p. 309)
By Thor Heyerdahl
Reviewed by Erik K. Reed

Les civilisations precolombiennes (pp. 309–310)
By Henri Lehmann
Reviewed by Erik K. Reed

The Civilizations of Ancient America, Selected Papers of the XXIXthe International Congress of Americanists (pp. 310–312)
By Sol Tax
Reviewed by Stephen F. de Borhegyt

The Spiro Mound (pp. 312–313)
By Henry W. Hamilton
Reviewed by Charlie R. Steen

Prehistoric Southwesterners from Basketmaker to Pueblo (pp. 313–314)
By Charles Avery Amsden
Reviewed by J.O. Brew

Cultural Stratigraphy in the Viru Valley, Northern Peru: The Formative and Florescent Epochs (pp. 314–316)
By William Duncan Strong and Clifford Evans
Reviewed by Richard P. Schaedel

Archeology of Eastern United States (pp. 316–319)
By James B. Griffin
Reviewed by Frank M. Setzler

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American Journal of Archaeology, Volume 57 - 1953 (Number 1-2-3-4)


  • Archaeological Institute of America, , 1953

Price: 95,00 EURO

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